handgun for whitetail deer


New member
I'm looking into doing some handgun whitetail deer hunting next season. What is the best caliber / handgun for this purpose? What have been your experiences with what works best and what isn't so good? Do you use open sights or a scope?

Not being a professional deer slayer I'll stick my neck out like this:
A 357 is the minimum I would use and I would pick my shots very carefully. I wouldnt scope a 357 to prevent getting tempted to take too long of a shot. I might scope a 44 though. Still, shot selection and placement are the keys. Ya need a good bullet and all too. I wouldnt be ashamed to use just about any defensive type bullet on a deer. Placement and selsection will do the rest. Thast my story and I'm stickin to it.
Is there anybody out there with real experience in this area? I have done a lot of rifle and bow deer hunting so don't need too many tips there. I have carried my Ruger Blackhawk .357 afield while deer hunting but have never used it as the only weapon or have actually really hunted deer with it.

Have any of you used a 9mm, .45, .357, or .44 handgun to hunt deer?

The 357 is the minimum caliber for deer a 41mag, 44 mag 45 long colt or 454 in a revolver would be better. Use heavy bullets In a single shot you get a lot more caliber choices you can use any of the above mentioned caliber or use bottle necks from the 7-30 on up to something like the 375jdj or 45-70. IMHO you should scope all hunting handguns because you can place the shot more precise 1 last point always use a rest of some kind. I just got a viper xl extreme with a gun rest it should work well with my handguns.
The most successful handgun hunters hunt just like they do bow hunting. It is very close range, usually inside 50 yards, lots of pre season preparation and the deployment of the tree stand (and don't argue with me about the stand! According to every survey I have seen over the years, almost 90% of all white tail deer harvests are from a tree stand. So, if you don't use one, you are missing out!). Practice, practice and more practice is the next step to a successful hunt. Whether you use open sights or a scope. If you cannot hit a six inch pie pan, consistently, at your maximum shooting distance, don't shoot at the animals at that distance. Have to agree with the other posters, .357 Magnum is minimum for the average joe hunter. The margin of error is highly increased due to the bullets size and expansion, so if you can't hit a four inch pie plate at your maximum shooting distance, don't shoot at the critters.

To qualify, here is my resume! This bad boy weighs over 250lbs and was shot with a .357 Magnum.

Not polite to ask for "real experience" after a poster has responded with sound advice. There is more experience in this forum than what you think.


how did you get a picture on t.f.l.?

I hold my self to a little higher i have to beable to hit a 4x4 inch pice of steel even wiht my big boomers i keep my shots inside 100y. and most of my shots are less then 25
as for practice you should be doing that with any weapon you are going to hunt with!
No wonder he was able to sneak up on it, that deer only has 3 legs:D:D:D

handgun: to post an image on the actual messgae area, you need to have the pic uploaded on the net somewhere. I use the file manager of my geocities web page. The you simple put:
) inside of the bracket infront of the "img". If I actually put it there, it'll think It's an error, and it won't show the code.

You need a file at a server that you can load pictures to and then link them using the instructions on the FAQ's link on the TFL's front page.

Also hold myself to the higher standard that you mentioned for just about everything. And if I can't get a clean shot, I simply will not shoot. Instead wait for another day. Can't stand tracking animals.

BadMedicine, that is what happen to this poor guy. He lost a leg! There is a slope behind this picture that is about 40 degrees. The day before this deer was weaving in and out of the woods down below and could not get a clean shot. Let him go and the next morning I setup shop again. This time, he came straight down the slope and I shot him at about 50 yards out (up actually). His leg fell off, but he still tried running. The deer was cart wheeling down this slope and stopped.

It is amazing how you turn a critters vitals into ground jello, blow a leg off and they still insist on running. Try to make me go play hide and go seek. That pisses me off, so I shot him a few more times. :D

tlt, the Pringles can on this 627PC is a Tasco 65mm dot sight scope. It is big and give a excellent sight picture in low light conditions. I'm a big fan of the dot scope. It allow a extra half hour of hunting in the mornings and evenings.



tlt, all I use is 357 magnum for handgun hunting deer!!
It is my favorite. I use pre-sellout S&W 19, Taurus 689, Taurus 608, and a Ruger Blackhawk. My friend has a Python 357 w/scope and he has taken 6 deer withit.
Although some say that it is the minimum they would use, or not use at all, it is an excellent way to harvest deer. I would'nt use anything else. I shoot Remmington 180 grain semi-jacketed hollowpoints.
The long shots people are talking about are for rifles, shotguns, and bp rifles. When handgun hunting, follow your bow hunting skills and you'll do fine. I also like shooting 38 specials for practice that I reload for cheap.
Happy Hunting!!!!!

[Edited by handgun357 on 02-10-2001 at 12:00 AM]
The .357 Magnum will certainly do the job with perfect shot placement, but I would recommend a .44 or .41 Magnum for best results. Good luck and good hunting!
His leg is really gone???:D I thought it was either bent funny behind the other one, or pinned under him. He looks kinda funny like that:D
Followup question on mounting a scope on a Ruger Blackhawk.

The Tasco 65mm red dot sounds like a good set up.

Does a scope mount exist for the Ruger Blackhawk?

.357 for Deer?


Some very good advice here--worth attending. I may not agree with ALL of it, but it is all worthwhile input.

I think .357 with long barrel and HEAVY loads is truly the minimum, and that only for the fairly experienced handgun hunter. I killed one deer with a 4" .357, but am now convinced it is not enough. I, too, counsel the use of the bigger-bore handgun cartridges. One should NOT take longer shots with the .357, as energy falls off quite rapidly. But the 'scope allows for much more precise placement than do iron sights.

One must practice intensely, set one's personal limits and stick to 'em. My limit: the distance at which I can keep five out of five shots on a ten-inch paper plate, with THAT arm, and THAT load, from a PARTICULAR position.

Sorry--I just re-read and see where Robert the41MagFan has already said much the same thing.

Sporting hunters owe the game animal the respect of not taking the shot unless we are pretty positive of making a clean kill. We should be honest enough to realize that tight groups from a bench with target loads do NOT equate with heavy loads from a kneeling position.

I know guys who have successfully used .38 Spl, .380 ACP, and 9 x 19mm on deer. These were experts, and admit it was a stunt, and have resolved not to do it again. Yes, one can kill a deer with a .22 LR handgun--but most places, this is illegal, and is certainly not a sporting proposition. Survival or subsistence hunting, feeding a hungry family, is a different matter.

Terry, back to your original question - - -
What is the best caliber / handgun for this purpose? What have been your experiences with what works best and what isn't so good? Do you use open sights or a scope?

I like .44 mag and .45 Colt. I don't use a scope. There is good advice above about scopes and different cartridges. But any time you extend a topic like this, you get personal opinions, and these vary widely. My experience is limited to about ten deer with handgun: .357, .44 mag, .45 ACP and .45 Colt. I've been fortunate: Never a lost deer with a handgun; all have been one-shot kills, but I HAVE done a little tracking.

Best regards,
I use a Ruger Super Redhawk .44 mag with a Leupold 2x scope. The two deer I bagged were all under 50 yards. I might buy the Ruger .480 when it comes out. I always wanted a .454 but the recoil is too harsh for me. Hence, the interest in the .480
Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between personal opinion and sound advice if there is no real experience to back it up. That's why I asked for real experience. I really do appreciate every and all of the responses to this inquiry.

I checked Tasco's website for handgun scopes and didn't see a 65mm model. The largest they seemed to list was 45mm PDP5CMP.
Which model do you have?


You'll have to find either a close out or look at someone's table at a gun show to find these scopes. You are correct, Tasco does not make the 65mm can anymore.

Try Indy Optics and see if they have a close out.


I'm sure that others know of places to find close outs too.

I put one of those 45mm cans on my 10mm and they work quite well and maybe the next best thing. All these Tasco scope cost about $100 to $180 each. Next large can is from Gilmore/Leopold and they cost twice as much and there is not twice the scope there.

