Had an 'incident' recently, need thoughts

You guys don't understand. I *wanted* to get up and say something, but she told me to stay put, per her experience at the hotel.

No lack of gumption. Trust me.
something simular happened to me but i was on the other end of it

I was taking an evening walk, i do this often help clear my head after my nap and before homework. That day i took a different route and was walking up a small side street, I see a young man (30s) and an older gentlemen (60s) i'm guessing he was his father. the other guy was sitting in an old ranch wagon and the young guy was trying to push it up into the drive. i rush over to help me get it into the drive way as he had to push it up onto a little hill. after that was acomplished i was peering around the side of the car to see the condition of the panels ect. (i love old cars) for about 5 seconds they i righted my self and stuck my hand out to indroduce myself as thier neighbor from a few blocks up. the young gentlmen took a step back from me and the older dude took out his tool box and flipped it open. the hairs on my neck stood up, i know what i keep in my tool box (a small handgun) so i took an immediate step back from thier car onto the sidewalk and decided maybe to try that introduction thing again. nope still a no go, i got as far as "Hi, my name is Sarah...." when suddenly the older guy said "nice to meet you thank you for your help..." then end of the sentance was left hanging like that a definate clue to hit the road.
the only thing i can think is despite my smile and helpful demeanor they were startled by me because i'm different, i have short hair very short hair (think 1/4 of an inch) and what people call a bull ring through my septum. this all happened in less then 2 minutes i was just taken aback by thier reaction especually since i was wearing huge clothes that could have hidden a gun i was just in jeans and a t with my hands at my sides. Plus i don't think i'm all the scary who knows maybe i am. :eek:

just my story of being on the other side of things
Define scuffy.

At the end of my work day scruffy would sometimes be a kind description of me.

However manners and propriety would prevent me from approaching an unescorted young girl at any time.
That behavior would have alarmed me even if he had on a $1000 suit
You guys don't understand. I *wanted* to get up and say something, but she told me to stay put, per her experience at the hotel.

No, I understood that.
Your intuition was discounted by her. That kind of thing happens frequently. We look for a reason to continue to deny what our subconcious is trying to tell us. Basically what happened is your girlfriend said "My intuition is better than yours, because I work the night shift at a hotel." Does that make sense? You agreed to it. Sometimes a job like that will dull intuition as frequency of contact breeds complacency.

Did you get a license number? A good description? How do you know that a registered sex offender is not stalking your young friend at this very moment? Will you feel differently if she disappears tomorrow?

I'm not saying to go over there and be aggressive, just to go make your presence known. Let the fellow know your young friend is not unaccompanied, and he has been seen and noted. That would have been enough to send a sex offender looking for a less risky target. The goal is to take your young friend off his victim selection list, that is all.
Say hi, and become a power in the conversation, and be IN CONTROL. Ciminals are very unlikely to mess around with a confident person, who makes their presence known. If you were armed, the same goes, however you have another venue if things become less than plesant. Basically, depending on the age of the girl, instruct her, in a voice that is loud enough for the guys to hear, to go inside, and that she shouldnt be talking to strangers. Confidence, presence, and keeping a cool head will help you prevail in this situation.
I'm with Crimson Trace on this one.

Scruffy or not, good guy(s) or not, wife/gf wanting you to stand down or not, dog not alerting or not...those guys had no business approaching a 12 yr old girl and I think it was your place to confirm to these guys that the girl wasn't hanging out waiting to meet guys or whatever. You could've did this in a politely aggressive manner by just quickly standing up (without asking for permission, no offense) and approaching them with a confident quick walk saying Hi guys whats up? They would've got the message good guys or bad.

Thats how I would've handled it, armed or not, dog or not. YMMV.
Have your dog evaluated

Regardless of the intent of those guys, you really should have your dog evaluated by a personal protection trainer--he'll be able to tell you if your dog has the nerves to protect. Also, he can wear a hidden sleeve/suit and do a mock home invasion for you to see how your dog reacts. This kind of civil agitation can be a real confidence builder for a dog on the cusp of nervousness.

This post is a great read even if you did get knocked around some chris in va. One thing I have learned from it, is to think long and hard about what I want to say, prior to my next posting.

Then again, no one will probably reply.
Is it possible that your friend, her daughter, and their German Sheperd actually know these two scruffy-looking individuals? FWIW, some of ths scruffiest looking individuals I have ever met were Undercover Officers.
Sounds like your lady friend may have, either through experience or otherwise, keener perception for people that are trouble as opposed to those who merely seem that way to others. Family dogs that appear will usually switch modes very fast in the face of an aggressive threat to their masters. I would say that as soon as one of these guys had put hands on the daugther and she displayed the first signs of distress (and maybe even before that), G. Shepherd would have acted in character with the breed; they are normally very protective.