Has the firearms market dried up in your area?

A guy wanting $700 for a plane-Jane A2 milspec 16" PTAC. I emailed him the link to the PSA website where it was on sale $400 and asked if he'd take that for it. He said "I paid $800 at a gunshow and I need $700 out of it."

IIRC they were going for about $750 retail before Sandyhook. He won't see it without another panic. I do think we are at a market bottom.
It's not just guns, it's accessories as well.

As an aside, it doesn't help that every tom, dick, and harry now runs an FFL out of their shed (I mean "business") and advertises primarily on Armslist. Used to be Armslist was mostly about private sales... now it's mostly gun dealers advertising the same gun that every other gun dealer is trying to sell. I would hate to have an actual gun store with overhead right now as I think it would be hard to compete. Yes, prices have been driven down and that's not always a bad thing... but a worker is worth his wages. It also makes it much more difficult to get a decent price from a used gun.
I'd call it the Lull before the storm. Come November 9, expect guns to be flying off the shelf, if the last 8 years is any predictor. :mad: