gunshows and wives


New member
Another gun show this weekend. Saturday morning ritual, get up, go to bank, go to gun show, bring new gun home and put in safe, without wife seeing. Bring out in a few days as if its always been there. Anyone ever been there. Rod Black
What a bummer for you! :(

When my husband and I go to a gunshow, we both drool over what's there and frequently "argue" about what we'd get ifwe had the $$$. Gunshows are a way for us to do something together that we both enjoy.

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!
Been there,Done that. Well dear I've had this one forever you probably just don't remember it. Sometimes I just grin and bear it and it's Look at this fantastic deal I got, I just couldn't pass it by. You know I would have paid a lot more if I would have bought it new. It works. My friend your not alone! :)

gun control is people control

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited December 08, 1999).]
Your definitely not alone on this one. I recently went through the same thing. I got up, went to the bank, went to a gun show. I saw lots that I liked at the gun show, especially the SIGs. However, most of what I looked at that was NIB had definitely been fired more than the factory testing and the prices were no better than local shops. When I left the show, I decided I just couldn't live without a SIG P226 9mm in my collection, so after a few phone calls to the local shops, I found one....and picked it up the same day. When I got home, my wife was already suspicious (being that I had gone to a gun show in the 1st place), and proceeded to investigate. Well, she found my NEW SIG P226 9mm stashed away, and she wasn't too thrilled, even after I told her about what "good deal I got, and how rare they are becoming". Oh well. Good luck, its not easy being sneaky :)

Just curious-does your new P226 sport German proofs and does it have the steel stamped guide rod?

So many pistols, so little money.
Yes my new P226 does have German proofs underneath the muzzle, but it has the plastic guide rod.

Since I'm not married yet, I won't be affected by this, but I hear HCI and Sarah Brady are trying to pass new legislation that would require all potential gun buyers to gain approval from their WIVES as well as the FBI before the transaction could be completed.

As to marksmanship, it is not what you once did, rather it is what you can do on demand.
Sarah Brady's org sent my wife a letter. Naturally, I opened it and mailed her back a letter asking to be removed from the mailing list. :)

We don't have any guns shows around here until March. If I had one this weekend I'd tell her that I was going Christmas shopping.

Good luck,

I like having my wife go to shows with me. The last time we went we split up and she found and bought me five factory Mini-14 high capacity mags. :)
My wife likes to go - when she can...
Namely to make sure I get her something too.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
I've been there and done that. Sometimes it works and sometimes it don't. The don'ts are the ones that get me in trouble. Its not that she minds me buying guns, Its when I don't let her in on it that causes the problems.
BTW: I'll be going to a gunshow this weekend also. I've already told my wife that I've got a couple of guns to sell or trade and I've got a little extra cash. I plan on comming home with a least one new toy. Better to tell 'em up front.
Although my wife isn't as "enthusiastic" as me about (buying) guns, we go to a couple gun shows a year (kids, too). She carries (always)and is GOOD with it. She's taken several pistol & shotgun courses. I like to tell her "All woman, but shoots like a man." Life's sweet, eh?
Mine likes gun shows--for the first half hour. After that, all the guns start to look alike to her, and she just doesn't care. Of course, I have to handle everything I'm even close to considering, ask questions, etc. so it takes me a good two hours to cover most shows.

Anyone else have a wife/girlfriend who loves to shoot, will go shooting at the drop of a hat or less, but just couldn't care less WHAT she's shooting? I try to talk to my girlfriend about recoil of guns she's shot, the grip, the sights, and she just shrugs. "They were all fun."
Does this make her smarter than me? :)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Sorry guys, but my wife pretty much lets me buy what I want. I take her to gun shows, and the local guns shop and the worst I get is she's bored and wants to go home. In fact, even though she is not a big shooter, she has instructed me to get her a German made PPK at the earliest opportunity. Not that my life is perfect, but this makes it better :)
What's the deal here?
Didn't your wives know what they were getting into when they married you? Or has marrage caused you to all become gunaholics????????
You know; some women cause me to drink, but this one causes me to shoot!! ;)
Gun shows are supposed to be a family thing.
Try asking her if she would want to go with you. All the gunshows I've been to have something for everybody. At least the ones here in Phoenix do!!!!!
I went to a gun show today. Didn't but a gun but I got a lot of reloading equipment. I saw what I thought was a very good deal on a Ruger P95. NIB for $239.00, I almost bought it, but was busy with the equipment. When I have taken my wife to the gun shows, she's ready to go in 15 minutes. So I don't bother anymore. Rod Black
Hmm, Well I almost pulled off a double last weekend... The 5 month old almost went to her first gun show. The mommy is invited, but she doesn't want to go. (and I am invited to quilt shows, when I want to go.)

Sneak one, er no, no way no how. She rarely shoots and isn't interested, but I wouldn't be able to just pull one out and say I have always had it. The rule (and I have said this before, is when I spend $$ on guns she gets just as much.) So when I have the cash X 2 I can play.

However, when I did call from the gunshow (only one time SO far!) she did say ok, get it. (so i get points for calling, she gets points for saying yes)

I was doing ok till they started selling
jewlery at the I don't go much
because it costs too much for non-gun items.
Oh well beats the cost of dating I guess.
My wife and I have a deal, she doesn't ask how much I spend on Guns & Knives and I don't ask how much she spends on clothes and makeup. Plus we have seperate checking accounts, that helps!

Knee deep in brass, still shootin fast!
WOW lucky you seperate accounts. My wife is ok with me going to gun shows but likes me to buy her something after the show. So we go to lunch and i take her to the mall.
It all works out.

Lucky Me :)