Handguns - Long guns : More of ?

I love handguns so so so so SOOO much more.

I find them more enjoyable, a whole lot easier to store, easier to transport, easier and more enjoyable to handload for, and when it comes time to actually shoot them, I don't need anywhere near the space (distance to target) and I also don't need to bring excess gear like sand bags or a spotting scope. And setting up/changing targets is a short/quick jaunt, not a minutes-long trek in to the great outdoors.

I can enjoy some rifle shooting... but I do handguns on a probably 15-to-1 ratio compared to rifles.
Why do you ask and how is this information helpful to you?

Just Asking and;
Be Safe !!!
One year ago I bought my first gun. Been a learning process and still much to learn.

Just curious to see how others view the hobby.

Myself, I have 4 long guns and 2 handguns. This after one year into the hobby.

I'm sure each person has their own thoughts. Just curious. Someone will have a response that could lead me to another thought of my direction of purchases.
Rifles seem more inherently problem prone, to me. This year I've decided to install
better optics, tweak,or accurize what I've got. Most of the accuracy issues are all rifle related, sights, barrels, optics, gas blocks, etc. Not many of the pistols need work.
It's a way of life !!!

Just curious to see how others view the hobby.
I would say that I have many hobbies that are associated with "all" firearms, mainly M/L's. For me, it's a way of life. In past years I've gone in many collecting and buying directions. As a kid, I started out making slingshots, then my own archery equipment and now teach all stations at our Hunter Safety classes. I don't buy much of anything these days but will never pass up, a good deal. ... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I have way more handguns than rifles. The rifles are what interest me (the accurate ones). I need another Government or plastic pistol like I need a hole in the head. There are a dozen built rfifles I want!
Long guns because Maryland has made it a pain to buy a handgun (in comparison).

But I find myself looking at long guns more now because I've had more practice and feel more comfortable with them.
the handgun is my favorite , doesnt take much space, very easy to transport, easy to stow in a small bag.

usually very easy to find a spot at the range for handguns
Long guns by a wide margin ..... guns are tools ..... fun tools, true. I hope I never have have to use the handguns for anything serious.

I look forward to using the shotgun and rifles to put food in the freezer!
I have about an equal amount of rifles,shotguns and handguns.The rifles and shotguns keep the freezer full.The handguns are all for self defense.All get trips to the range,rifles and shotguns for fun,handguns I take a much more serious approach to.
In the outdoor with some distance, blasting steel targets, 2 liters etc etc.... longs guns are my favorite. Convenience, shooting on a time schedule, testing my skills, indoor range, handguns are the ticket.
I have about as many long guns as I do hand guns.
I like rifles much more than shotguns, and love handguns. How many of each is classified, but I have more handguns than long guns.
I own about a dozen handguns and about 40 long guns. Handguns are tools, long guns are tools, but there are some tools you just enjoy using more than others!
I've never really given it a thought, so I went and counted. I own two more long guns than handguns. I probably shoot 1000 rounds handgun to one round long gun, so, looks like I need to buy a few more handguns. ;)
Green L.,

I see you have twice as many long guns as you have handguns. Why? ;)
I also see you've only been at your arsenal collection for only a year... You'll be a real gun crank before you know it at the rate you're going! Good for you! Next, it'll be reloading equipment...unless you've already started down that trail, too. It just gets better all the time. I can't imagine that you don't have a .22rimfire (one of your pistols? rifles?). If not, that's the one you need next (IMO); you'll get lots of advice on that first one here, for sure. I like Ruger .22s.

Happy New Year! Time's a' wastin!' Ya need to go out and get after that next new one!
Call me Quigley. I have much more interest in long guns. Not that I can't use a handgun. You know the deal.
