Has there ever been a push to buy more guns, make bans more difficult?

It's a really, really simple one: many liberals do support gun rights, and many others are on the fence about the issue. When we attack "liberals" as some sort of monolithic group, we will very likely alienate these people. Keep in mind that we aren't just preaching to the choir here -- we are representing gun owners to the public at large.

I agree. If someone is anti-gun, does it really matter what political party they are affiliated with regarding your 2nd Amendment rights?
The number of guns is totally irrelevant when it comes to stopping a ban from being passed.
Several local FFLs told me there was a guy buying up receivers from them a couple years ago. As in, here is my credit card and if you get one in stock or can order one, just put it on my credit card. Guy apparently has 1000+ lowers. Rumors, but I am also acquainted with people who I am pretty sure have 50+ military style semi-auto rifles. Most of those I know who own one own three to five.
If there are ~30 million military style semi-autos in the US, there may only be one million owners. Less than 1/3% of the population. That doesn't count for much in the political system.

One of landlord friends with operations considerably larger than mine always checks new buildings with a metal detector. He has found enough firearms behind drywall to make it worth his while. Hard to know how many of those are out there.
The best seller of anything is a person in power demanding those be taken away.

The "War on Drugs" is an excellent example, along with Prohibition. I would not have joined the NRA or registered to vote except for President Bill Clinton and his "Assault Weapons" ban.
In a Post-Heller world, the proliferation of certain types of firearm does at least add some layer of protection to ownership.

Heller stated that those firearms which are commonly kept for self-defense are protected under the Second Amendment. So, an assault weapons ban might come and ban the UZI, the FAL, the M2 Browning, the UK59 belt fed machine gun (random examples) and get away with it in court. However, they would at the very least have to acknowledge and pay lip service to the idea that 14 million (running with the number proposed above) AR15 style firearms in public hands, many of those kept for the purposes of self-defense, would seem to make them a protected class of firearm.

If I remember correctly, there was a circuit court that decided along these lines but has been overturned.