The issue the OP had related to his age. He never mentioned trying to rack the slide fully loaded. If anything, he never even replied after numerous suggestions were made.
It's the hazard of searching the net - sure, it's out there, but it doesn't mean the topic needs to be revisited. It was asked, it was answered.
I hear the same issue with loading the AR15 - inserting the mag on a closed bolt and then charging it results in high effort. The answer is even simpler than downloading the magazine by one round - lock the bolt or slide back first, THEN insert the mag. It's not a high effort method, and it results in then being able to release the bolt/slide at it's most rearward either by the stop or pulling it back even further, as the maker directs, to charge the first round. With many weapons, it's the preferred method. With the AR and many pistols, it functions that way - the slide hold back is activated on an empty mag. If the maker wanted it to be loaded against a closed slide, why lock it open?
In that regard, the OP may have been attempting to rack it first and still found his grip and strength were challenged. Being nearly 61, I've begun to understand that issue, and the brutal reality is that it's not going to get better. Massive exercising isn't an option. Alternate methods must be considered.
With the onset of carpal tunnel, I've had to abandon DA triggers and have just one pistol, SA, with safety. In my case a revolver won't satisfy the issue. If grip strength for the OP was part of the problem, then changing to a revolver that required high finger trigger effort won't be a good solution. He may be forced to cock that one first. Same problem. Strength.
Not something those with the luxury of youth need worry about. It will come along and make itself known all too soon. When it happens, will we need to be reminded years later, all over again?
Perhaps the old adage has some value - let sleeping dogs lie.
That is why old topics aren't constantly brought back up. It's not necessarily better to do so, especially when some other old guy finds so much in the entire thread questionable. The answers that made sense were to install a racking handle or use the sights hooked onto a vertical object and let body weight assist. Both directly addressed the issue. Downloading the mags or switching to a revolver doesn't.