Guns & Ammo magazine

Just as an aside, I read world coin collecting mags - and the most interesting part are the ads.

There are negative reviews - a classic is Tom Givens in SWAT taking apart the Judge frenzy.

Well done, Glenn. I believe you're the first person in this thread to mention SWAT Magazine! The only other gun-related "magazines" I get are catalogs (e.g. Midway, Shotgun News, etc.) and the annual Shooter's Bible. :)
Had GT produced an honest review, and a QUALIFIED review, he would have accepted it even if a couple minor unsatisfactory aspects had been mentioned.

Has anyone read the Aug 2004 Gun Test Article? I pulled out my copy, " Two Tiny Pocket 9mms: We Pick the PM9 Over the R9s"

I would be curious to know what makes it a dishonest review. They tested a Kahr PM9 and had zero malfunctions with any of its ammuniiton, and it cost $100.00 less. The R9s, they gave it a conditional buy, but the thing keyholed with all the ammo brands and malfunctioned with one brand of ammunition. Specifically it stove piped with Winchester 115 grain ammunition.

Their recommendation:

Rohrbaugh R9S 9mm

Tiny, not any bigger than some .25 Autos, the R9s might be just the gun for serious undercover use. Recoil was prominent but not intolerable. The gun was not only small, but also slick to work well out of a pocket. It had a few quirks, and needs the correct ammunition to work, but it might be right for you

From a Gun Industry perspective, what is intolerable is that Gun Tests did not recommend buying the Rohrbaugh with Revolutionary Fervor! Nor did it announce it as something better than the second coming of Christ!
I read that review when it came out.
I read Ayoob's review on the same pistol.
I read my own review.

Rohrbaugh stated quite clearly at the time that certain ammunition was not recommended.

The pistol was never designed to fire everything on the market.
Use the right ammunition, and it functioned perfectly.

As I recall, I used 6 different loads & had no keyholing or stoppages.
Can't remember how many different test loads Mas used.

Your assessment (and you obviously didn't quote the entire review) of what was "intolerable" is erroneous.