hard to stay concealed some days

When I started this thread, I was really hoping to hear from the folks who carry full size pistols and revolvers in belt holsters.... I know there are a lot who claim to do so.

Instead we mostly heard from people who carry small pistols and snub 38s, either IWB or in a pocket.

So how about the guys who use a sig 220, or Glock 21, or 1911, or SW 686 as their daily carry? how do you maintain an active life with frequent bending, crawling, climbing, in the wind and rain, and still avoid flashing ?

I've actually carried all the aforementioned with the exception of the 686.

Appendix inside the waistband.

Lol you're funny.. I agree with you, I'm nowhere near a fan of carrying pocket pistols or anything smaller than a Glock 19.
Dwight55: When I decided to carry, . . . I had to alter my wardrobe, . . . alter my style of dress. So does just about everyone else.

I agree. When I decided to get my CCW, I quickly realized I would have to alter what I wore, and how I wore it. I have been carrying now for over two years and have not had any problems. I carry pistols from Kahr CM9 to Ruger SR9c size and no problems showing. I feel confident now to carry my newly aquired Colt Combat Commander 1911. Just waiting to get enough rounds through it.

I'm also in Ohio and we have open carry. I'm not sure how much trouble an officer might cause me on a accidental showing call, but in this politically challanged world we presently live in, I believe we all should be as diligent as possible on covering are weapons as best as we can.
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I have tried numerous holsters and nothing has quite worked. I wear business casual daily and have resorted to stepping down from a .40 to a .380 on my ankle. The pants ride up every now and then but it seems most people are not looking at my ankles. I am experimenting now with an IWB from Theis holsters so I can go back to my .40. Can let you know how it works out after a complete break in. http://theisholsters.com/
to a .380 on my ankle. The pants ride up every now and then but it seems most people are not looking at my ankles. I am experimenting now with an IWB from Theis holsters so I can go back to my .40. Can let you know how it works out after a complete break in. http://theisholsters.com/

IWB would be a much better choice over ankle carry. Curious if you have tried to draw from the ankle yet? Have you practiced drawing from the ankle? IMO its probably the most awkward place to draw from. All the above is just my .02 worth
But ankle carry is often the most viable choice in a non-permissive environment....and one's ankle is a lot closer than one's car....
When I first got into law enforcement in the mid 1980's we had a department policy that all officers would carry concealed when off-duty while in the city (of our jurisdiction) but to ALWAYS prevent accidental exposure of the weapon. To an officer, violating a department policy had serious consequences thus we regarded department policies as "that which must be obeyed". As a rookie cop I learned what a royal pain it was in the hot Texas summers to comply with the "always prevent exposure" part of that policy. Also our off duty gun had to be .380 or larger, so no pocket 22 magnums! Thus if I was out of the city, I rarely carried off duty except during the Thanksgiving to Christmas period when crimes against persons always increased. My off duty carry (and on duty backup carry) became a Walther PPK/S mostly carried in an ankle holster. That could only be worn with 5.11.type duty boots so that the muzzle rested on the top rim of the boot to prevent rubbing a hole in your leg. As a few years passed I ditched the ankle holster and carried the Walther between my shirt and my body armor in a thin IWB holster clipped to the large front elastic straps of the body armor, basically over my heart. That worked great as long as I was wearing body armor.
I carry a glock 23 AIWB everywhere i go. Tshirt or polo in the summer loose fleece in the winter

I gave up on open front garment (other then suitcoats). Too many chances of exposing the gun
It happened to me once. I carry my gun in the swell of my back (6 o'clock on the belt). A shirt that usually stays down wee road up over the gun once (after bending over in a store). pulled it back down & I don't think anyone noticed. Nice thing is in MN it is a permit to carry so the gun does not have to be concealed, it's just highly desireable (and recommended ;) )
But ankle carry is often the most viable choice in a non-permissive environment....and one's ankle is a lot closer than one's car....
Will not argue with the above view point. My point is one must practice drawing from the ankle if they intend to carry that way. Would be total hell if one finds the need for their firearm and have not practiced the draw and then learn at the most inopportune time that they are screwed and possibly dead from lack of technique and practice.:eek:
After reading these many posts, I am convinced more than ever my decision to use only a pocket pistol (LCP, AA PX22 Walther style, Beretta 21A) carried in my pocket. I'm not going to wear extra clothes in the summer and I wear shorts in warm weather. In Arkansas total concealment is the law. Although, I believe, it unlikely brief accidental exposure would result in arrest.
IWB would be a much better choice over ankle carry. Curious if you have tried to draw from the ankle yet? Have you practiced drawing from the ankle? IMO its probably the most awkward place to draw from. All the above is just my .02 worth

Make it 4 cents.

Not only is it hard to get to, you can not get to it and move at the same time.

.....and you can not run well at all it the gun weighs more than a few ounces.

Moving (being a moving target) is my first option. That is more important than shooting. With an ankle holstered gun, you can do niether quickly.

With the myriad of tiny guns chambered for viable defense loadings out there, and the plethora of IWB holsters (and small makers that will make custom holsters for near anything you ask for) ..... you pretty much have to fail to make a serious effort to not find a concealable gun/rig......

There are 9mm guns out there that will add less weight to your middle than the Whopper with cheese "value" meal you had for lunch..... Seriously: Weigh them.
So I have 3 different carrying styles I use depending on the day and how snug my pants are. I carry a Glock 32, so it's not quite "full size" but it isn't a pocket pistol neither.

I carry IWB when I have to tuck my shirt in, times when there won't be a whole bunch of running and jumping. For that I like my Galco Tuck at around 2, right in the crease of my right hip. It has a slot in the clip that allows you to tuck your shirt in around an IWB firearm and putting it in the front allows me to stay alert to printing.

For OWB, I use an old Uncle Mikes holster with some foam electrical taped around the clip (for comfort) at the 1 oclock position and wear a Duluth Trading long tailed T or a longer flannel shirt to cover it. At 6'2" it's not suspicious appearing in the least for me to wear a size tall or longer shirt. If I know I'm going to have to bend or kneel or the wind is really blowing I'll tuck the edge of the shirt under the edge of the holster or into my pocket. It does cause some printing but it keeps a full on "flash" from happening.

My favorite way to carry, and the way that I occasionally carry my full sized 1911 is in a shoulder holster underneath one of my many PFG's (fishing shirts) or a button up and light jacket in the fall. For me, the shoulder holster just works. I'm a fairly large fella so my arms drape over it naturally, it doesn't make my pants feel tight, doesn't pull them down, doesn't leave a huge print (unless you bend over and someone is directly behind you), doesn't get accidentally exposed, and I can bend, move, jump, and run without any concerns about where it is and if its showing. I've never been given a second look with my shoulder holster. I'm not sure if your shoulder injury precludes this but if you're already wearing a Hawaiian shirt, you may give it a short trial run and see what you think.
Several folks from Texas have commented, mainly on the summer heat. My EDC is a Kahr PM9, which I pocket carry in the cargo shorts which are pretty much all I wear for 7-8 months of the year ... ah, retirement ... a loose t-shirt and a pocket holster make the gun disappear, weakside pocket holds a spare mag. When it's cold enough to wear a jacket or sweatshirt, I carry the same gun -- or one of my other carry choices -- in a kydex paddle holster. Not sure if anybody mentioned this, but I believe TX law now forgives accidental exposure of a concealed weapon by a CHL holder ...

I wouldn't try carrying a full-size gun, mainly due to weight and concealment issues. I consider the Kahr plenty of gun for dealing with emergencies.
Wife beater underneath to keep the gun and holster off my skin. OWB carrying a 1911 Commander or Gov model covered by a T-shirt or button up. Wearing cargo pants makes pocket carry a snap with the following, S&W 649, Glock 26, 36, Sig 232.
Some have stated and its true, that most folks walk around in condition white ( paying no attention to there surroundings).
Just my .02 worth
I grew up in the wonderful state of Texas. Live in Louisiana now, but I sure do miss Texas some days. Of course Louisiana allows open carry for CCW holders, so exposure isn't a risk, but in Baton Rouge there are plenty of hoodlums and gangster wannabes whom I would rather not alert to my choice to carry. I don't want to be target number one for them should something happen and I don't want a hassle with local PD who sometimes have the attitude that they represent God directly. I'd rather not have a confrontation or even a conversation with them if I don't have to.
This thread has gotten me curious. I always assumed that if you had a CC permit, but the gun got accidentally and unintentionally exposed, it might make a bystander uncomfortable, but wasn't illegal. I am surprised to learn that in some states it is. I should check my state (NY, of all places).

I am also thinking about getting a broader multi-state license, like FL. Anyone have a resource that clarifies this for all states?

Might check with each state also. I moved from KT to FL and I was able to use my training certificate I earned in KY. Just had to pay for the new License.

FL might honer your NY training cert if it required range time,
