Hard to Find Ammo - Obama question

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Cult 44:

I completely agree with you. I am all for anything that gets more people to buy guns and ammo, especially those that don't currently have any guns, but I think this whole buying frenzy is bordering (ok, well past) paranoia.

If he does anything (which, admittedly, he might) it won't be for a long time. Gun control was barely an afterthought in the political issues this election, so I don't think that he will make it a priority, especially with how the economy is. He might get to it later, but I doubt it will be anything that will seriously affect me. I could see getting a couple high capacity magazines, but I have seen people buying up revolvers for fear that he will soon ban them. It just isn't going to happen that way, and he has never given any indication that is his intention.

Then again, this is all my opinion. I could be completely wrong, and you will all laugh at me when I don't have any ammo to feed my guns. I guess that is a risk I am willing to take. Personally, though, I am going to wait a few months for prices to cool off before I buy anything other than ammo with which to plink.

Another User Name said:
So why are political topics in regards to gun laws and legislation now off limits?

For those of you that are new to TFL, for those of you that never paid attention to the old Legal & Political forum, this link is a discussion of why it was closed. This link contains a discussion of what we could do, to make it better, if we re-opened the forum, or something similar.

Off topic and closed.
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