hard choices


New member
So walmart has a 700adl with a junk scope for 417 and a savage dbm with a junk bushnell for 419 and I would like opinions. I want the gun in 270. My final out the door cannot top 550. I will. Save up for a better optic. Any help is appreciated.
Did you hold and shoulder both of them? That's a good starting point.

I'd take the Savage. If it comes with the Accu-trigger, that sweetens the deal even more. The higher end Remingtons still seem to be pretty nice, but I don't have much confidence in the lower end Remingtons anymore. I've read of plenty of people who do like the ADLs, however.

I have an older model 700 ADL that shoots great and is silky smooth. The new ones just don't do it for me. I like the Savages because they are typically pretty accurate and if you aren't happy with its accuracy you could rebarrel and have a match grade barrel that definitely should shoot great.

Granted, that will run you $300-350 for just the barrel if you go with a big name brand. That may not make sense for you because you could just buy a second rifle for a little over $400 and have two rifles, but you still may not end up with a really accurate shooter.

As far as the scope, it would be a non-issue for me because I know I would be replacing it as soon as I could.
Handle both rifles and pick the one you like best. Both are decent rifles for the money and each have pros and cons. My son got a Walmart ADL in 7mm Remington Mag a while back and the gun shoots MOA. A friend got one of the Savages in 243 Winchester and it is just as accurate. I've shot both and did not like the triggers on either gun and the stocks are just crap. Over time though you can replace those items when funds become available.
Keep in mind manufacturing technology has come a long way. Modern "Junk" scopes are usually serviceable any more.

Go with the one that fits you better. If they are the same, toss a coin. Lots of aftermarket stuff available for both. There is more available for the Remington, but Savage stuff is not hard to find.
There are more after-market items for Remingtons than any other bolt-actions, so if you don't like something on the rifle, replacements are readily available.

Remington stocks fit me better than most and having one, I tend to buy more because of safety location, trigger feel, stock feel, etc.
NEF handi rifle and the best scope you can buy. If you go that way I would get a used Leopold scope and if it breaks the factory would fix it for free.
Find a pawn shop or LGS and look on the used rack for either of them, they are bound to be out there in .270. Buy rifle at $350 or less and add the scope of your choice when you get the money saved up for that. You might get lucky and find one for even less that way.

Or pay attention to local Hunting and Fishing Message boards and be patient, someone is bound to have one up for sale sooner or later at a good price. A lot of guys get rid of last years flavor of the month in order to get this years flavor.
If you have never felt the trigger pull of an accu-trigger, find someplace where you can try one before you buy.

Some people love the accu-trigger and some don't. To me, the accu-trigger feels "creepy" and I don't like it. I don't know if it is easily replaceable. I do know if you get the Remington trigger and don't like it, there are several good aftermarket triggers that can be purchased and installed by anyone handy with a screwdriver.:D

The suggestion of buying used is also a good one especially this time of year. A decent gun shop and some pawn shops will have several good used "deer rifles" sitting in their racks and the sellers will be ready to deal this time of year.
My son was at the local Walmart 2 weeks ago and called me from there, he said they had three rifles that were clearanced down to $299.00, a Savage,(don't remember what caliber) and a Mossberg, and a Weatherby Vanguard in 7mm rem mag.
The point is if your looking in the right place you will find super deals on new rifles dude.;)
A quick session with Google shows that Timney Triggers makes a replacement for both the Accu-trigger and regular trigger Savage rifles. Most folks would agree that Timney triggers are a suitable aftermarket replacement trigger. That being said, I have no issues with the Accu-trigger on my Savage 10. On my to-do list is a Timney trigger for my Rem 788 rifle.
Timney triggers are great!

Long story but I replaced the trigger on my Weatherby Vanguard with a Timney. Installation was a breeze and this trigger is cat's meow:D
Timeny has been around for a long time and make excellent triggers. I have found very few factory rifles have triggers as good as timeny. Installing a timeny is almost always an upgrade.
i have held both and the trigger seems good on the Remmy. I have not tried the Savage. i plan on heading back to Walmart to try em both. Thanx for the advice. guys, and I will let you know what i ultimately decide to do.
Rifle Basix also makes a replacement for the Accu-trigger. Easy to install. I can't tell the difference between it and a Timney. I use both for replacement.