Halloween ---- weird to me ....

I can usually tell the difference between Airsoft and real from about 5 feet away - even without the orange tip.
You're telling other folks what they shouldn't do, but you're not telling other folks what to do. If you say so.

Thanks for misquoting me. Please, go back and read what I said, and if you are going to quote me, next time don't leave stuff out.

Meanwhile, I'm going to have to log out for awhile so I can reread the Second Amendment. It'll probably take me awhile to find the part where it says it doesn't apply on Hallowe'en.

While you are at it, please look for the part that says I don't have the right to call an adult a "complete moron wack-job" who open carries AR15's and 1911's in the streets and sidewalks as part of a Halloween Costume while parents and kids are trick-or-treating.

No real guns at halloween for kids and their costumes period loaded unloaded or broke

kids should be taught about all guns and to shoot and hunt they are not for theatrics their not in movies
Okay, I have gone back over various sets of safety rules for handling guns. None of them rule out costume carry, Halloween, or theactrics.

I guess we need to inform all the re-enactors about how they can't be using real gear anymore as they definitely handle guns as part of costumery and theatrics. :rolleyes:

...and tend to make some of them up as they go along.
And apparently, we are making up new rules as we go along as well.
I just don't see the risks inherent in halloween that would lead me to a much higher state of awareness and armed status.

yes, either a pistol or rifle is moved closer to the door, but that isn't necessarily because I'm afraid for myself. I'm worried about angry drunks, predators hunting children, domestic disputes, and so forth.

I see the risk of trouble on halloween night as being barely higher than normal, and I freely admit that keeping a firearm close at hand smells like paranoia. I actually feel a little silly doing it.

I wish I didn't feel the need to a heightened awareness on Halloween but this news article tells me otherwise



My point being whether provoked or not, some use costumes on Halloween as a tool to commit a crime.
How did you know for sure they weren't airsoft?

Many airsoft guns are so realistic that you cannot tell whether they are real or not until you check the chamber/ barrel. Regardless, still obviously a good idea to treat them as real until you know for sure otherwise.
by "heightened awareness" I am not implying that I hang around like a sheep drinking beer in front of the tube. I am already on alert, day in, day out. The only thing I feel any need to do on halloween is prepare for the door to be opened for dozens of strangers, and as I said, at that point, the gun comes out of the closet.

I'm already anticipating trouble. Whether the trouble comes to the door wearing a ball cap or a gorilla mask, what is the difference? In most communities, I believe, halloween is no more dangerous than the day before, or the day after.

As I said, I choose a rifle on halloween. On halloween, I feel that there is at least a small chance that trouble will occur, and it won't necessarily be inside my doors.

Ten years ago, a young girl claimed to have been abducted and raped from a street corner outside my house. 50 feet from my front door. There were doubts about her statement. There was a gang murder down the street from my house, two people shot. None of this happened on halloween, but I still prepare for the minute possibility of danger or violence to rise.
(moved to more appropriate forum)

Situational awareness. Have it and use it. Kudos to OP for spotting real guns on the Buzz Lightyear soldier.

At THR, there's a terrific picture of one member's daughter who's wearing a big rimmed hat and wielding a side by side. I had to ask if that was trick or treat or just plain old fashion armed robbery.
I didn't bother worrying about a gun, but as always I had a knife with me. I handed out candy, as a vampire. I look the part, long black hair, facial hair, and had some neat fangs. Parents looked at me funny, I looked at the parents who were acting weird, and the attractive young mothers got a few more looks from me. Can't help it, it's nature. ;)

No armed trick or treaters, but this IS Southern California, in a gated community. We don't expect that stuff. In Oregon, I don't get trick or treaters. Maybe I should consider this more next year...
In 1958? I went trick or treating as a soldier and was elated to be allowed to carry my uncle's real life GI 1911 as part of my costume.

In 1968 I attended my girlfriends senior prom,,,
It had a cowboy/cowgirl theme that year,,,
I was wearing my Colt Frontier Scout,,,
My girlfriend wore a Ruger (I think).

Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong day and age.
Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong day and age.

How many mass shootings were there back then? and how many today because people arn't allowed to bring guns to schools? Gun free zone = criminals dont have to worry about other people stopping them with a gun.. :mad:
How many mass shootings were there back then? and how many today because people arn't allowed to bring guns to schools? Gun free zone = criminals dont have to worry about other people stopping them with a gun..

Actually, there were quite a few. Lynchings were also much more common then as well. Funny how selective memory and social delineations dull the mind to realizing what was really going on in the past. However, we didn't have the media networking that we have today. The local news posted a story on a family of bobcats in a development just south of me and a friend in Nevada called to ask if I had seen them.