"Guns are easier to get today"...?

I can remember, when I was a kid in the 50s, newspaper ads in my home town of South Bend, IN, offering milsup rifles at the local department store! You could get an Enfield for $9, or a Mannlicher-Carcano for even less. I lived in Indianapolis in the 60s and recall the same sort of department store sales, at the major establishments. The department stores peiodically ran large ads for these pieces. Further, many of the kids I knew in HS had pistols that their fathers brought back from the service. Guns were much easier to get then...and much less frequently used.
This is probably superfluous, but depending on where you live, illegal guns can be very easy to get. All it takes is a gun runner and several mules, ready to make big bucks from eager young kids in a high crime area.
easier no than ever. yah right i believe lee harvey oswald mail ordered his rifle to the convience of his phony po box. my dad told me he used to buy dinamite at the hardware store for tree stump removal.

Here it is:Illegal guns might be easier to get-I dont know. There are definitely more restrictions on legal gun purchases.

Better days to be,

Guns are probably not difficult to get today, but the availability is never the problem. The behavior of the society is. A 12-year old could have a cannon before the 1930's. Does anyone remember hearing of a rash of school cannonading? I certainly do not...
Guns easier to get today??

I don't think so, Tim!!

Among a few of the things I treasure are some American Popular Mechanics from the 1950s. A quick glance reveals the following, all available via mail order (1954):

Crossman .22 air rifle -- $14.95
Benjamin Super CO2 Gas Carbine -- $16.50
Ex-Army Training Rifle (non-firing), "Ideal for kids"
-- $5.98 (full-size Garand drill rifle!)
"New" O.F. Mossberg Repeating Shotgun with C-LECT-CHOKE in 12 ga -- $32.95 ($33.95 west of the Rockies) :) (Love that bit)

NON-firearm "weapons" include:
Solingen Steel hunting knife -- $3.95
Fairbairn British Commando Knife -- $3.95
10" Malayan Throwing Dagger -- $1.95
Wham-O Sportsman Hunting Slingshot, including 40 steel balls, extra rubber and target (35lb pull) -- $1.50 post included.

Oh, and one interesting article about a new "desktop brain" that's worth repeating:

For just $48 000 you can buy a desk-top electronic computer that stores 2048 words in its magnetic-drum memory. Data are fed to the "thinking machine" by as many as 10 electric typewriters at a time, or by perforated tape. The computer has a host of uses. According to the manufacturer, the machine does the work of a million-dollar computer and is worth installing in any office employing 500 people or more.

If only they could have seen the future ....
