Has a State's Anti Gun Laws Stopped Your Move There?

I have turned down a couple of job offers in Maryland, and generally avoid the place as much as possible (and Wasington , DC also).
No It would not stop me from moving to a state or vice versa. I would not leave a anti-gun state just because it is anti gun. A good Job and being near family is just as important as the right of owing a gun. Anyway I rather fight the good fight in an anti-gun state. It ties up the antis money to have to fight pitch battles every time they try to pass more gun laws in a state that is consider a safe haven to their cause.
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I won't leave Kentucky unless it's to another CCW gun friendly state. Indiana isn't even good enough for me - they don't let you hunt with centerfire.

I have had no reason to move and YES! It would a important consideration in the thought of moving. Mass. , N,J, and N.Y. ARE OUT OF THE QUESTION period! I would rather live in a cardboard box on the street than live in one of the states I listed. BTW I was born and raised in N.Y. and did live in Mass for 9 years. Absolutely no desire to move back.:cool:
No, Florida’s fine – gun and car friendly (no emissions tests/safety inspections). In West Central Florida the weather sucks only half the year. :D
I think we've done this before, but yes gun laws are absolutely a factor in my choice of residence. It would take one hell of a job offer to get me to consider living in California, along with a handful of other states/localities.

Of course, there are plenty of places with favorable gun laws that I'd avoid for other various non-gun reasons.

Really, looking at it there are only a handful of places in the US that I'd want to live, and many of those don't exactly have a thriving economy for me to find a job in.
Years ago I was out in Reno, NV., at a gun store checking out their products. I talked to a guy who lived in California and ran a sheet metal business. The guy had two shops in two cities in California. He told me that he made a lot of money, supposedly he was a multi-millionaire, in his trade BUT that he was closing down both of them because he was moving to Nevada to get away from the anti-gun socialists in California. According to this guy, California was losing decent paying jobs, professional and trade jobs, at a higher rate than they were being replaced with new ones. His theory was that in about 10 to 15 years California would be hurting for good jobs because more and more companies are starting to avoid the state because of too many regulations, anti-gun stupidity and excessive taxes. He felt bad because when he shut down his two shops, there were going to be about 70 people out of jobs caused by the politicians in California.
I have never wanted to move to any of the anti-gun states, not just because of the gun issues, but also because the entire political climate and mind-set is so wacko.

Sure, there are isolated pockets where civilized living is still possible in some of those states, but why bother.
My wife was wanting to move back to her home state of California but after looking at gun laws, CoL and home prices I had to say no way. The weather and the roads (sportbikes being my other passion) are great but we would have to giveup way too many freedoms in trade. Texas, Oregon and NC are on the list yet.
I have looked at job offers in Minnesota, but I won't move there because ownership of suppressors are illegal in that state.:( (They also have allot of screwy laws there too.)