Handgun Function

Well JimmyR, rarely is It needed to evoke rule #2 but in this case.
Cheapshooter's rules of gun ownership #2 Every gun owner needs a 1911. :D
I know each has their own impression of how the classic old John Browning design feels. I shoot CZs Springer XDs, Rugers, KAHRs, S&W, Brownings, Walthers, Berettas, etc., all good in their own way. But nothing quite feels like a 1911.
Cheapshooter said:
Well JimmyR, rarely is It needed to evoke rule #2 but in this case.
Cheapshooter's rules of gun ownership #2 Every gun owner needs a 1911.
I know each has their own impression of how the classic old John Browning design feels. I shoot CZs Springer XDs, Rugers, KAHRs, S&W, Brownings, Walthers, Berettas, etc., all good in their own way. But nothing quite feels like a 1911.

I knew if I called you out by name, I'd get you into this conversation...

The guy that owns my LGS is of the same opinion, and to be honest so do I. I'm enjoying the gun, and probably gonna go spend some time at the range putting a few more rounds down it.

My CZ-75BD is my AEDC (almost every day carry), and the 1911 feels good in my hand. I have a feeling it may be time to put the 1911 and the Security Six in a face off for nightstand duty.
Everything I own has a "job". I own a lot of stuff that has only the job of entertaining me. There's a bunch of stuff in the house who's job, for years, has been to sit on a shelf and collect dust (most of those belong to the wife:D.

All my guns have one job, to go bang when I pull the trigger. Everything else is at my discretion.

Keep it if pleases you. Get rid of it, if it doesn't. Seems simple to me.
Is fun not a function? If not I guess I will have sell about 85% of my collection. I don't carry my Ruger 1911 often (sometimes while hiking, I have several guns I rotate that duty to) but it sure is a blast at the range.
I'm not going to carry a Sig X-Five L-1 model ....or a Freedom Arms single action 5 shot large frame revolver..../ but they're both very nice guns in my collection....

Range fun .....counts for me too !!
"barring EDC, what do you other 1911 owners use your 1911 for?"

The 1911A1 was my issue weapon in the Marines so it is the operation I am most familiar with. One of my main "Go-To" handguns is a full sized Para-Ord which I built about 20 years ago when the only thing Para-Ordnance was selling was frame kits.

That said, the other guns on my "Go-To" list are :

1) Para-Ordnance Para-Carry
2) H&K USP
4) EAA Witness

All of these have frame mounted thumb safeties. When I carry any of them they have a round chambered, hammer cocked, with the safety up. So every gun I use does have the same manual of arms.

That being said I also have SAA's, DA revolvers, an XD, a Glock, and a bunch of other handguns with different operating systems. Maybe it is because I have a deep. innate mechanical sense that I never feel confused between them. Maybe it is just that each firearm feels different to me - the same way I don't feel confused between a Remy 870, AR, AK, FAL, lever action or bolt action rifle.
I bought my Springer 1911 Loaded as a nightstand gun, with night sights ... it's an excellent gun for that purpose, way too heavy for me to consider carrying .. I do occasionally carry my Kimber UCII, light and small enough to easily conceal under a shirt or jacket ... 1911 is just a wonderful platform, lots of fun shooting ... if you get rid of yours, you'll regret it ...
As many have said....

you have a carry gun(s)
you have a HD gun(s)
you have a car/truck gun(s)
you have a bug-out gun(s)
now you have a range gun.

It is fun at the range.
I like to finish all my range visits with 50 rounds from my 1911.
It puts a smile on my face no matter how the session went.
All my handguns are of a "practical" nature. In my case I EDC either a SIG P290RS 8+1 or SIG P250 hybrid (subcompact slide on a bobbed compact grip module) 15+1. Both are true DAO (although the P250 has the superior trigger, long but very smooth & light) so identical controls/triggers.
About 95% of the time I carry a revolver.

The original point and click interface tool.

No worrying about all of this cocked & locked, or cocked & unlocked with a restriction holster.

One role it could fill is that of a "project gun." I don't personally feel confident enough in my abilities to tinker with my guns a whole lot, but if you were so inclined the 1911 is a great platform for playing with modifications and accessories.
If you're looking for a use for a 1911, you could always take up some sort of sport shooting. Bowling pins, IPSC, IDPA, etc.

Otherwise, sell it and buy ammo to practice with. Or a reloading set up.