Hard to rack slide

I have had the same mag loading issues with my Px mags for the CX4 carbine. I have 17 and 20 round mags and cannot seem to load any of them to full capacity. I don't consider it to be a wimp issue....they just will not go. I can get around 17 in the 20 rounders. I could understand if it was 19 and the 20th was too difficult, but at 17 I feel as if I am going to break something. I can get 15 or so in the 17 rounders. I bought all of these mags new and even re-read the packaging to make sure I got the right ones.
Have you tried a Maglula? If not, you definitely need one.
To answer the OP, I don’t know how I would know without trying.

Generally i find most guns usable, but find smaller ones harder to rack in large caliber. The older I get, the more I carry 9x19 & 380 due to this and recoil.
Like someone said, look to a 380EZ or 9mmEZ. Even my wife, quick-to-gripe about semi auto handguns, can easily work the 380EZ. And we looked at a bazillion pistols, and she couldn’t rack any till she handled the EZ. So I bought it. Then she decided on a revolver. Ah well…