Halloween ---- weird to me ....


New member
Ok.. took grandkids out for Halloween. When walking back to my house there was a kid standing there, so granddaughter went inside and came out with a bowl of candy for him to get some.

I could not tell due to the lighting where I was at, what the costume of the kid was.... and his father was standing nearby, so I asked him. He said he was "Bud Lightyear". Then he said , " I dressed up as one of the soldiers".

I hadn't really looked at the guy, Ok ... -10 points for me. But when I really looked at him, he was in some 'greens' and had an AR15 on his shoulder and a gun on his hip, along with a knife sheath and knife in it, flashlight, etc.

I could see that for one, all of them were for real. And when he turned a touch, I could see it was a real 1911 in the holster. No play toys.

My radar was 'up ' a bit now. He seemed to get a touch nervous when he saw me eyeing the AR a bit, actually I was trying to figure out which one it was and was going to ask him some questions about it. He then got his son and left rather quickly.

It's illegal to open carry a loaded gun in the town, but legal if they were unloaded. I wish they would make it legal to open carry a handgun, but it is what it is.

I guess in my dreams, It never crossed my mind to carry an AR out on Halloween for trick or treating ...
I want to get one of those 'jason' masks...pretty much horrify people by just standing there looking at them:D--you know the way his buddy does the same thing in the "Halloween" movies by John Carpenter---by the way, the "Halloween" mask was a CPT Kirk and/or william shatner(same thing) mask that they dug holes into(I was reading the history of the movie). **sorry, I get excited during the Holiday Season:cool:
Dress up for Halloween should not include real guns. I certainly understand if folks choose to carry while walking their kids around their neighborhood. I don't conceal carry when walking the streets with my kid for Halloween. That's just my choice - not telling other folks what to do.
Dress up for Halloween should not include real guns

I agree 100%. Carrying is not a joke, and the less confusion about what's real or not, the better. I put my J-frame in my pocket when my daughter and I walked around last night. There were a couple of times when guys answering the door acted a little weird (as in "Are you out all alone tonight?") until they looked up and saw me observing from the sidewalk or the street.
When my kids were young pups and we knew everyone we would trick or treated with the kids. the adults would get a beer. Miss thoes times...was fun. As for carring handguns. I have always carried for over 38 years concealed legaly. No one knows.
I agree 100%. Carrying is not a joke, and the less confusion about what's real or not, the better. I put my J-frame in my pocket when my daughter and I walked around last night. There were a couple of times when guys answering the door acted a little weird (as in "Are you out all alone tonight?") until they looked up and saw me observing from the sidewalk or the street.

I agree too but... the flip side of that. Do you really know who's ringing your door bell or knocking? We don't get many kids trick or treating in my suburb with large lots. But a couple of years ago there were older teens doing the trick or treat thing. Hate to be caught off guard opening the door, iffin' you know what I mean.

My gawd but I must be older than I thought,,,

In 1958? I went trick or treating as a soldier and was elated to be allowed to carry my uncle's real life GI 1911 as part of my costume.

In 1968 I attended my girlfriends senior prom,,,
It had a cowboy/cowgirl theme that year,,,
I was wearing my Colt Frontier Scout,,,
My girlfriend wore a Ruger (I think).

Fully 1/2 of the kids at that dance wore real guns,,,
The chaperones simply checked to ensure they weren't loaded.

No one shot anyone else the entire night.

I realize that times and attitudes have changed,,,
But sometimes I think we are as bad as the anti-gun folk.


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I realize that times and attitudes have changed

Definitely, and how many people other than cops thought it prudent to carry in '58 or '68? When I was a kid, we could be gone all day "to the woods" without parental supervision and they wouldn't worry at all. Not any more...
I could not tell due to the lighting where I was at, what the costume of the kid was.... and his father was standing nearby, so I asked him. He said he was "Bud Lightyear". Then he said , " I dressed up as one of the soldiers".

I hadn't really looked at the guy, Ok ... -10 points for me. But when I really looked at him, he was in some 'greens' and had an AR15 on his shoulder and a gun on his hip, along with a knife sheath and knife in it, flashlight, etc.

FYI, that was Buzz Lightyear. The soldiers are the green plastic army men. The characters are from Toy Story. I don't think they had M16s, so maybe his costume wasn't quite right.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with authentic costumes.
In 1958? I went trick or treating as a soldier and was elated to be allowed to carry my uncle's real life GI 1911 as part of my costume.

In 1968 I attended my girlfriends senior prom,

I wonder what would have happened if it was 1928 and you showed up to a Chicago High School prom with a Tommy Gun? Who knows, maybe by 2058 kids can wear real revolvers to Oklahoma H.S. proms again.
I think I get a little paranoid on Halloween. It seems to me that's when all the weirdos come out so they don't have to hide it. Needless to say I had one on my hip (CC) and the 12 Ga on ready behind the door.

Anywhoo... I do not think using a real gun as part of a costume is a good idea. When I was a kid I had a costume one year that needed a gun. I just used my Dad's western style leather holster and belt. Realism takes a back seat to safety when it comes to costumes I feel.
Some kids take it seriously


AIKEN, SC (WIS) - Police say a 10-year-old trick-or-treater pulled out a 9-mm handgun when woman joked that she was going to steal his candy on Halloween.

According to Aiken Public Safety officials, a 28-year-old woman told authorities that she recognized some youngsters in a group of about a dozen kids Monday evening and she joked she'd take their candy.

Not one kid stopped by my house....
Ehh, I'm not a fan of mixing real firearms with "play time" or "pretend". I don't have a problem with toy guns at all, in fact I think that's what should be used at playtime, not a real firearm.
Dress up for Halloween should not include real guns... That's just my choice - not telling other folks what to do.

You're telling other folks what they shouldn't do, but you're not telling other folks what to do. If you say so.

Meanwhile, I'm going to have to log out for awhile so I can reread the Second Amendment. It'll probably take me awhile to find the part where it says it doesn't apply on Hallowe'en.
I was CC, but I never figured my AR as a necessity walking the neighborhood. LOL I could care less, but it caught me strange I guess...
I wouldn't take the chance of losing it to the Local PD in this town. Small town, and they are not all well versed in the laws..... and tend to make some of them up as they go along.
I just don't see the risks inherent in halloween that would lead me to a much higher state of awareness and armed status.

yes, either a pistol or rifle is moved closer to the door, but that isn't necessarily because I'm afraid for myself. I'm worried about angry drunks, predators hunting children, domestic disputes, and so forth.

I see the risk of trouble on halloween night as being barely higher than normal, and I freely admit that keeping a firearm close at hand smells like paranoia. I actually feel a little silly doing it.
Real? Have you seen some Airsoft guns? Some have the real trademarks also...metal, heavy....orange tips could have been taken off or painted but if they were real - that is shear idiocy to have a kid walking around during Halloween and going to doors with real firearms.