Kind of funny that you mention it.
But we're going through some shrinkage in the gun shop business.
One shop just closed down becuase the owner refused to charge customers for doing custom work on guns and bows the customers didn't even buy from him. Dan's in Renton.
Another shop, Wade's in Bellevue pays his employees minimum wage and won't offer them incentives or health benefits. His prices are good but his people don't seem interested in helping you when you come in. Now I know why.
At the gunshop where I'm a member, WSI in Bellevue /Factoria, the owner pays his people a couple bucks above minimum and gives them benefits. he sells a lot of guns and has hired the best from the other shops. Some of the best shops around here have been around for 30 + years and have sold guns to parent and sons/daughters. Family run.
I just don't know how gunshop owners can afford to hire people who don't love guns and know the merchandise they're selling.
Oh well, thanks for sharing about that experience and please tell people which shop and person it is so they don't have to waste their time dealing with the young and ignorant. I'd rather just have the person be honest and say I don't know.
I'm surprised that gunshop owners don't have a computer set up in the range's seating area for people to do reserach on. so when a guy asks about getting gun A versus gun B, you can say here's my opinion, shoot the guns, decide, or spend 20 minutes at a couple websites hearing from the owners and then you can buy it today.
I find these boards immensely valuable. If I want a Beretta 92, I'm sure I can dig up 30-100 posts in 15 minutes to give me the honest feedback from people who have owned the gun for years and seen how it shoots and holds up.
Well, enough of bashing the ignorant yet opinionated. There are a lot of great people at these shops that I do trust. Most of them.