H to H tecniques

:eek: Yipes! Come on, now. Should we, really, be telling a 14 year old boy how to do things like this?

Maybe the comments about striking the throat and shorting out kneecaps should be edited out. Throat strikes can kill – period! That’s, ‘Why’ I specifically didn’t mention them in any of the above posts.

Moreover how many high school fights deserve to end up with blown-out knees? How about toning it down? We shouldn’t be telling a young boy things like this! :o
It is a tough call, what to teach or tell someone, somebody said above basically you MUST use any training or weapon RESPONSIBLY. Getting picked on seems to be an important part of escalted violence in school. In the 4th grade a kid was found to have a razor blade on the bus because some kids were picking on him.

I don't know if this was answered but most "Heavy bags" should have a place to put a rope or chain on the bottom also so if you don't have anybody to hold the bag, you can attach it to the floor, or to plates from a weight set. Boxing is a good discipline, but the longer a "streetfight" lasts the more likely it is on the ground. Wrestling if a sport at your school is a good start. It should be inexpensive for you if that is an issue, you will probably need a sports physical, and they teach speed, power, and strength, I know that power and strength seem similar, but they are different. They should be able to teach you to "shoot" on somebody basically put him on his stomach while you are on your knees and give you time to escape. Unless the person hits their head on something hard like even a tile type floor or the corner of the desk, which happened in a one punch fist fight at a highschool and the kid died, it may be the cheapest, and quickest bang for your buck. If you can before wrestling season starts get a month or two of Martial arts training it will help.

I would not try any type of "killer move", instep stomps if some is bearhugging you, or throwing your head backwards to hit their nose and just coming forward and stepping on their toes and pushing or the nose punch, the basic stuff said above all works. If being puched at hands up elbows close to the body, and keep your chin as close to your chest. I never attempted a kick above the knee because I could not pull it off, and getting your foot grabbed and landing on the ground was not for me. Learning your limititations is a very good thing. If you are not fast but strong you can train that way and work on your weakness, and soon it becomes your strength, and you keep doing that, and you will progress in most anything in life.

To strengten wrists and forearms if you have dumbells sit put your forearm on your leg your wrist over your kneeat least or and relax your wrist and then pull your hand up. Do it with your inside of your forearm also. Alot of this stuff I need a pic to visualise. Search on wrist curls, reverse wrist curls. Grasp a tennis ball tightly and relaxing also helps grip strength. Me and my brother got exercise books from the library. There is a trend in equipmentless training to keep costs low. They may have some self defense books, that may help with footwork. You can try a bookstore for some books, I am trying to keep costs low so you can spend it on ammo for target/plinking, or whatever. Good luck!

I guess when we sparred like that we were sissys. We had Headguards, Martial arts gloves, mouthpieces, and footguards. :D
Sorry Arc Angel: your right, I probably shouldn't have mentioned the down, dirty effective stuff...

However, a little research on the internet and he should be able to figure this stuff out. Again, my advice, apologize like *ell and get the *ell out!

So, Rugerdude, you only fight if there is no other option...then, anything is fair!

Now, a less lethal attack is to direct your kick to the ankle bone...the bone protudes on the side of the foot. A quick snap kick to the bone will disable them...There are something like 211 bones in the human body, each foot has 52/54 bones...these are small bones and break very easily!

As for punching, right where the sterum seperates, you will feel a small bone protuding (chest). The ribs then flow down from this point.

A good shot just below this bone, will knock the wind out of them...they lay on the ground trying to breath as they try to throw up at the same time...intresting effect...usualy non-lethal, unless they have a heart or other medical condition!
Nothing will teach you unarmed self-defense better than a GOOD martial arts school. (Or getting into "real" fights, I suppose.) I thought I was a badass until I took my first martial arts classes in high school. After trying a few styles, I ended up studying Muay Thai kickboxing for a number of years. Learning how to strike is one thing, but placement of development of that strike are probably 80% or more of the action. Also, learning to take a punch is helpful. And I don't mean hurt yourself until it don't hurt no more; you LEARN how to take a punch, which muscles to tense, how to shift your body so the other guy's hit lands in a less vital area, etc.

There are tons of styles if you prefer to punch, kick, holds and locks, or any combination. Kenpo can teach you some MEAN holds and locks. Ninjutsu is a real martial art too, not just in fiction. Difficult to find an instructor, but the fighting style is almost indefensible if you are serious. Thing is... they like to break bones! :eek:
So RG what are you thinking on doing, and what other info or clarification do you need?

MiK, I took kenpo, but it was changed a little bit. The owner of the gym would have had to pay franchising fees, if he used the exact same info as was taught by the kenpo association. I mainly did one on one lessons. It was on saturday and it was an employee who taught me, and he liked to spar so we would usually get in about 30 extra mins. of sparring a lesson. The kenpo I learned was very modern in stances and punches and kicks. Not very flashy, but good results, and stessed footwork and movement.
If I were in your position I would look and see if my school offered a wrestling or boxing program. I would also check local community centers and the YMCA for cheap martial arts lessons.

If you have to train on your own I would suggest you learn a good hook type punch to the lower body and a palm heel strike to the face.

For the body blow you will want to tighten your fist as much as possible. Think you are trying to crush a lump of coal into a diamond. Also tighten the muscles in your forearm as much as possible to avoid hurting your wrists. There are different schools of thought on which part of the fist to hit your opponent with. Some people say the fist two knuckles of the hand are the proper striking surface, others like to hit with the knuckle of the ring finger, still more prefer to hit with the entire fist. Experiment a little and see what works for you. Get in close to your bag and drive your punches out from your hips like a piston. Try to drive your blows THROUGH your target. On the street these strikes can be used when in close to target the abdomen if your opponent gets close and you need to drive them off. Offensively you can use them by grabbing the upper arm of your enemy and turning him so that his back is exposed to you. Then begin repeatedly striking him in the closest kidney.

For the palm heel strike you want to curl your fingers back to the first joint at the palm. The striking surface is bottom of your palm. The main target is the bottom of the chin. You will want to hit at an upward angle to drive the head up and backwards. Defensively you would most likely use this after blocking or slipping your opponents punch. It is also useful in stopping a grab attempt if you can catch it early. Offensively you would try get to the side of your opponent and gain control of his arm. Basically grab hold of it and push his elbow down and into his side to push him off balance, then bring your palm heel up the front of his chest to take advantage of the blind spot under his eyes. Drive the head up and back, then when he is looking up at the sky and leaning backwards push his head down to the ground.
Here's a random question. What do you do if someone picks you up. Same thing goes for a bear hug. I would assume that if you get close enough to have that happen to you, you've already made a whole bunch of mistakes in a street fight/hand to hand, but if it goes to ground. . . . .

so what would those of you who know something about self defense do?

a) the threat was dire?

b) it was just some punk who wanted to show other people that he was stronger than you?

edited so that the threat, instead of the thread, was dire
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I'm suprised no one has mentioned using your environment. Before the BG takes a swing, throw dirt in his face, if available. And after throwing the nose jab, if you have a good solid object nearby, bounce the guy off it a few times. A brick wall works wonders. And always remember, once the BG is not in a position to come after you anymore, get the heck outta there.
1a) Picked up off my feet by someone who is intent on doing me serious physical harm.

This is a serious situation. The bad guy has demonstrated an ability to do me serious bodily harm by the simple fact that he was able to pick me up off my feet. My response depends on how my hands are positioned. If my arms are pinned to my body I have the chance to access one of the weapons I have at my belt line. I also have the chance to grab hold of the bad guys groin and try to rip his genitals off. No matter what I do it is going to be nasty and brutal.

1b) Picked up off my feet by some punk trying to show off.

This has actually happened to me. I went totally limp and he almost hurt himself trying to lift my dead weight. When he finally got me up in the air and slammed me I took a break fall, bounced back up to my knees, and took him down with a single leg take down. I then mounted him and applied a key lock. This was all in good fun during a break in a defensive tactics class. I have also had good success with rolling into a sacrifice throw when playing around with friends from my dojo that I know can roll and fall without getting hurt.

2a & b) Put into a bear hug.

There are a number of martial arts and defensive tactics techniques I know for this one. I would just vary how hard and strong I do the technique as well as how I followed it up depending on the circumstances.
Probably the most basic martial arts response is the headbutt/foreheadbutt to the hugger's face/nose. Also, if from behind a squat with both your arms thrust forward can help breakout. If possible bend forward and grab BG's leg from between yours and fall back on him. Pretty devastating. If you are already in air on a behind hug, bring a heel up into BG's crotch. All best learned from a talented teacher but still pretty basic stuff. Keep trying, make an opening. Twist if possible and chop down past your side into crotch. Comes down to getting BG off balance and hitting with whatever you can move.