Handgun Shipping

Still not sure why punctuation had anything to do with my question.
Since you started off with "Im Military," and thereby identified yourself as a member of a respected organization, I for one would appreciate it if you'd hold yourself to a high enough standard to not accept second grade English.

You'll be judged by your writing ability throughout your career; other audiences will be more critical.
Well spelling and grammar aside...

The shipment of a firearm requires a lot of "red tape" even if it could be done.

As you know you are in the military - lots of red tape - period.

If you are able to ship - you'll be required to have it registered, held at the unit armory and only be "checked out" with permission.

What country are you going to? As you mentioned you were enlisted - I'm assuming your rank is pretty "new." Which means your housing will be in barracks (even married - you are restricted to post - depending on location).

If you have gone to basic training, regardless of service, the first lesson you learned is that you don't want to stand out (not for something bad or stupid anyways).

But to answer your question on shipping a firearm overseas? You are subjec to military law, US civilian law (while in US) and then most importantly the host country's laws (when you are on their soil you have to play their game).

So to really answer your question - ask your higher chain of command. Just know this is risky in the sense that you are raising a huge red flag (everyone will know you have a personal owned firearm). You may be opening up a huge can of worms - depending on your current situation.