Harbinger Of Things To Come?


New member
The shop I work at got an email today regarding the NICS system that stated any background check that goes to a "Further Review" status (stated as "Researching" when done online) will automatically go to the "Delayed" status for the time being. That is unfortunate, because we have a lot of people change their minds about buying a firearm if they can't walk out with the firearm the day they look at it.

For many larger stores, like Academy and WalMart, it means their firearms sales could suffer since they refuse to sell a firearm to anyone that doesn't get a "Proceed". They will not sell to a customer when the background check goes to an "Open" status after the three day waiting period.

I sometimes wonder if things like this are merely a backdoor way of trying to curb firearms sales.
Easist thing is get a carry license and avoid a BC every time.
Simply show license complete the form and carry it out.

But yeah any way they can "slow the flow"'they will.

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Easist thing is get a carry license and avoid a BC every time.
Simply show license complete the form and carry it out.

That only works in some states - doesn't work in all. FL, for instance.
Oh well works in Texas.
Seems that if you pass the required BC to carry it should be a nationwide thing. But since CC is "by the state" doesn't surprise me.

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Texas, my understanding of the check/bypass check thing is based on whether the state uses some kind of "live" system for pulling CCWs of people who suddenly become ineligible.
Texas, my understanding of the check/bypass check thing is based on whether the state uses some kind of "live" system for pulling CCWs of people who suddenly become ineligible.

I dunno how they do it. Even though the BC is a non issue for me it sure is nice to just take a few to complete the docs and go. Sometimes the NCIS is sloooow.

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Living in IL the days are long gone where you could walk in a gunshop and walk out with a gun that you just picked out. There is a 72 hour wait for handguns and a 24 hour wait for long guns. And shops truly enforce the 72 hours, not just "three days". I once showed up about an hour short of the 72 for a gun that I had fully paid for, completed the background check, etc. and had to hang around the store for an hour before they would give it to me. And they don't just hand you the gun. They escort you outside the front doors of the store and hand the gun to you then.

I'm old enough to remember buying a S&W revolver from a sporting goods shop in San Antonio where I walked in, saw the gun, laid cash on the counter and walked out with the gun and a box of ammo. The store didn't even ask to see my driver's license or any other proof of who I was. That was when the 2nd Amendment meant something.
Originally posted by Joe_Pike:

The shop I work at got an email today regarding the NICS system that stated any background check that goes to a "Further Review" status (stated as "Researching" when done online) will automatically go to the "Delayed" status for the time being. That is unfortunate, because we have a lot of people change their minds about buying a firearm if they can't walk out with the firearm the day they look at it.

For many larger stores, like Academy and WalMart, it means their firearms sales could suffer since they refuse to sell a firearm to anyone that doesn't get a "Proceed". They will not sell to a customer when the background check goes to an "Open" status after the three day waiting period.

I sometimes wonder if things like this are merely a backdoor way of trying to curb firearms sales.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the high volume of guns sales lately and the system being clogged up? Maybe a transfer of information to a newer format/system meaning a temporary slow down of obtaining information?

As a mature, somewhat intelligent adult, I have a hard time believing all these "conspiracy" theories where the Feds are using various forms of backdoor tactics to keep non-prohibited folks from getting guns.

Back when Wisconsin had a three day waiting period for handguns, I doubt if it kept the majority of folks from buying a handgun they wanted or needed. What it did do was make it hard for hard for dealers at gun shows to sell handguns and maybe impacted "impulse" type buys. Impulse buyers often get buyer's remorse and regret buying that something they did not really need or want. While having to wait for three days may change a few folk's minds, I doubt the impact would be that significant, especially if this change is as claimed....temporary.
The owner of the shop that I work at told me about the email yesterday. I didn't get to read it myself. I suppose I should have, but I didn't have any reason to believe he was telling me something that wasn't correct. I'll ask him about it Monday.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the high volume of guns sales lately and the system being clogged up? Maybe a transfer of information to a newer format/system meaning a temporary slow down of obtaining information?

I know it's slower and there are more delays on the weekends in general so I would suspect it is just an over-logged system. However, I have had my suspicions that all the delays are backdoor gun control, and even if they're not they certainly could be used as such. If you can't get legislation pushed through just make the system so inefficient and under staffed that nothing can get done. It would be done a lot quieter than announcing new gun control in congress, and the president has the influence to do it.
Whether you consider it a sin of commission or a sin of omission, the effect remains the same.

Do note that the administration is hardly moving heaven and earth to fix the problem. They seem to have other, higher priorities.
Do note that the administration is hardly moving heaven and earth to fix the problem. They seem to have other, higher priorities.

I'm sure they do. Probably a lot bigger problems than a few folks having to wait three days to get a gun. It would be different if everyone automatically got delayed....but that's not he case. Only a handful outta what...hundreds, thousands? Since the delay is generally because of insufficient info, part of the blame may be the info or lack of info given by the buyer and not just because the system "messed up".

I to would be interested in seeing what the letter said exactly as per how long this will go on and if any explanation is given for it.
Normally I am not a conspiracy theorist. I had a crazy uncle that was before he died (God rest his soul), and I remember being astounded at the 9/11 conspiracy theories he and his friends proposed.

I was a good bit younger then. Today? I'm not so sure that the government would not use an excuse like "The NICS system is overwhelmed" to try and suppress gun ownership. This administration is committed to curbing firearm ownership at almost any cost. To think otherwise is to be very niave.