Has much of your interested shifted from rifles?

Actually, my interest is shifting a little more towards shotguns, and away from rifles, and handguns.
Same here. I was having so much fun with my SPX that I was kinda getting away from the others. But it's easy for me to love, as it has large sights. I still need to practice shotgun games to find the best way for me to overcome cross-dominance. When I start going to our local ranges, I plan to do just this. But over the years, normally, it has been pistols for me. Even when I got my first gun, a Stevens bolt-action .22, my heart was with short guns. Got my first pistol in 1979, 11 years after my first rifle. Got a decent amount now, but haven't quit on rifles altogether. Especially now that I have up to 600 yards to shoot. This spring should be quite busy with the shotgun I need to master, the long guns I want to shoot long-range, and of course my beloved handguns, not the least of which is my EDC, which is fired at each and every range trip.
Mine started with WWII US rifles in the Regan era, a M-1 Garand and a Carbine, it has branched out from there, I have never been much of a pistol shooter, but I do like Colt SAA clones and 1911s, check out the facebook link
Actually, my interest is shifting a little more towards shotguns, and away from rifles, and handguns.

I grew up on farms deep in the very steep and rugged mountains of Appalachia. A 12 gauge single shot shotgun was simply a tool that all farmers and most families had laying around as just another tool. They were used to kill predators, like coyotes, wild dogs, bobcats, etc. and to occasionally use for rabbit and deer hunting. We usually kept them loaded with 00 buckshot and they were very deadly at the distances we could see in the mountains. A 30-30 rifle was rare and only use by uppity outsiders.

I have a couple of old single shot shotguns because you only need to shoot in the general direction to hit your target.
My interest in the recent past was dictated by space... I have my own rifle & pistol range, & was collecting rifles at a much greater rate... then I came to the realization that 4 safes & a couple lock boxes & crates wasn't the most practical method of storing them... since I already had stuff stashed in safes, lock boxes & crates... I built a walk in gun safe room, intentionally large enough to put my reloading bench, & all my components, & Mrs. jewelry & our documents, since it's fire proof as well...

trouble is, I had more long guns than I thought, & I had wanted to display everything on the walls in the safe room, from the start... I wasn't even able to get everything moved in, before I ran out of room... so for a while traded off long guns & bought more handguns, just because they take up less room, or I traded off a whole model of shotgun collection for one higher end rifle, to condense...

now I have things grouped, & have a couple of spots for specific guns ( either long guns or handguns ) anything other than those specific pieces "needed" it now requires trading off an existing gun to make room for something different...
While my first rifle wasn't my first firearm, it certainly holds a dear spot in my collection. However, I have lost interest in shooting it (K98, one of those that had almost all the original crests cleaned off) over the years. I used to spend a lot of time/money shooting it, and there was plenty of surplus 8mm ammo to be found.
That rifle now is in poor shape, having forgotten to do a thorough clean after the last time I shot it. Eventually I will clean it up and turn it into a wall hanger.

I had several other rifles as well. I sold off some of them, and now my only long guns are a Garand, a Mod 60, a CZ455, a 6920, and two shotguns. The Garand gets brought to the range one out of 4 trips. The Mod 60, I want to put a scope back on it and play with it. The CZ, I am still trying to find the ammo it likes. And the 6920, well thats just plain ol fun!

So to answer the question, yeah my original interest in rifles has shifted.
I only have a shotgun and 10/22 these days. I live in the city and its just to inconvenient and far for me to head out to the nearest rifle range to shoot. Limited to gun clubs, my interest is solely in handguns these days.