Guns and Gamewardens

Have you contacted your local fish and game ?
They should be able to answer your questions.

+1000. When in doubt, make a call. My interactions with Game Wardens has found that they are very helpful and informative.
Smoakingun Wrote:
why would the game warden be wandering around on private property at night? On my property that would be tresspassing. Law enforcement is no more alowed to violate private property than anyone else

Please check your state game laws. The game you are hunting belongs to the state. Unless you have the permits to raise wild animals, you do not own the wild animals on your land.

If you are illegally taking game that belongs to the state, you can expect a visitor in the form of a game-warden or police officer.

How do you think they bust meth labs? They may not wander around on private property, but they will come on to private property and usually you have no right to stop them.

What about the tax assessor? He can come on to private property, just like a meter reader, telephone repair guy, etc... So long as it is in accordance with their official duties.

To the OP: I would call the game-warden and ask him. "Hey, my buddies and I like to coyote hunt, what do we have to do to make sure you don't think we are poaching?"
How do you think they bust meth labs? They may not wander around on private property, but they will come on to private property and usually you have no right to stop them.

Actually, usually you DO have a right to stop them. None of them can just wander on your land to see what's up. If they suspect a crime or are responding to a call then you can't stop them but they can't just walk around on your land for no reason.

I know a couple of people who kick the sheriffs cars off their property when they set up radar traps. They can't just do whatever they want on private property.

Personally, I encourage their presence, since I figure every time Mr BG see a cop car at my place is one less time he's going to think about coming inside but that's me.
why would the game warden be wandering around on private property at night? On my property that would be tresspassing. Law enforcement is no more alowed to violate private property than anyone else.

In following Uncle Buck's response, I believe you if you check, you will find that even in your home state of Florida, that game wardens can be on private property (not trespassing) if s/he reasonably believes a person to be poachng on the property or has contraband wildlife. It is that way in many states. Game Wardens actually have more powers than regular law enforcement.

As Uncle Buck indicated, it may be your property, but the wildlife isn't yours.
game wardens carry the same authority as state police here in fl. and just as leo's can come onto my property with probable cause, so can a game warden. But driving by the property and seeing a flashlight in the woods does not fit the definition of probable cause. As to the meter reader and the phone guy(I am a phone guy :D ) they are by law entitled access to their property in accordance to the function of their job, they are not entitled access to the rest of the property. As to the tax assessor, if the gate is locked, he is required to schedule an appointment. As to meth labs, before they can bust one, a warrant is required to access the property.
Never having ever hunted in the US, and only once in Australia, and once in Canada, I am no expert.

But have trained Game Wardens. The Canadian ones, going off memory (rotten one!) they could walk in your house, and check your freezer!