Gun Talk in the Workplace


New member
First off: Greetings to all in the New Year!!! Where I work, any mentioning of the 2nd Amendment and related issues are definitely not PC. I like what I do (the pay and benefits are ok), but I often feel like on the outsider looking in. All the guys, and what a diverse group they are, know about my RKBA views (at present there are no ladies at this office). And while I gladly answer all the firearm related questions, if and when they arise, I'm very reluctant to initiate any discussions. And at times, this can mean a certain amount of 'ribbing' when new clients drop by. I can take the kidding, it comes with the territory. BTW, the head honcho is a devote 'anti' and therein lies part of the problem. Does anyone out there have anything similar to relate? Any suggestions or advice? Thanks for listening...

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
Happy New Year to you too foxfire!
First I can't say that I can relate to being in a workplace run by an anti. Where I used to work a few of us carried, even a couple of the girls in the front offices did too.
Now I work for myself. I had a client come by to pick up some artwork week before last, and he noticed some 7.62 brass sitting on my desk. He asked "Do you shoot?" Thinkin' to myself "Oh no, an anti" I grumbled "Yeah, why?" He then said "I've got a 250 yard range about 30 miles from here, let's go fire off some rounds sometime!"
So I ended up with a new shooting buddy that I met through work.
Rest assured there is still some hope in the world. ;)

Screw the Anti's!!
Sorry, ff. My company is anti, but the employees are as devoted a bunch of gun geeks as any. People are always dropping by the office to ask me about Maadi v. SKS, what's a good defensive cartridge, etc. Even the women. One of the UNIX admins told me that her brother-in-law died and left one of his guns to her, and asked if I could please check it out before she fires it. My boss just got a Redhawk and wants me to put night sights on it. And one of my counterparts on another project asked me about gun safety programs for kids... fortunately, I had an Eddie Eagle pamphlet in my backpack.

Good place to work. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL--Except for the gun grabbers, who I hope suffer heart attacks!

Any one wishing to rid themselves of that evil Y2K firearm that you bought; now that all is calm and your y2k weapon is no longer required, can email me and I will come out and despose of it for you at little or no charge!! !;^)

I just though Id check in here, as Ive been lurking the board since 12:15 AM 1/1/2000 , reading all the posts.

Also,Im looking for a high quality 5000/6000
watt generator with presurized lubrication system,over head cams,cast iron cyliner sleves and automatic idle down control ,real cheap! I am also interested in a previously owned Desel Generator, again, real cheap!
!;^) Also, I am interested in a small hand portable 2,400 watt 5 hp generator, dirt cheap! Anyone interested in responding, my email is listed above.

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
Outlaw1, you lucky dog!!! I've been looking for someone who has a private range set-up for a long time. My dad and I have one set on some land we bought up close to where he lives, but it's 300 miles away Darn it!! :( Guess I'll eventually change jobs/careers (who doesn't?) and then maybe my luck'll change...but the 'antis' are everywhere...there I go on my "paranoia" thang again...

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
Boy do I know where you're coming from.
I work overseas and all my collegues are either Brits, Canadians, or Australians, none of whom have a constitution or any kind of gunrights, and they are all Bambi loving, tree hugging PC sheeple, (well the canadians and Aussies have some rights, but quite restricted compared to us).
The only ones that show an interest are my Irish friends, some of whom I've taken to the local range and they took to shooting right away. I guess they appreciate the value of being able to defend oneself after 1000 years of colonialism.

I know I'm not changing any minds, so I like to display gutted deer pictures, and my screensaver is a sniper rifle with the logo
"Vote from the rooftops."
I also have my old FFL posted with my other credentials.

Gee, do you think I'm going too far?

[This message has been edited by TABING (edited January 01, 2000).]
TABING, No, I don't think you've gone too far. Guess I need to stiffen my backbone up a little - would make a dandy New Year's Resolution, now keeping it is something else. All the best...

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
Foxfire, I've got a 150 yard range in my back yard. If you're ever in NC feel free to stop by and we'll warm up some brass.
I'm not sure if I'm closer than 300 miles though, but I am only 2 hours from the Tennessee line. ;)

Screw the Anti's!!

[This message has been edited by Outlaw1 (edited January 01, 2000).]
My workplace was fairly neutral - some pro, some anti. The policy I followed was to interject a comment or two when it was appropriate in the context. And, if someone started spouting some anti lies, then I tried to calmly cite the truth. I could tell a few times that I got the person thinking, and I think that is the most you can hope for.

The RKBA will be saved to some extent by millions of these conversations, as sheeple begin to notice that we're logical as well as peaceful, and the anti-self defense forces rely principally upon emotion and lies.
The company I work for let us build a range on their property. We have benches from 100 - 400 yards, still working on the pistol range. All volunteer labor, company donated the materials.
I don't preach but I do try to make reasonable arguments for the RKBA. Honestly, my position is such that I have a great deal of freedom to speak my mind.

If antis get too hostile, I have a standard rejoinder which I think I might have mentioned.

I say:

1. Ok, I respect your beliefs. If we go out
to a business dinner and as we go to our respective cars in a dim parking ramp downtown, if I hear or see you being mugged and beaten - I will be a good witness, I will
run and get help. I will not use my skills
and firearms to save you.

2. If we are together and accosted, I will defend myself. I manage to stop the BG, I will inform him that you are unarmed and I will take no action to defend him. In fact, I am leaving to get help - which might take me awhile.

3 If your wife or daughter being followed by
a nutso, manage to drive to my house (if they are in neighborhood), I will call the police
from the safety of my house. I will not go out to aid your loved ones.

I told this to some jerk who was ribbing me.
His friend had gone to a Tex-Mex restaurant in San Antonio and had the crap beaten out of him. Two guys accosted him outside the restaurant and asked him for some change. He said to get lost, you bums. Then the work dude, said I suppose you would have shot them.
I told him my response and left him muttering.
I work in a mixed office. One of the two owners is pro-gun although not full RKBA. The other is not either. One of the key management team is full bore anti and always trys to put his anti into Company policy. He just recently had put into the policy handbook that no guns were allowed on Company grounds. I ask the Company to sign a statement taking responsibility for my safety while at work. The policy was changed to "without permission". They have about 2600 acres, some of which is great pheasant hunting. Was told by the anti that we could no longer go pheasant hunting this year. Went to the pro-gun owner and was told "Well F--- him, just go anyway".

One of the things I now do when I meet a anti hunter and they start in on me, when I tell them that I hunt is, I tell them "I shoot and release". This always softens them up after they think about it a bit.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Thanks to all that have responded, so far. Of course, I knew I wasn't alone - nice to see how other TFLers are coping with similiar situation(s). Hey Outlaw1, I'll take you up on your kind offer next time I'm in NC. By my cyphering, we ONLY live 600 miles from each other (and one time zone)! Oh well... BTW, my company also has a strict "no weapons on company grounds", but I'll always have 'something' in my truck... ;)

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
Many companies have these policies for liability and insurance purposes. They are like a lot of laws and military regulations- as an excuse to CTA in case things don't go the the way they would like. Personally, my company (read that my boss) does not have any heartburn, but getting it on and off a military base where my company is located is risky. It is interesting that these liability issues can be turned around in your favor. When ccw came into Texas, many places put signs up preventing carry in their stores, until they found they could be found liable if they failed to protect their customers and did not allow their customers to carry, if they were legally licensed. I can not remember the last time I saw a "legal" sign posted in a store front. Those stupid signs with the gun and knife in a circle with a slash through it are not legal here, but if you take that as a sign that you have to leave it in the car and something happens to you inside the store, the store can hide behind the legal half truth that you should have known it it was a "not legal sign" and will attempt to get out from underneath any lawsuit filed by you or God forbid, your loved ones. The ccw instructors go to great lengths to point this out.
That written statement of liability for the carry prohibited company is a good idea. Our handbook says no carry. I believe this is a cya thing. I told my wife to sue the pants off of them if something ever happens to me related to this.
I love my job, I am good at what I do, and sometimes, the world we live in necessitates compromise. Most of the employees know my stance on gun rights, and my position on ccw. We are a branch, not the home office. I buck the rules and carry if I find myself working alone, or at night. I am pretty sure management has no heartburn over this. Most of our employees do not carry, but most own guns and shoot or hunt. I live in Indiana, a shall issue state, and a lot of the guys come to me with questions related to concealed carry, and guns in general. I have even been happy to take a couple of non shooters out to the woods and teach them a little of what I know. (not much) Also have converted a couple into at least thinking about a firearm ownership for home defense.
In my experience, I find that most anti's are hypocrites. They would love to have you and me there when the bad guy has their family hostage or when the car jacker comes by. Out of the other side of their mouth, they love to tell you that guns are the scourge of the earth, and how this or that would not have happened if there were no guns.
I tell folks they are entitled to their opinion, but just because you don't like guns, don't take my right to own guns away.
My boss used to hunt, and he just stirs the s__t to get me going. He spouts off about gun toters, but I know he would shoot an intruder in a heartbeat if harm was threatened, and he would be the first to speak up for a guy if an employee defended himself with a firearm at work. Sorry so long a post, but this is a real issue.

Something from our wine list?!!
Ford Fairlane
tatters, Sounds like your boss and mine could be twins!

ak9, I have yet to see any of those 'legal signs' here in TN. You're right on about the issue(s) of liability.

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
The group of people I work with are all gun owners.We talk about guns and shooting alot.
Shotgun News is a breakroom favorite.
Clorox has just recently bought the company and being that they are located on the left coast(Oakland Ka.)are most likely anti's but I dont know for sure.
BTW if you havent already guessed it I'm a newbie.Found link at Frugal Squirrel's
In my office it is encouraged to discuss all types of weapons and how to use them. But there has never been any discussion of RKBA.
Welcome to TFL! Hope your stay here is long and fruitful...
I'm must be missing something here. How can the RKBA not come up somehow when 'weapons'
are discussed? Please enlighten me.

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.
RKBA norimally doesn't come up in the office when we discuss weapons because y office is compossed of 5 Marine Capt, 8 Army Cpt and a few foriegn exchange officers. We not only discuss small arms we discuss artillery, mines, canons, rockets, missles, explosives and all the TTP to employ them. The silly gun control laws don't apply to us in the executions of our official duties. I don't think there are many, if any, progun control people in the office.