Hate the candidates, what now?


New member
Am I alone in this? I'm reading the news and thinking if it comes down to either Hillary or Juan McCain - which is the lessor of two evils? Both are anti gun and weak with the border and security. How do you choose how to vote when you hate both?

Back when it took two busses to transport the Republican candidates to a debate I swore I’d never vote for Guliani, Romney or McCain.

I still won’t.

Twelve times I’ve held my nose, stifled my gag-reflex and voted for the presidential candidate that seemed to be the lesser of the two evils. This may very well be my last Presidential election and I will not squander my vote because someone else is worried about who “might” win. I lived through Carter, LBJ and Billie Jeff Clinton and I can make it through Hillibama too!
Both are anti gun and weak with the border and security.

McCain's only a little weak on the gun issue... you should be used to voting for the lesser of two evils by now, so just vote for McCain and fuggetaboutit.
At the risk of straying off topic.

1: Mr. McCain is a military veteran. He has significant battle experience and refused an out-of order POW repatriation. Hillary's battle experience consists primarily of watching Bill send a doomed expeditionary force to Somalia, bomb pharmaceutical factories, embargo freedom fighters in the former Yugoslavia, burn out civilians in Texas, return a child to Cuba at gunpoint. Pretty big difference.

2: Mr. McCain has a voting record of over 90% pro-RKBA and realizes that many or his voters are pro-RKBA. Hillary is firmly of the 2A collectivist school of thought. Pretty big difference.

3: Mr. McCain seems to realize the facts that the first 200 years we had an open border it didn't kill us, the majority of Mexicans who come here have a good work ethic and are decent people, the way you shut off illegal immigration is you make employers responsible. Hillary just seems to realize that most of the people who vote for her can't function without government help so they need cheap labor. Pretty big difference.

4. Mr. McCain is an independent - turned - Republican holds substantial political views are similar to Mr. Paul's, but he knows how to articulate them in a way the average centrist can understand. Hillary started out as a reactionary conservative firebrand then converted to radical liberalism, then finally just became an opportunist. Pretty big difference.

5. Probably the easiest way to tell which is the right candidate:
If you normally vote before or after work, vote for Mr. McCain.
If you normally get up, read the paper, stop at the barbershop for a while, go vote then drop in at the dog track to bet a couple of early races, then vote for Hillary. :cool:
just a bit off the wall

MeekAnd Mild I think you might be a bit off the wall with item 5. Your implying all the Democrats are rich white folks who have money and all the Republicans are just poor common working folks. A myth that has no basis in fact. Perhaps you don't follow who is making the big contributions to the Republicans. It sure is not the guy working 9 to 5 on an assembly line.

Given the wealth in this country I doubt you can ever put the wealthy into one party or the other.

It sure seems poth parties are able to hols those $ 2,000 a plate dinners to a full house. How many hourly workers buy a ticket?
If you normally get up, read the paper, stop at the barbershop for a while, go vote then drop in at the dog track to bet a couple of early races, then vote for Hillary.

Thank you made my decision easy, one vote for Hillary.:D

I agree with Oldphart on this the lesser of two evils to some may be
McCain however he will never receive my vote.
My wife and I are in our fifties and have worked ourselves up from nothing to having a nice house and a secure future.

The democrats offer us nothing but the opportunity to pay for other people's family planning mistakes.
The democrats offer us nothing but the opportunity to pay for other people's family planning mistakes.

Problem is...is that the GOP is no different. Look at them feeling all good for themselves on the stimulus package....which is a joke.

Does anybody REALLY believe John McCain thinks he is wrong on his past views being against tax cuts????

Its clear the GOP voter wants to stay in Iraq for 100years and be for moderate Pro-govt at home.........go luck winning general elections trying to be democrat-lite. (The "me too" platform doesnt work)

Thanks for splashing some much-needed cold water on the faces of the McCain whiners.

This country will survive McHillma.

Suck it up and vote McCain. Get over it.

If McCain is elected president, true conservativism will be doomed.

He will redefine "conservative" to mean what we now think of as moderate or centrist. Left-wing liberals who like to call themselves "progressives" will become the new centrists and everyone will slide over to the left a notch or two while the folks on the far-right will fall off into the abyss.

A McCain presidency will be worse for conservativism in this country than President Hillary or Obama. At this point, barring a miracle come-back for Huckabee, the best hope that conservatives have is for a liberal to be elected president in November.

President Bill Clinton was the catalyst for the NRA to break all-time membership records ten years ago. This solidified the RKBA in this country at the state level and guaranteed that the '94 AWB would sunset. Likewise, a liberal in the White House will force conservatives to rally together to defend against their leftist agenda. It will take a lesson like First Gentleman William J. Clinton to teach conservatives to not compromise on essentials.

I will not vote for McCain. I will not compromise.
toybox99615 I didn't say they were rich. Just idle. Most of the Dems I know aren't rich (except for the union bosses and million dollar farmers). ;)

Mrs. Meek is a poll worker and she pays attention to who comes at what time so I'm not pulling this observation out of my democratic donkey. If you don't believe it why don't you do a survey at your own polling place and let me know what you find. The rank and file workers in the unions might be up to half or 2/3 Democrats but I'd be willing to say most of what else you'll see will be a whole lot of Dems spending a whole lot of free government money.
TheBluesMan with all due respect for your wisdom and general understanding of people IMHO the only "real" job of the president is Commander In Chief of the armed forces. Everything else is quibbling over where to put HMS Titanic's deck chairs for the cruise.

Neither Democrat has what it takes to keep the WOT offshore. :(
Neither Democrat has what it takes to keep the WOT offshore.
I can't disagree with you there.

Unfortunately, with our government moving more toward the left every year, we won't have to worry much about foreign terrorists. The biggest threat to our freedom will be those fine folks we all elected to serve us. McCain is one of the worst. :(
Tuesday awareness day

Meek last Tuesday was awareness day for me. I live in a fairly small town with a military population (including spouses) that exceeds the town and surrounding area. On Tuesday I saw the biggest turnout ever at both parties caucus. A turn out 4 times any know turnout in twenty years. Alaska is a strong Republican state and has been since it became a state. Tuesday was an eye opener as I saw the wildest cross section of people from this community at both meetings. Both parties claim 25% of those in attendance were there after changing affiliations from one party to another. Neither meeting had any signs of a presence of our local military population. I've been going to these same meeting for the last 15 years (more or less) and lived here for 35 years.

Things are changing here and I'd bet they are changing elsewhere. The old beliefs of who a Republican and whose a Democrat are going by the way side. Possibly becasue both sides are more interested in staying in office than serving the voters. The only stead fast group of voters appears to be the military remaining predominantly Republican.

Now those are my observations. Maybe you see things different where you are. But IMHO voters are looking for something other than status quo candidates. Both parties are trying to present that view.

Bye the way I agree about the Titantic.
Again, folks...

For those who have not been alive long enough to see the pattern...

You might think that voting for the lesser of two evils is the practical and pragmatic thing to do, but after you have done that enough times, you start to realize that the "opposition" is controlled, and hence, is no opposition at all.

The choice, perennially, is the Bolsheviks or the Mensheviks.

You choose.

McCain is a Democrat the only difference between him and other party is he prefers to stay in Iraq 100 years if necessary problem is will our economy sustain another 10 years.