H&K P7M8

But you didn't get messed up transitioning between the squeeze cocker and the glock trigger did you?


The Seattle Shooter
how durable is the NP3 finish? i was thinking of having my P7M8 done up in this finish.

as for transitioning from the squeeze cocker and then to a "normal" trigger...i haven't found any problems. the P7M8 has such a unique feel to it, that i haven't forgotten to squeeze and cock the gun.


<a href="http://marina.fortunecity.com/harbour/347/10mm.html">my 10mm page</a>
Here's another question for you fellow refurbished M8 owners:

- Does you pistol seem to shoot low?

I took my recent purchase to the range a two weekends ago and tried three different loads at distances out to about 35 feet. They all grouped at least 3 inches low.

Another shooter a few lanes over commented that his remedy for his was to simply cover the target with the front dot!

Is this another instance of Europeans and Americans having different ideas about what a correct sight picture is?


Three types of ammo. It's either the gun or the shooter. me suspects it be da shooter. Check your stance, grip, and sight picture and make sure you're getting it right.

The squeeze cocker feature can throw you off since you must maintain pressure while independently working the trigger finger. Get a pair of exercise grips and work them while you drive.

But shooting low usually isn't the shooter. Have an experienced P7 shooter run it through its paces and see what happens.

I had the same short term problem with one of my Sigs until I worked on my dry firing and it cleared right up the next trip to the range.

Things to consider.

The Seattle SharpShooter
I have been under the impression that you covered the target with "combat style" sights
and you put the target on top(like dotting an i) with target sights.
My P7 shoots point of aim with the target covered by the front sight.

Transitioning between the two guns does feel a little strange when I go from the P7 to the Glock. I instinctively hold the Glock tighter.. However, going the other way, there is no diffence.


My P7M8's have not shot been shooting lower since I refinished them...
Thanks for all the feedback, guys!

So it's "normal" for the P7 to have a sight picture in which the front sight _covers_ what you want to hit? Hmm... I guess I'm just totally used to the "6 o'clock hold" of my other pistols...

The guy who I mentioned in my earlier post was/is a more senior P7 owner/shooter; he was able to hit the neon green paster with my pistol while I consistently grouped (touching shots) a couple of inches low.

Anyone know if replacing the sights with Meprolights will change the point-of-impact to be more compatible with a 6 o'clock hold?

The two problems I have had when shooting IDPA matchs are not letting the trigger reset and relaxing my grip enough to decock the pistol.
The trigger reset problem is a product of shooting a Walther P-99 for so long.
It has a short reset.
The relaxing of my grip is a problem that I have taken care of.

Tommy Lee Jones used a P-7 in "Under Siege"

I have no idea why I bought another Pistol!

[This message has been edited by Dave9 (edited December 16, 1999).]