hard to stay concealed some days


New member
The past couple of days I have accidently exposed my pistol twice, and both times it was in a very public place. No one seems to have noticed, but that does not reduce my concern about it.

I typically carry a small 9mm single stack with a belt slide holster, T-shirt tucked in to my trousers (denim shorts), and a Hawaiian shirt as a cover garment. I buy my cover garment shirts extra big and long, and I can raise my arms straight up and not expose even the bottom of my holster. The only thing more effective would be a trench coat. !!!

Nonetheless, I have exposed the pistol twice in 3 days. The first time I was at the grocery store buying ice for our weekend outings. In the front of the stores, facing a dozen checkout lines, the ice coolers. I reach into the bottom of the cooler, pull out two 20 lb bags of ice, and hoist them over my right shoulder. I can't carry heavy loads on my left shoulder (old injury). I stand up and start walking towards the door, while feeling with my left hand to make shore my pistol was still concealed. It was not possible to look down. I could tell by feel that the shirt was wrapped up above the gun. I turned away from the cash registers and the 25+ people waiting in line, and awkwardly adjusted the shirt. I had probably taken 10 or more steps with the gun fully exposed.

The second time I was loading some plywood and hardwood into my truck, and it was windy. A gust of wind blew the shirt up over my gun as I was loading and maneuvering the timber. There was no way to correct the clothing problem until the wood was loaded in. An employee of the yard was helping me, and he had one side and I had the other. We got the load in, and I readjusted my shirt... This was in a parking lot full of people. I was exposed for a good 10 seconds.

Anyone else have problems like this? Or am I just getting dumb as I get older?

It has happened to me on a few occasions which is why I settle on smaller guns for carry. I carry IWB, and sometimes when I bend down or get out of the car my shirt will ride up over the butt of the gun and expose it. Many come on here and express how they cant understand why people are going to smaller guns for concealed carry when one could use a larger more effective gun, and this is the exact reason why. I live in a state where accidentally showing your gun can get you in alot of trouble. I would rather be able to keep my carry license and carry a smaller gun, then carry a full size and potentially get my license stripped.
I had similar issues. One time I grabbed an outside umbrella falling. A lady starred at me after, but seemed to go living. I don't know what/if she saw anything.

I had a similar thing happen loading my car...I guess it was ok as I haven't heard about it. Still, I try my hardest not to let it happen.

Since I do the arms overhead test before I go out, I don't see how it can happen. It just feels like it has happened twice.

I'm guessing people think it is a fancy cell phone...
A deep carry IWB holster is best IMHO. Just add one step to what your doing now. When you know your going to reach or bend just reach inside your hawaiian shirt and pull your tee on that side out and over your gun butt. Remember your gun is already covered somewhere up to near your safety at the belt level. Crossbreed style ( not my choice) or a alessi holster (my favorite) leather iwb http://www.alessigunholsters.com/ ride deeper and hold great. I get no ride up or movement on the motorcycle even width no safety strap.
I have carried like that on occasion especially in the summertime near St. Louis. It's like a Sauna around here now. Usually in a belt-slide or a Fobus paddle.

You have to be aware of every move you make when carrying like this. Even knowing from which direction the wind is blowing is important.

Don't bend; kneel or squat to pick up something even if only on one leg. It's better than exposing your firearm and possibly loosing your permit.

If possible stand with your strong side away from people while bending, stooping, kneeling or squating.

I carry like this a lot in the autumn with a heavy flannel or Carharts lined shirt over a t-shirt. It's about as comfortable as it gets next to open carry.
You'd be surprised at how few people really PAY ATTENTION and of those few, most are either cops or other CCW carriers. The cops SHOULD know and understand the situation and the other CCW carriers usually understand that stuff happens.
My home state allows open carry so there's no harm/no foul when the gun shows a little. Locally, I often don't bother with a cover if I know the business and only make a quick stop.
Check out the Woolrich brand concealed carry shirts. They are made specifically for covering a holstered handgun.
Try sewing a quarter into the front bottom hem of your cover shirt, or else a little lead fishing weight. It adds just enough weight to prevent the blowing-open problem, and tends to help with all but the most egregious snags.

A cover garment needs to hang down a minimum of 6 inches below the LOWEST portion of the gun that would be exposed without the cover garment in place to allow the user to perform normal activities (sitting/bending/reaching/carrying) without exposing the gun.

For an OWB holster, that's 6" below the bottom of the holster. For IWB, it's 6" below the bottom of the belt loop.

With a typical OWB (Outside the WaistBand) holster and a fairly compact pistol, the cover garment will need to hang down lower than a typical untucked shirt will reach. If you want to carry OWB and want to conceal during a reasonable range of activities, you'll probably need to shop for something that hangs pretty low to insure concealment.

I typically carry with a normal untucked shirt which provides adequate coverage with an IWB holster during normal activities.
Wind, weather conditions....

I've had a few minor incidents while armed over the years.
I wore my Beretta 96D .40S&W in a leather Aker shoulder rig & had a strong breeze blow my Canadian army field jacket open. A young kid saw me & started to yell at me. I covered my gun & said; "I have a license!" ;)
I would wear my Ruger GPNY .38spl concealed a few times while working plain clothes at my security job.
Id do a weekend 4hr shift & carry it in a Blade-tech Kydex holster: cross-draw.
Id wear a light jacket or flannel shirt over it that sometimes didn't fully conceal.
Id wear my security badge too either on a neck chain or by my sidearm.

My state's div of licensing modified the concealed licenses a few years ago. Now, you can "open carry" if you have a W/concealed weapon license but only for brief periods. Like if you take a jacket off or bend over to tie your shoe or if a wind blows your coat open. The state law(s) are somewhat vague IMO & sworn LEOs get 0 in-service training about the new statues due to "budget cuts" :rolleyes:
In my view, firearm license holders or CWP holders should be allowed open or concealed carry as long as the loaded firearm is holstered or secured. They should have their license or permit on them too as well.
In 2013, guns & defense weapons are more common. Exposed weapons are not as big a deal in many areas.

The experiences of the OP are two exact reasons I carry IWB, . . .

Well over half of my weapon is covered by my jeans, . . . the handle stays tucked in close to my body, . . . far as I know, . . . never have had a similar accident, . . .

Never been made either, . . . far as I know.

May God bless,
IWB... yeah that is a good option, and I often carry that way... more than half the time.... But (and there is always a But isn't there?)... But some days I just can't tolerate the extra tightness in my trousers... it is not just a matter of comfort, I have a condition that just is not going to allow IWB on some days.

Kathy - Great suggestion. Thanks !
I have a condition that just is not going to allow IWB on some days.
If you can't carry IWB then you'll need a longer cover garment on the days you carry OWB. It doesn't matter whether you carry IWB or OWB, the bottom line is whatever method you use will require a cover garment that hangs down at least 6" below the lowest exposed portion of the firearm/holster.

You can't switch from IWB to OWB and expect that the same cover garment that's adequate for IWB will also work for OWB unless it's a lot longer than it really needs to be for IWB.
6" past the bottom of the gun??? Guess the wife's old pajama shirts from the 80's can come out of the closet...
Lucky for me it's not much of a concern.

I carry IWB nearly always in a Galco Summer Comfort but when I OWB its in a kydex Zeus Customs Bulldog and I do so proudly with shirt tucked behind it. Living in a state where the ability to OC comes with the CC permit is oh so nice. I typically only carry OWB to or from the range if I stop at a grocery store or gas station for something quick.
I just carry a Model 60 in a DeSantis pocket holster right there in my right front pocket. Extra speed strips in the cargo pocket just below. Works great with shorts with no need for any extra cover up clothing.
You might consider appendix carry. I've found that it almost eliminates the possibility of your cover garment getting tucked behind your gun. ( unless of course your bending over backwards):D With a good holster and the right gun ( your small single stack nine is perfect) it's one of my favorite ways to conceal.
^^That can make a huge difference simply because of the way we bend.

I would, in the past, often carry IWB at about 4:30 or so and my polo shirt would frequently get caugt on the grip. Not exactly exposed, as everything was still covered up, but the shirt was quite obviously hung up on a really gun-looking something:eek:.

I now carry everything from a .44 special to a little .32 auto in an OWB cross-draw @ about 10:30 (opposite to appendix, normally) and I just don't believe I can make myself bend in a way that exposes things.

I carry 95% of the time IWB.

If I'm going to be doing a lot of physical activities like at work or something around the house, etc. I carry IWB at 1:00 appendix style.

If I'm going out at night or somewhere to eat, nice and calm. I carry IWB at 4:00 strong side. Either with or without a tac-light. I'll usually be wearing a button down, but even if I'm not. That's how it goes.