Harassed Open and Concealed Carry Gun Owners Sue in Federal Court

like the whole idea of open carry except for two things the fear it engenders in the uninformed

It's called "desensitization", it's a standard treatment for phobias. You expose the patient to the stimulius they're afraid of, under comfortable circumstances, and nothing happens. Then you do it again, and again. And eventually they get used to the idea that nothing is going to happen, and stop being afraid.

People didn't learn to freak out over seeing somebody with a gun in a day, they won't learn not to freak out in a day, either. But they're never going to learn not to freak out if they don't SEE people with guns.
first off let me say i have no wish to carry openly. but having said that I support their right to do so. but as far as it goes they did not have to identify themselves to the police. now that isnt true here in Texas, if the officer ask here you better identify. but in penn. that is the law.

the police had no right to take their guns. I just hope they win the suit.