Has anyone eaten any of those Gambian rats in Florida?

When working in Asia or any third world country, my rule is if it taste good and I don't get sick I enjoy the dish and don't ask what it is. I am sure that when I was in Korea I ate a lot of rat and dog when visiting my favorite resturants down town.

If well cooked and prepared correctly the rats would make a tastey meal.
I must agree with the idea that the taste of the critter depends largely on its diet. I have never had western squirrel, but I had an uncle that would serve them pretty regularly when we visited in Kentucky... nice and tasty. Same with rabbits (I know they're not rodents, but the principle is the same). Every once in a while he would get some funny tasting rabbits, and he eventually figured out that it was because of something they ate locally at a certain time of the year. He just avoided them during that time of year, and never had the problem again (don't remember the details on what it was they were eating - that was a long time ago).
Long story short - if you can find out what they are eating, that gives a pretty good guidance as to whether they are good to eat.
Dog, cat and Rat, is still protein !!

I ate a lot of rat and dog when visiting my favorite resturants down town.
Between fleet landing and out favorite bars, in the port of Piraeus Greece, there were two wheeled carts that were selling shish kebab sandwiches. The carts were all decked out with a small charcoal pot and all the fixings, including pita bread. They had skewed meat that they deposited into the pita bread and then topped with lettuce and some dressing. They were fantastic, especially on top of the beer. .... ;)

One morning in our Plan of the Day, there was a warning about these carts selling cat and dog meat. That put a stop to that for at least one maybe two days. They were really that good !!! ... :)

Be Safe !!!
No rats but had beaver drumsticks last eve for dinner.

Plus muskrat is even better than chicken and the muskrat is a whale of a lot cleaner than a chicken.
I'm wondering if they're good eatin.
So long as it wasn't too game'ee tasting I'd give'em a try. I've tried beaver, raccoon and muskrat rear legs. Oh and little Red Squirrels too (< gassy litt'l suckers!!) Otherwise I'll just take my fork and dig into a can of Spam to satisfy my exotic taste-buds for now. Who knows maybe by latter this Summer I might find Gambian Rat on a Stick at our State Fair._:D To qnswer the OPs question: Nope! >not yet. :)
I just read a couple blurbs about the Gambian pouched rats, and it seems that they can be trained to sniff out land mines and tuberculosis.