Guns in students cars.

Glad we dont live there in crazy land. My kid took his soldiers to school as a presentation, and on his valentine box labled a labor of love, takes his gi guys every day, takes tanks, toy guns etc. Not one feather is ruffled we are farm people and have a thing most dont. Tis common sense... :) locked in a trunk is Ok here in some of our communities. Now go into the city and you will find the same senseless scare things. People dont want em cause they is scared of em, teach these folks, take em to a range and see their eyes lite up after that first shot. Seen it myself.

Now about his civil war and ww1 and ww2 books he takes :)
DNS, you have to realize that these guns were in trucks and cars... In and of them self a LETHAL weapon... Ban students from bringing their trucks and cars to school... What about them EQUALLY LETHAL tire irons?


I read the article just like you. The kids brought firearms onto school campus which was against the rules that they knew and that were posted. They got caught despite their feeble attempts of hiding the evidence of their transgressions. Momma didn't like it and whined to the newspaper.

I don't follow your logic that adding more stupid laws is how we make this right. But if you want to play the outlandish/extreme rules game, then I suppose you would like the students, minors at that, to be allowed to carry guns from class to class. Heck, why not make it mandatory that they carry loaded guns and maintain muzzle discipline, or is mandating a rule we think is important also stupid because it demands compliance from folks that may not agree with it? So you see, we can play the outlandish game, but is really doesn't address the issue at hand - students who broke the rules that were in place and known to them. Momma whined.

Maybe momma should have been homeschooling her boys if she didn't like the rules at school?

For those who are interested and maybe those who didn't think that the kids were given proper notice, the student handbook is posted online. High School/2010 Handbook.pdf

The rules are stated quite clearly.

If momma and the other parents don't like the rules, they should have already been working to change them. That hasn't happened. Momma hasn't petitioned the school board for a rules change.

Why do these people always cry foul after getting caught, but so often were too lazy to try to change things beforehand? Funny how that works.
Well thankfully here a student would at least have a legal leg to stand on, and a civil suit being filed against the school board for reprimand of a lawful activity would have them wistling a different tune.

§95.2. Carrying a firearm, or dangerous weapon, by a student or nonstudent on school property, at school-sponsored functions or firearm-free zone

A. Carrying a firearm, or dangerous weapon as defined in R.S. 14:2, by a student or nonstudent on school property, at a school sponsored function, or in a firearm-free zone is unlawful and shall be defined as possession of any firearm or dangerous weapon, on one's person, at any time while on a school campus, on school transportation, or at any school sponsored function in a specific designated area including but not limited to athletic competitions, dances, parties, or any extracurricular activities, or within one thousand feet of any school campus.

C. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to:

(5) Any constitutionally protected activity which cannot be regulated by the state, such as a firearm contained entirely within a motor vehicle.
as mentioned above I guess in redneck country people do what they want?

I carried from second grade through 12th & 8 years of college, but I really didnt carry alot in grade school, but still did some, & I bought several guns in school, we traded & sold guns & knives for extra cash. I saw literally hundreds of guns in school, both boys & girls.

guns were "not allowed" but it was done, I remember in typing class a guy had hurt his hand & wasn't able to type, so he was cleaning a pistol in class, teaches says to put that away. she was afraid with him messing with it it might go off. or to see a teacher or janitor walking down hall with any kind of gun to trade or sell to another teacher or student. students kept rifles on the rack in their trucks to show off their toys. sometimes a parent or the students ride would drop off student with a long gun or student would take bus with rifle or shotgun, & student would take gun to principals office to leave until school was out & walk home to hunt or have a different ride to where was planning to hunt or to go home.

besides fist fights only 1 incident that I am aware of happened in high school, a student pulled a switchblade on a teacher for pulling him up trying to make him square dance, & he was strung out on drugs.

in college I had a teacher fuss at me, I had my gun in my coat pocket instead of on me, & when he went by my desk he hit his knee hard & asked what it was & I told him & he said just "keep it out of his way, & to put it in my pants pocket & that his knee hurt" & alot of us carried in college, & I graduated twice, & was in 2 different colleges & guns were everywhere in both.

what years? from 1980 in high school to 1993 in college plus alot of my grade school years.
