H&K USP Compact .40 or Smith & Wesson .40

Hank Smith

New member
Hello all. I have bid an avvid rifle shooter for the past 10 years. I recently got my pistol permit and I am looking for a handgun. My friend also recently got his pistol permit and he purchased the stainless H&K USP .40, and he has had zero problems with it. I also shot the firearm and it was very smooth and extremely accurate. I have shot various other pistols (Glocks, Walters, etc) and so far the H&K has been the best.

Now with all that said I need some more experienced users to help me decide on either the H&K USP Compact .40 or the Smith & Wesson .40. I am looking for reliability and overall a quality piece. When I went to the local gun store near me the salesmen recommended the H&K. I was also looking at the Sig in that caliber but he told me that he and other gun stores were having major problems with Sig USA, and he recommended, while it being an excellent firearm, not to get the Sig.

Please also note that this firearm would be primarily for defense and secondary for target shooting. My future wife would also need to shoot this firearm. I was thinking of the 9mm, but I believe she can handle the .40 without any problems. Of course I will take to the range before I make the purchase. Plus I just like .40 caliber, not as big as the 45, and not as small as the 9mm, perfectly in the middle.

Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time.

If you are looking for long term reliability, proven accuracy, and a forever companion through thick and thin, pick up the HK. You simply cannot go wrong!

Semper Fi-
If you are looking for reliability and overall quality then for sure go with the H & K USP 40 compact. I've got the USP full size and compact in 40 and love them both. As for your wife, she shouldn't have any problem handling the recoil of the 40 S&W round. My girlfriend had never shot any firearms before she met me and she first shot the USP 40 full size and had no problems with it. Although, now she loves my USP 40 compact the best.
lots of vote for hk's here, but here is one for the smith. i'm presuming that you are refering to the sw99, their version of the walther 99.

the walther is a great gun in a very handy size, i have always felt that the bore line of the hk was too high above the grip. the interchangable backstraps would also be a plus if your future wife's hand differ much from yours.

I owned an H&K in 45acp [full sized] in variant #1. Loved every minute of it, now if they would chamber one of thier full sized pistols in 10mm...:)

I looked for one of thier compacts in 357sig, could not find one, settled in a Sig p229 in 357sig.

H&K compact = yes - in 40 caliber = no. My choice would either be in 45acp or 357sig, but that just me, go with whatever trips your trigger.

Hopes this helps.
The HK USP45 just may be the best handgun I've owned, and there have been quite a few.

If it is the SW99, Smith's version of the Walther 99 you can do a search on here for the Walther. Seems to be mixed reports as to the reliability of the gun. Too bad because I think it's a nice looking pistol and Walther has a fantastic reputation.
I fifteenth the vote for HK.

My buddy has a S&W TSW40, and It's not nearly as accurate as my USP45, or our other buddy's USP40C.

If you're talking about the S&W99, then I'd say take the real deal (the Walther) over the S&W. I've heard mixed reports of both, but I've heard LESS bad bout the Walther version.

I still vote HK over Walther, but I plan to own both eventually.
Hank I have a Walther P-99 9mm and a H&K .40 compact and they both shoot great but if I could only have one it would be the H&K .40 Compact.

I have both the 40 compact and the 45 fullsize. Love them. Besides you don't want to support the dirt bag sellouts (S&W) do you.

Just wanted to say thanks for all the great feedback. As you can see in my original post I was leaning towards the H&K. Just wanted to see what everyone else thought. So I will be getting the H&K40C, and I appreciate everyones response. I like the guy that voted twice :)

this one is a no brainer

my first gun was a full size usp40 and i love it.
my girlfriend who was anti-gun loves it. i think she wants to keep it. obviously caliber is not a problem for a female shooter.
i will be buying usp40 compact when i get the money.
bottom line... buy HK