Official news that common sense and the use of the humand brain are dead in America. Lets see. I'm probably drunk as a skunk, threatening to kill people and asking for directions to a place where I can do so. What should your response be?
a) Give directions to the nearest gay bar where I can go on a rampage and call the cops hoping that they will find me before I kill abunch of people
b) Give me directions to the neares under construction bridge telling me to ingore the construction signs and call the cops hoping that they find me before I run out of bridge.
c) Tell me to go home and get some sleep
I have a very hard time believing that ANYONE could be as stupid as this unknown "patron". Seems to me that they knew Mr. Gay was gonna do something wrong or they would not have called 911. My bet is that if theyEVER find this patron he/she will be of the MMM variety who actually believed that cops came running at warp speed when 911 is dialed. They wanted to make a "statement" and went haywire.
"Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes."
-R.A. Heinlein