Guns and drinking, help me settle a bet.

It's illegal in Michigan if you are over .08 BAL.

For concealed carry outside the home it is .02 BAL and open carry outside the home is the same as on your property (.08 BAL).

Why the difference? Unknown?
2A-protection vs drinking re; real legal issues, emotions...

For the TFL members who disagree or take issue with my remarks, I say this;
If you are drinking alcoholic beverages or are on strong medications you MAY have the need or be required to use a loaded firearm to protect yourself & family members/spouses.
My point is that your BAC or other medical issues may come into a formal criminal investigation or court action. In all honesty, these things may be hard to address but I'm not saying you shouldn't use lethal force to protect your family.
Some members get more worked up over parts of a post rather than the member post as a whole. As I have told others in the past; "emotions cloud judgement". Yes it would be important to use a firearm to protect your kids or spouse, no one is questioning that, it's being able to think clearly and make rational level headed judgements while impaired that is the point.

We called the bet a draw, too many unspecified rules of the bet. We both agree that gun and booze don't mix. The bet was all about carrying on your house/property and the legality, not that either one of us do it. Thank you for all the helpful responses.

Mods you can close if you wish or keep the discussion going.
Regarding Texas and the level of Blood Alcohol Concentration that is legal in public, the arbitrary .08 level is applicable only when driving.

Any other statute involving "intoxication" has three separate criteria that must be met. You must, to be "intoxicated", meet the following:

1) Outside your domicile,

2) Under the influence of an intoxicating substance (dope or booze), and

3) Presenting a danger to yourself or others, BECAUSE OF the influence of the intoxicant.

It's legal to carry a loaded pistol in your front yard in Texas, provided you have not pointed it at anyone...even if you have a beer in your hand. However, if a cop deems that you are presenting a danger to yourself or others, he must not demonstrate that you are at a specific level of B.A.C. to arrest you. He must simply demonstrate that you had consumed an intoxicant, and claim that you were under its influence...and the burden of proof falls upon the defendant to prove that he was not a danger to himself or others. This is impossible to do, which kinda legally forces people to not act like idiots with beer and guns; otherwise they risk arrest.