Has the firearms market dried up in your area?


New member
I have recently found that it is nearly impossible to sell a firearm locally. Over the last six months I have tried to sell three guns (Sig Sauer p224, Smith & Wesson 360j, and Smith & Wesson M&P 40). The 360j took about a month to sell and even then I ended up having to meet a guy halfway that lived 4 hours away from me. The p224 and the M&P 40 on the other hand just sat on my local sales website without anyone even sending me an email about them. I have lowered the price on both of them little by little to the point that I would rather keep them than lower them anymore. The prices got down to $425 for the Sig and $360 for the M&P which I would consider to be really good prices since both were in near perfect condition. Even at those prices there were still no takers in my area, so I decided to take the Sig to my lgs to see what they would give me for it. I had never tried trading a gun in before due to the stories I had always heard of shops offering really low prices, but I figured I might as well try. They offered me $550 for the Sig on trade in. The same Sig that I couldn't sell in nearly 6 months locally asking as low as $425 for it. I ended up happily trading it in on a Glock 29. I also asked about the M&P 40 and the clerk said they would give $400 trade in on it if it was in the condition that I said it was in. It amazed me that both guns can be traded in for more than I can sell them for locally. Is the local used gun market this bad for anyone else or is it just my area?
Your local gun store doesn't seem to have the same problem selling guns if they were willing to buy them.
Maybe you were advertising them in the wrong place.
Selling is kind of an art and not quite as easy as it seems.
gun sales

I work in a shop where we sell guns on consignment. It is really tough
sometimes but the right guy will buy. Like the man said it is not easy.
Same here !!!

Right off, I had to look to see where you are from because it sounded like you were from Iowa. For the past six months, it's been getting slower and slower around here. I am familiar with a number of dealers and they all say the same thing. A number of the smaller GS's are being effected to the point of dealers being more selective on what shows they attend. I feel it's partly due to folks hanging on to their guns and money and going into survival mode. ..... ;)

Forget hope and change and look to making America great. ..... :)

Be Safe !!!
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IMHO the OP is lucky for having gotten those trade-in values for the P224 and M&P, although this may be related to what he/she was trading them for; the G29 is not a hot seller due to the oddball caliber, so the dealer may have been having trouble moving it, and figured that the P224 would sell faster. (He may already have had a potential buyer lined up.)
rickyrick said:
I think the gun market is saturated.
IMHO not for all guns, but the market for 9mm and .40 full-size pistols certainly is. As I wrote in a similar recent thread, it seems like everybody who wants one of these already has at least three. The OP's M&P40 and SIG P224 fit in this category even though the P224 could be categorized as compact-ish. ;) Additionally, I've seen very cheap LE trade-in M&P40's on the market recently, making the situation for this pistol even worse.

Lastly, the S&W Model 360 – not sure whether it's an M&P360, 360PD, or 360Sc – is an expensive revolver with a reputation for being hard to shoot well due to the combination of low weight and a stiff trigger, and for having punishing recoil when loaded with anything other than powder-puff wadcutters. It's generally not a strong seller for these reasons, and since it's still available, there's little collector interest in less-than-LNIB used examples. Hence, it's categorically hard to sell if you're asking more than ~60% of MSRP for a new one.
It is way over saturated. It is a buyers market all day long down here. I am amazed they gave you that much on your trade-ins. I can get a used S&W M&P 40 on line right now for $330.

I am actually carefully and cheaply buying up things I want for cheap.

These things come and go. Last year after Walmart stopped selling ARs you could get a NiB 6920 with some nice furniture for $600 shipped. Those have dried up now but there are some good deals out there if you know what you want, what to look for and where to look.
I own all the firearms I need and can shoot regularly. I am still a buyer and when a popular gun comes along at a low price, I will buy it. In the last month, I have bought two S&W Model 10-5's. One was in very good condition and is a Factory nickel finish for $222.00. The second was in fair condition and has a 5" barrel for $185.00.

Maybe this is the reason everyone says guns are not a good investment. I buy them to enjoy.
Internet sales is usually a good indicator of the overall market.

Market is definitely down, if results on site like Gunbroker are an indicator. Prices are lower. There seem to be more sellers and more product for sale.

I've been watching gunbroker and a few of other sites. There are a number of guns that I'm always buying as a source for spare parts, and I notice the price drop. I also notice the increased supply.

For class 3 items, like transferable machine guns, selling pieces have been about 10%-15% lower than three months ago.

As for new guns title 1 guns, gun sales are definitely spread thinner. Search any new gun on GB, and you'll see lots of zero bids. The exception is if a gun is priced unusually low, as a loss leader. Those always sell.
Old Bill Dibble said:
I am amazed they gave you that much on your trade-ins. I can get a used S&W M&P 40 on line right now for $330.
As I wrote in my prior post about the P224-G29 trade, I suspect that the OP was offering to trade it for something that the dealer was desperate to move out the door. I've seen LE trade-in M&P40s on dealer shelves for $350 recently!

As with auto trade-ins, one should NEVER look at only one side of a trade-in deal; a tricky gun (or car) dealer who offers you a great deal on one side of the transaction may be stiffing you on the other.
Seems to have dried up BIG time around here. Armslist is running 200-300 new listings daily! The biggest problem I see is that everyone still thinks they can still get more for them than they gave. In most instances that is not going to happen in this market. If they want to sell , they're going to have to look around at how many used guns are being sold right now, and adjust their prices accordingly. Look at gunbroker and see all the zero bids. On the up side I have picked up a couple of really excellent deals lately. Buyers market!
I just picked up a gun at the Dealer I go to. He was at a show and for the first time he could not break even. He said he usually makes money at that show. Plenty of ammo around too. It is tough all over. I just paid my taxes. Maybe that has something to do with it.
In my neck of the woods it is still take a number at the LGS and wait at least an hour to be waited on. Come to pick up? Take a number and wait an hour to start doing paperwork.
I work in the gun department of a store and it seems like I can't give a gun away most days. The store, however, does free transfers :mad: and that has me doing NICS checks (when the stupid system is actually working) quite often throughout the day.
Maybe it's like the tide going out before a big storm.

More like the long, odd, eerie, uncharacteristic minutes-long tidal retreat before a tsunami that even primitive tribals know is an ominous warning through millennia of passed-down disaster tales :eek:

If we don't get a panic from this election, I'll be forced to conclude it really was all about something unique to Obama, since the clear and present danger is still very much in play, yet there's been very little response in the market, unlike every time prior. Rather than shortage, what I've been hearing reports of is more along the lines of folks not bringing wares to market, resulting in low attendance at gun shows & the like. Sounds like everyone is waiting for the election results to become clearer, hoping they can score a quick profit when the panic comes. I suspect the same panic force as always is present, and even stronger than usual, but the situation is simply in too much flux for a market move at this time.

If Hillary keels over at the debate, soup's on. If Donald is struck by lightning after saying "I'm bigger than Jesus," soup's on. If nothing noteworthy happens to drive the needle one way or the other, we'll keep following this holding pattern a bit longer. The dam will eventually break, however, and most likely it will coincide with the typical years-end sales push, just like we saw after Newtown.

The difference is the panic will subside a lot faster due to exponentially higher industry output than in years past, and an industry far more responsive to demand spikes (you'll see ten times as many AR-lower makers come online in half the time as before, and the same for every other accessory). But the initial panic is likely to be as nasty as ever; I'll be ready to price my five-seven at $4000 this time (saw one sell for 4K at a gun show in 2013 ;))

I can sell any gun. It's just a matter of setting the price where to where it will sell.

FWIW, I find many folks trying to sell their new AR's, AK's Tavors, etc. for what every one else is selling them for.....NEW!. If you want to sell your used Tavor at a gun show, it needs to be around $1,000....maybe less!
Sorry it took me a few days to reply folks. Been a busy week and haven't had the time, but I've been keeping up with the thread.

To clear up a few things, the price for the p224 was offered to me before I chose the Glock 29 as the gun I was trading it in on. I actually chose the Glock 29 because I was offered so much more on trade in than I expected. I went in thinking $400 was the most I would get and planned on trading it in on a S&W Shield. Also, regarding the S&W 360j I mentioned, 360j is the model. Its the 38 Special only version. Its also not as expensive as the others. I paid just under $400 for it through gunbroker and sold it for $375. The aforementioned harsh recoil is actually why I ended up selling it. The recoil didn't feel that bad but 35 rounds was enough to wear a dime-sized blister into my right palm.

In the end I also ended up trading in the M&P 40, and I'm sure it wasn't a case of trading it for a slow selling gun either. I traded it in on an M&P Shield 45. I actually have a second M&P 40, as well as an M&P 40c that I am contemplating seeing if they would be interested in as well seeing as I have less than $400 in each of the guns. The only thing that I can think of that explains their high trade in offers is the fact that they price their guns really high. A new p224 there is over $1100, while I bought the one I traded in online for $515 total a couple years ago.
I'll be ready to price my five-seven at $4000 this time (saw one sell for 4K at a gun show in 2013 )

I may feel nasty for doing it but I currently have around 5,000 rounds of 22lr, and If we do see another panic with sky high prices I will gladly sell every bit of it for twice what I paid.
Guns are cheap now. I browse VAGUNATRADER.com several times a day and have managed some very good deals lately... several essentially new guns from private sales for 15-20% off what I would pay at Buds/KYGunco/SG/CDNN/Impact/etc... even after fees.

OTOH... there's always that guy who thinks he can get $300 for a Mav88 and bumps his ad for an entire summer.

OTOOH... I've seen FIRM prices so high for some guns that I assume are typos. A guy wanting $700 for a plane-Jane A2 milspec 16" PTAC. I emailed him the link to the PSA website where it was on sale $400 and asked if he'd take that for it. He said "I paid $800 at a gunshow and I need $700 out of it."