Handloading 45LC

It's the bbl that came with the gun flat off the net. I'm not about to change bbls...yet. I slugged the bbl and it is closer to .451. X .439 Nom BP cylinder chambers shave just a bit off .451 balls.
I'm cornfusin myself here. Bare with me please? Is it a .44 special conversion you have? I wa sthinkin it was .44-40, you know the bottle necks. I should a known better...they offer .44spl/.44 russian correct? The pics helped my mind get straight.
I think they do, but mine is marked 44 colt (on the box) Konversion (called 44 Rem in Kirst Litature. You load the original 44 Rem bullet to shoot in the '58 from Uberti and Pietta.
Nope not 44-40.
The 44 colt bullet from Bearcreek almost falls thru the bbl with minor, if any land marks, but for some reason they did shoot pretty well. at 15 yds. must have expanded just enough. anyway i have abour 450 of those loaded up and I either shoot them up or pull them and save the BP and cases and can the bullets. They are for the 1872 new Open tops. I owned one but could not keep it tight and sold it to a guy that said he'd work with the looseness....I wouldn't.
Good same page now...I like that one. The heeled bullets must obstate(I think that's how you spell it) enough to grip the rifling just fine. Expand the bullet is what I'm tryin ta say. So I take it you're happy with it....
Yep , so much so I'm buying another one soon for the other gun. I wanted something other than 45LC and Six Holes, I'll choose which to leave empty, thank you. Actually The bullets leave the chamber at .451 Dia. ogive/band and 2 driving bands (before expansion). This Is the original cal and bullet for the original Rem. conversions and Colt Conversions as well.
Forcing cone opens to the lands and grooves, The heel may expand also as all bullets l expand to some degree so it is the best match.I hadn't slugged the bore with the new bullets. I just did and sure enough the band on the ogive drives also so there are 3 driving bands.
Heeled .44Rem/Colt

Ok I think I got it now. The .44 Colt cases O.D. chamber at .451 and the bullet rings are .451 not .429 like a .44spl is. So if a barrels bore is .452 there is merely a .001 diferance. Have I got that right? And the brass is just Called .44Colt or .44Rem or .44Rem/Colt... This is something that has been a question in my mind for a spell. I couldn't corrolate the .44 with the .450 barrel, cause I was thinkin .44spl. I knew I wasn't too old to learn sumfin.HeHe!
The cases for 44 Rem are 44 Colt by Starline. .451-.452 outside dia Nom. the bullet is what makes it 44 Rem. The inside dia.of the cases are .429 (same Dia as heel Dia. of the .248 grn bullet so you bell the case just a might, seat the bullet and crimp or not. the bullet is tightenough inside the case so as not to need crimping. The Cartridges do not come apart in the chambers during firing. I have fired them both ways..
This the original loading for 44 Remington conversions and Colt Conversions.
This was made and sold by Remington(UMC?) Remington conversions and Colt conversions until 1895. This , I believe is the same as the original 44 CF, so they interchange between Colt and Rem. Since 1940 or so the 44 Colts made after this(None made between 1900-1940 as I recall) the new 44 Colt is .439 grooves. As I understand it.The 1872 Colt Open top clones shoot this bullet, but the original Colt Open Tops shoot the 44 Rem. Because they were .451 Nom Grooves. As I understasnd it, all 44 CF conversions of original 44 C&B revolvers had .451 grooves.

You are right. the 44 Colt bullet shouldn't shoot in the Rem.451-452 bbl, but for some reason the ones I have here did shoot pretty well. now whether it was tip up (expansion) of the bullet or the fouling in bbl...I haven't a clue.
Clear as mud , now. Right?
10-8 and straight good buddy

No not mud at all I got it...I like th 1895 original part too. Thanks for takin the time to explain all that jargon to an old soldier...:cool: