h335 or win 748 for .223?

W748 is a very good med burn powder that works great in AR gas guns. I also got excellent 308 bolt gun precision as well. The issue with 748 is its temp sensitive, so dont expect the same precision from a load developed in June vs attempting to shoot the same load in October. Ive documented all my ambient temps / charge adjustments so i know how the powder behaves but 748 will be fussy for a beginner looking to shoot year round.
Ball powders are seldom, if ever, used for best accuracy in competitive shooting disciplines.
I agree with Bart, When I switched over to Varget it was light years better than WC844, WC846 And Actual BLC2.

I stop using Varget because it was soo hard to find. I started loading For M1 over AR platform so I started using IMR4895, 4064 . again varget would work great just harder to get.

I would say try different primers, But primers are impossible to find so may have to use what you got.
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so I just did some testing with H335, performance was poor.

16in barrel AR
Hornady FMJ 55g seated 2.200, start 20.8, max 23.2 (Hornady 11th)
Hornady FMJ 62g seated 2.229, start 21.0, max 22.9 (Hornady 11th)
Lake city once fired
CCI 450 small rifle magnum primers

I did 1 round at each charge weight looking for pressure signs in my rifle, so no SD/ES data.

20.8, 2432 fps
21.1, 2447 fps
21.4, 2501 fps
21.7, 2479 fps
22.0, 2543 fps
22.3, 2549 fps
22.6, 2568 fps
22.9, 2634 fps
23.2, 2647 fps

20.2, 2370 fps
20.5, 2341 fps
20.8, 2360 fps
21.1, 2397 fps
21.4, 2436 fps
21.7, 2467 fps
22.0, 2446 fps
22.3, 2508 fps
22.6, 2528 fps
22.9, 2640 fps
Did you get pressure signs at those loads? I ask because I load the 63’s, 64’s, and 65’s at slightly above 24 gr of H335. That’s where I get best accuracy in my two 223’s. Max, I believe, is shown as 25 gr of H335 in my Lyman book. I definitely got pressure signs as I got close to 25 grains,
primers were lightly flattened, no ejector swipes or cratering. also the starting loads, and most of the loads felt odd, had kind of a weird sproing to them when cycling and felt a little slow, but everything cycled and ejected fine.
I’ve been shooting bulk 55gr bullets with 24.9gr of H335 and Tula Magnum primers for about ten years now. On a good day at 100yds it’s around MOA, but in general it’s more of a 1.5 MOA plinker. No pressure issues or malfunctions at all. I use any old brass and nothing but resizing and trimming for brass prep.
Just to clarify which powder is which among the older ones:
Powders from 2009 MSDS sheets (some newer MSDS sheets lack the powder name information due to
changes in MSDS requirement regulations).

Note that bulk grade versions have wider burn rate specs and can vary significantly from the
canister grades, which are controlled for burn rate by blending with held back fast or slow 
lots, as needed to adjust them to within ±3% of their nominal burn rates.

     Canister      | Bulk Grade |       Canister         | Canister |      Canister        |
      Grade        |            |        Grade           |  Grade   |       Grade          |
                   | St. Marks  |                        |          |                      |
     Hodgdon       | Mil & OEM  |      Winchester        | Thales   |        IMR           |
                   |            |                        |          |                      |
HP-38--------------|-- OBP231 --|- 231 ------------------|----------|----------------------|-
                   |   OBP124   |  AALite (WFL)          |          |                      |
Titewad            |   OBP132   |                        |          |                      |
Tightgroup --------|-- OBP242 --|------------------------|----------|----------------------|-
                   |   OBP465   |  Super-Handicap (WSH)  |          |                      |
Longshot           |   OBP473   |                        |          |                      |
Lil' Gun ----------|-- OBP516 --|------------------------|----------|----------------------|-
Hybrid 100V        |   SHP771   |                        |          |                      |
                   |   SMP224   |  AutoComp              |          |                      |
-------------------|--- WAA90 --|- WST ------------------|----------|----------------------|-
H110               |    WC296   |  296                   |          |                      |
HS-6               |    WC540   |  540                   |          |                      |
HS-7               |    WC571   |  571                   |          |                      |
-------------------|--- WC748 --|- 748 ------------------|----------|----------------------|-
H414               |    WC760   |  760                   |          |                      |
H335               |    WC844   |                        |          |                      |
BL-C(2)------------|--- WC846 --|------------------------|----------|----------------------|-
H380               |    WC852   |                        |          |                      |
US869              |    WC869   |                        |          |                      |
-------------------|-- WMR780 --|- Supreme 780 ----------|----------|----------------------|-
                   |   WXC170   |  WSF                   |          |                      |
Clays              |            |                        |  AS30N   |                      |
International Clays|------------|------------------------|- AS50N --|----------------------|-
Universal Clays    |            |                        |  AP70N   |                      |
H4227              |            |                        |  AR2205  |IMR 4227 second source|
H4198 -------------|------------|------------------------|- AR2207 -|----------------------|-
                   |            |                        |   BM1    |                      |
H322               |            |                        |  AR2219  |                      |
Benchmark          |            |                        |   BM2    |                      |
-------------------|------------|------------------------|- AR2210 -|- IMR 8208 XBR -------|-
H4895              |            |                        |  AR2206H |                      |
Varget             |            |                        |  AR2208  |                      |
H4350 -------------|------------|------------------------|- AR2209 -|----------------------|-
H4831              |            |                        |  AR2213  |                      |
H4831SC            |            |                        | AR2213SC |                      |
H1000 -------------|------------|------------------------|- AR2217 -|----------------------|-
Retumbo            |            |                        |  AR2225  |                      |
H50BMG             |            |                        |  AR2218  |                      |
-------------------|------------|------------------------|- AR2215 -|IMR 4198 second source|
                   |            |                        |  AS25BP  |IMR Trail Boss        |