Gun Tests Magazine: Big Test Coming


New member
Looks like in April or so, they will compare the Glock with some newer upstarts: Walther P99, Steyr M9, and the HS2000. Should be interesting.

Is Steyr looking for a new US distributer or is Steyr "just for sale"?

I can't believe not one single gun publication has tested the 357 SIG Steyr pistol.

Steyr needs to fire their marketing dept.

Why did Steyr give Police Departments a bunch of 40's to try out, before they worked out all the bugs?

Steyr cut their own throats with that one.

After owning several Glocks, I have come to the conclusion the Steyr is a MUCH superior pistol.

What freaks me out is Glock owners slobber all over an HS2000, but don't give a second blink to a Austria made Steyr, that was designed by a Glock employee, who happens to be a gun enthusiast!

Back in the early 80's, Steyr had a gas blowback 9mm that went the way of the Edsel, today the gun sells for $900 if you can find one.

Our Steyrs might be collectors pieces if Steyr doesn't get their act together.

I'd love to duke it out with a Glock owner. I've owned several Glocks and about ½ of them were turds. I can't think of any advantage why a Glock is a better gun.

The HS2000 owners will have fun when they don't press down on that stupid grip saftey all the way..

Yawn... I've never been that impressed with GT, I'd much rather find some actual owners of the pistols I'm interested in and ask them.
This is starting to become amusing. Steyr folks continue to bash Glocks yet there are no Steyr's in service on any widescale basis the world over and the Steyr price point continues to plummet. Now we hear that Steyr is up for sale. I have avoided similar threads in the past but I can't resist this one. Trust me on this one: the Glock folks are firearms enthusiasts as well. I have interacted with one of the key players in the organization on a potential new product and I speak from firsthand knowledge not what someone overheard from Wilhem Buhbits (SP) at a Euro gun show.

Glocks don't need GT or any other rag's approval. They have proven their worth in the field time and time again.
I've fired the Steyr (in 9mm); it was a fine pistol, no complaints.
I've fired the HS2000 (my roomie's); ditto.
I've owned 7 Glocks and fired dozens more; they all worked fine.

What I don't grok is this hostility to owners of other brands of guns. You don't know me from Adam's housecat, but because a few of the more than one hundred guns I've owned are Glocks, you'd "love to take me on". At what? How's that Steyr tattoo coming?
To Mr. Steyr M-357

What's your gripe with the HS2000? This pistol has best safeties available. The trigger safety, beavertail safety, out of battery safety, and firing pin block safety make this pistol one of the safest to own, yet when you need for the gun to go bang, you just grab the gun, take aim and pull the trigger. Do you not have enough grip strength to press down on the grip safety. I've fired several hundred rounds through the pistol and haven't paid much attention to the safety at all. It might be due to the fact that I love 1911's and I am used to the grip safety.

Glocks are good guns. They have earned their reputation. IM Metal looks like they have something with the HS2000. Maybe you don't see much on Steyr's because no one wants them. I don't know, but just cause your little company isn't doing so well in the market, don't put down other gun owners just because they don't own a STEYR. Does Steyr have in their specs, the ability to shoot the pistol under water up to 3 meters? The HS 2000 does. The HS 2000 even has a standoff device. Not bad for a $250 pistol selling at right now.

I admit that I'm not a big fan of Glocks, but that was just my personal opinion. It wasn't that the gun wasn't any good, but due to the fact that it didn't feel good in my hands. I owned a Glock 17 and didn't "love" it, but that doesn't mean I won't never try out any of the other Glock models because I know they are good guns. Have fun shooting your Steyr. That's what it is all about!:rolleyes:
Steyr has great service. Maybe they could take a marketing lesson from HS Arms. Who wouldn't get excited about a well built new gun that sells for $250 at this time. Now that's marketing :) Never mind that the HS2000 prices will be going up as the pistol catches on.

I've owned more Glocks than anything else. Glock has sold millions of their pistols and millions of rounds have been fired through them. Still, I like my Steyr better :) That's not a slam, just a fact. Now if Glock came out with a longslide 357 Sig caliber, I'd be back in the fold at the blink of an eye.

At any rate, I get a kick out of GT. Comparing guns is fun unless it gets too religious. I think everybody hopes to protect their investment.
I am a Glock fan but not rabid about it. I agree that some want to put down everything else and it is usually the younger Glock owners who haven't owned anything else and believe the hype on some forums. As for the Steyr I conclude they screwed themselves. They didn't do enough testing of the product before market. I was hot for one but then there was the ejection problems and then the trigger problems and all I heard was back to the factory and back to the factory! That soured me toward ever owning one and also toward the HS2000. I will wait and hear the reports during this craze before I will decide.
GT is a turd, and I can't believe just because it's printed that folks believe it (but half of American voters choose Ethics Lite, so what do I know, hmm?).

Any gun can be good or bad; it is up to the specific example, and its operator. Cost, cachet, design, material, origin NOT RELEVANT.
Function is relevant. And logic is supreme hahahahahahaha!

I guess my point is some folks get perfection from 'the brand in their hand'. Yes, even Lorcin.....
Let it be clear that I am not bashing non-Glocks and their owners. I hope that Steyr overcomes their issues and that IM Metal does well also. I prefer to utilize field-proven brands--------Beretta, Glock, HK, Ruger and Sig. More power to Steyr and IM Metal if they pass the muster of reality, I will probably get one of both.

Frankly, I prefer to shoot Sigs but when all things are considered, the Glock is a utilitarian marvel. It's all about the pro's and con's and in this light, the Glock wins IMHO.
After GT said they thought the CorBon 115 +P 9mm ammo would be good for bear, I let my subscription run out. :)

Gun tests? Let's see...

The Ohio State Police tested em all and picked SIG.

The INS/Border Patrol picked Beretta.

The FBI, DEA have been issuing Glocks.

Get what you like, or flip a coin? :)
Thanks for the replies...

Striking a match next to a gas can got the responses I was looking for..

Glock didn't exactly fly out of the chute firing on all 8 cylinders.

Most new guns will have teething problems, Glock certainly had their fair share of them, hence:

The first 17's would go full auto via slam-fire if the striker channel got dirty...

The first Glock 19s had a lot of misfires from weak recoil springs. The gun would fail to go into battery completely, and the striker would hit the 12 oclock position of the primer..

The first Glock 21's had too much frame mass resulting in stovepipes..

The 36's still have intermittant problems with "bad magazines"..

Some Glock 27's, 26's had brittle recoil guide rod assemblys..that would break.

The old Glock 21's would chip extractors and kick empties right between your eyes..

The old magazines with the +2 extentions, would dump ammo, along with the mag spring and follower if you bumped into something to slide off the extention.

And of course there is the "don't shoot lead bullets"..and unsupported chamber thing with the .40's...

I haven't really heard anything regarding the HS2000, but I can assure you, it will also have some teething problems just like any new gun. If they got it right the first time, then they should be commended.

The Steyr isn't without flaws, did you know the first prototype Steyrs had 3 pound triggers? Well, since the US of America is so lawsuit happy, Steyr put 12 pound triggers on the first ones. This would be like puting in a NY trigger on a Glock that has the 8# disconnect. The thing would lock up..I guess 12 pound triggers and strikers don't mix well.

Steyr has replaced those triggers with a product upgrade.
Glock advises against NY trigger with the + disconnect.

Steyr had problem with erratic ejection patterns, so they cut an angle on the ejection port.

As far I know, there is a current problem with extraction of S&B ammo. Steyr is aware of this problem...

The early Steyrs had a flat black phosphate finish, the new ones have a baked on enamel over phospate.

I do not like the loaded chamber indicator because there is no simple way to clean it.

I like the fact the triggers can be tuned to a crisp 3 pounds, which is encouraging. I never really like the creep of the 3½ lb Glock trigger.

Does anyone have any firsthand knowledge of problems with the Steyr? If so, please share them. I don't like to hear "Joe Blow at the gun store said...blah blah blah.."

I'll wrap it up by saying that currently Glock makes a great gun and I have owned several of them.

Steyr needs to get off their ass and fix the extraction problems and start doing some torture tests and prove they have what it takes to compete with Glock & SIG.

Until Next Time...
Good post Steyr

Might be a jaded magazine, but I'm still looking forward to the reviews. Could be interesting. I happen to like Glocks, but feel that the new breeds of pistols are excellent in their own right. I doubt that Glock can compare to the ergonomics of the Walther, Steyr and the HS. Then again, I'm not sure if the others can compete with the simplicity of the Glock. Could be... as I'm not sure of the internals of the other latest gear.

The reason why I like the Glock is easy: simplicity. If I want to get more complicated than that design, I'll take an HK any day.

Yawn... I've never been that impressed with GT, I'd much rather find some actual owners of the pistols I'm interested in and ask them.

I subscribe, too, and I sometimes question their analyses -- I know that ONE GUN is not a good sample -- but I have learned some of their biases and come to have confidence in their general recommendations.

Talking to gun owners, on the other hand, is like asking a young man to tell you the length of his penis. I suspect damned few tell it like it is. Everyone seems compelled to tell you theirs is BETTER than they really are.
I have handled only 2 Steyr M Series (.40 and a 9) and they felt very similiar to a Glock. The sights were kinda funky.

I have seen that their price is starting to drop, so perhaps I'll be procuring one. If only it was made in 10mm!

Well Walt, I ask gun owners who's opinion I value, not just any gun owner! :)

BTW, my penis is 12", isn't everyone's? :D :D :D