Guns I don't shoot


New member
I went through the safe yesterday and cleaned guns. Inspect all of them, clean all of them as needed. I have three guns I don't think I fired in the last 15 years, probably several more than that. Every time I do this I think I'll take them out, but I never do.

One is a S+W M15. That gun has only ever fired 148 grain BB wadcutters and 4 grains of WW231 since I've owned it. It is in excellent condition and had never seen a holster.

The second is a High Standard Victor, 1972 vintage. It is in pristine condition and in the original box.

The third is a Clarke Heavy slide 1911. Since I've owned it it has only seen 185 grain semi-wadcutters and 5.4 grains of WW231 and 230 grain bullets with 5.1 grains of the same load. I have two springs with the lighter on painted green because it is reduced power. The heavy slide will not feed the 185's with a stock spring.

I bought all of these when I was shooting Bullseye from other bullseye shooters. Those guys baby their guns and these show it.

Maybe I'll shoot them again this year, or the next, or next...

Several times I considered selling them, just can't even though all three would bring a pretty penny.
That's true. These represent a period of my life. Lot's of great older gentlemen I remember with them. Mostly dead by now, they were in their late 50's and early 60's even back then. I had an '03 Springfield I bought from one of them that I sold. The brief surge of cash was not worth selling the tangible memory item.
I struggle with the same thing and i try to stay on top of that!

If it makes you feel better, I have 4-6 on the chopping block! I might try to work up a sell 6 to buy 2 deal.....I would love an older BAR or pre-64 model 70 and an STI 9mm. Trouble is my 6 would fetch about $2500 and the 2 are worth about $4000!!!
I think come spring I'm going to sell a few of mine,,,

I think come spring I'm going to sell a few of mine,,,
I, like the OP, have several handguns that I haven't fired in years.

Fortunately they are all just guns that I bought to have,,,
Not a one of them has any special meaning or significance to me.

Besides, I'll be retiring in 415 days,,,
I will be better off with cash in the bank.


Selling them would end in nothing but regret!
I haven’t regretted selling or trading any of mine. I have more that I regret buying than I’ve regretted moving on. But the sales and trades have opened up better opportunities down the road.

Why leave cash wrapped up in an unused asset if it doesn’t have an emotional reason to keep (like an heirloom) or you aren’t a collector?
safe queens

I've regretted every gun I ever sold, regardless of the price I got.

My attorney (my wife) advised I speak with my children, who both shoot and appreciate guns, if they have any preferences as to which ones they would like.

A letter has been written listing these guns and to whom they will go to when my time comes.

This letter is not part of my will and no serial numbers are enumerated, either.

The balance are to presented to my gun club buddies along with approximate value and who I believe would most likely want to have them.
One thing for certain it is always a lot more expensive to acquire a gun you once owned the second time around!

Still most of the guns I traded or sold I am ok with letting go. A few I do regret - had a Clark Custom Combat built on a Springfield Armory 1911. A Sako P94S 22lr Varmint comes to mind.
One thing for certain it is always a lot more expensive to acquire a gun you once owned the second time around!

Yup. In my senior years I have been trying to replace those guns foolishly sold or traded to "open up other opportunities" that for the most part weren't worth opening. But replacing them cost a lot more than what I got for them!
You see, I'm not a collector. I am an accumulator.:D
I say, with crossed fingers, anything I haven't shot in the last 5 years I'm selling when I turn 65. I have regretted selling most guns, like any S&W revolver, my 6 inch Python, and a Remington 600 carbine in 350 Magnum, laminated stock. Better get 'round to shooting, 65 draws near.
Shoot those things!!!! No sense having those beautiful, quality, outstanding guns left in your safe for your heirs to inherit in mint condition. Life is too short to have safe queens unless they are a viable collection for investment purposes.
I had two that sat for a few years back in the 90's that in a fit of stupidity I sold...I figured that if I hadn't fired them in more than a year that there was no point in having them...

One was a T/C Contender with a 10" hunter package in .45-70, and a T/C custom shop 12" barrel in .357 Herrett...

The other was a Colt Government Model .380 Auto...

Nothing but regret since I sold them...

What was I thinking...
I say, with crossed fingers, anything I haven't shot in the last 5 years I'm selling when I turn 65.
Why? When I hit that mark I started buying even more! In fact, when I retired at 62 my "accumulation" started out growing my safe.
In all my years of gun ownership, I have only sold one. It was a Rem 700 30-06 bought in 1971. I got what I paid for it. I don't like Remingtons, so no love lost.

I have given away several to folks less fortunate and that had a legitimate need.

I do have a collector S&W M29 NIB that I have had for 10 years and never shot. I am working on a trade with it.
>>I haven’t regretted selling or trading any of mine. I have more that I regret buying than I’ve regretted moving on<<

Hah...sounds just like me!
Some of my fondest memories shooting as a youngster were from shooting my fathers High Standard Victor. If I had one today, I wouldn't be able to part with it for anything-whether I shot it regularly or not.
The last three years I have sold all my magnum big game rifles and most of my varmit guns
I decided at my age with bad back I ain't going to be running around the mountains and muskege anymore. There is no groundhogs left in my area, coyotes ate them all. They were
all Win 70s pre 64s, Sako, Brn Safari, Styer ect. They were all bought by me no sentimental
attachment. Out of 30 rifles I only regret selling a Sako 375H&H I bought new in late 60s.
I carried it a lot on hunting trips. I haven't really got a use for it but would like to have it back. I have guns that came down through family and guns that were gifts that aren't for
sale. I could never had afforded to have owned all the guns that went through my hands if
I had not sold or traded.