Handheld Weapons

Almost always have a Spyderco Endura on me... mundane looking. As far as blunt insturments go, unless I can grab a stick or projectile I'll have to be satisfied with the damage elbows can do. Basically my knife is my SHTF scenario weapon when I don't have a pistol.
One or more of the following, depending on time and place...

1)Monadnock "Persuader" keychain.
2)Small can of OC.
3)Large can of "Dog & Bear Grade" OC.
4)CRKT K.I.S.S., non-serrated, tanto point.
5)Kershaw Ken Onion 'semi-auto' folder, semi-serrated.
6)24" ASP collapsable baton.

Obviously not all at once... :D But the kubotan and the CRKT are pretty much givens for their utility purposes; the stick and the sharp rock were mankind's first tools and still prove remarkably handy in a myriad of odd ways.
when i'm w/o my ccw/knife, i carry & drink from a coke bottle;if i can't run away from a bad guy, hopefully bashing the bottle on his head will result in a sharp weapon + the 2 steel pens i always carry.

offtopic, in some public places(mall, beach, etc), i carry my keltec9 in a small fastfood/paper bag; i hold the bottom of the bag which allows me to grasp small fries & muzzle of the gun; an inmate gave me this idea when i used to work as a prison psych. nurse.
Another Vote for Spyderco

I agree with everything Krept wrote, except instead of an Endura, I go with a Delica. Delica seems to be acceptable in more jurisdictions than an Endura. At the same time, it is still long enough to be effective.

Gee - I haven't seen a glass-bottled coke in a long time... If I'm out for a walk, I may pick up a bottle of wine - More expensive, but hey, it'll be used sooner or later... I also tend to wear boots - And, since I'm on that subject, let me put in a plug for the Belleville Shoe Company's combat boots - These are new style, and are among the most comfortable boots (including a $250+ pair of Asolo hiking boots) I've ever worn. They've got a web site. Search for it.

I don't like steel toes.

I also occasionally use an adjustable aluminum cane. I've been considering rendering it non-adjustable via a treatment of epoxy and lead shot...
Atually, most of the time, I have a utility knife in my pocket (Stanley Interlock) and a tape measure on my side. The tape measure lends legitimacy to the knife. Plus, I use them both for work all day. In a fight. hold the utility knife like you would a roll of nickels but with the blade sticking out the bottom of your fist. Forget about the blade ... it's just a bonus.
I believe that the best weapon you can possibly have is confidence in yourself and projecting it. I have faced down a group of crack heads (14 of 'em) unarmed, with only my attitude, confidence , and reputation as weapons. They were on my property and I was tired of it.
Well, I wouldn't say that I "scared 'em away" but that they decided it would not be prudent to press the matter.
Most people around town know me as Butch - not "animal". No, I am NOT female. :)
On the other hand ... I'm kinda ugly so they might have gotten a little scared.