Had to use mine Wednesday Night (Update)

You did one hell of a good job Moose! Stand tall and walk proud!! The BG had it coming and you stopped him. Allways think about that whenever your in doubt! This reminds me as well to get back on the range and practice more.
self defense

I have had to draw my wepon in self defense 3 times and ones to protect a friend,(though I never had to fire the bgs all ran or surrendered and were arrested).But my point is after the first incadent I could not pick up a gun without shaking for about 6 months in fact it took the second time I had to draw to stop the shaking.hang in there youll get back to normal.
Seems like there are a couple people from the other thread who ought to be eating crow right about now.

Good job, Moose :)
Glad to hear you are ok, and that the situation turned out to be of no consequence to you. Keep strong, never second guess your actions, and always know that you did the right thing.

Glad to hear you're doing fine. Your scenario is one we wish never happens but must be prepared for it if it does.
Mow-You should be ashamed of your stupid and insensitive comments on his first thread.
Moose, I too am glad to hear your ordeal went well and you're OK.

First, I hope I NEVER have to use my gun to defend my life or the life of another innocent person. However, I will, if need be.

Second, I can only hope I can react as quickly and unmistakably as you did. You did the right thing - put LIFE first, and LAW second.

As for the Monday Morning Quarterbacks, ignore them all. They haven't been there; and if they ever are, I'm sure their tune will change!

I also found it kind of hilarious when someone stated that a jury member may assume a guy named "Moose" is a big and/or strong guy who shouldn't have needed to use a firearm to defend himself in this scenario. Again, they weren't there.

Ironically, my uncle's name is Moose. Even gets some of his mail sent to him that way (he also works for the USPS). I'm 5'10" 165 lbs. He's not much bigger than me, maybe even a little skinnier.

He just got the name as a kid, don't ask me how. I don't remember.

So Moose, FWIW, congratulations on doing the right thing, and making the world a little safer for all of us.

had to use mine

Great Job. Now put it behind you and get back to the range, You did what had to be done and thank god you were in the right place at the right time. Good Work. :) :) :) :) :)
Good for you, Moose. You were in a situation that all the rest of us hope to never be in, yet we hope that if we ever are in it, we react properly and no one but the BG gets hurt. I certainly hope that if I am ever there, I do as well as you did. You rock dude.
You passed one of lifes toughest tests. Society needs more people like you- citizens who are prepared to get involved.

I hope you feelings of stress subside and you can go back to your sport.

Well done.
Well I went back to the range last night for the first time since the incident and it diffinetly was a great closure to the ordeal. It felt good to shoot at those targets again. I am completely over the whole ordeal now and will never look back. After speaking and becoming friends with some of the officers and the detective I am even thinking about getting into law enforcement and have have been encouraged by the officers to go for it. They have been great to me during this whole ordeal.
Congrats. You are lucky that the guy is in jail you know. Where I live, (WV) they have a three strikes law for repeat felony offenders, but it has no teeth and the prosecutors seldom even try to use it to keep these types of vermin in jail.
Right now, one community in my county is up in arms over a guy who has been getting arrested and released (on felonies) every month since last October. Last time, his dad bonded him out. Time before that, the regional jail decided to let him go as it was overcrowded and they (no joke) wanted to make room for drunk drivers.
Another community in my county is up in arms over another repeat felony offender who has been in and out of jail montly for two years now.
I think many communities are like mine, in that if they would just lock up about a dozen guys, 98 percent of your crime rate would go away overnight.
Congratulations Moose. Well done, and good luck in you go into LE work. May God be with you and all of those who stand in the gap, no matter what uniform you wear.
Hey, Moose. Good Job. Sounds like you kept a clear head under bad circumstances. Having been hit in the back of the head, and been in a few situations where I feared for my life, I understand about second guessing and all that. Good luck if you decide to try for LE. Always room for good cops, especially gunnies.
One question,though. What kind of ammo were you using?