Gun Shows & Illegal Sales

I am not a gun show person but have a lot of customers who are and several who travel the gun show circuit. I have only heard them relate one felony which occurred at a gun show and that was when one of the entourage of the Democratic Representative of the state of Texas who tried to buy a suppressor under the table. I have noticed that when the news televise a gun show all the ever televise is bikers in their colors. You never see it be that business man in a suit. Any one in their right mind would know that if you tried to make an illegal sale that chances would be pretty good that it would be to an undercover agent.
This story was related to me about the Austin, Tx gun show held one week ago.

There was a group of young people dressed as 'gang-banger' at the show. Very unusual as I have only seen people dressed this way and that was at a show in Houston over a year ago. Apparently these guys are going around, quite loudly, trying to buy a machine gun. They had seen on the news that guns shows were arms bizarres that anyone could go in and buy machine guns, 'no questions asked'. So guess where they decided to go? Thanks to the news media no we have these bozos to contend with. Oh, by the way, they were all very disappointed, they couldn't find anyone willing to sell to them. Imagine that!

I have seen a dealer sell a gun without filling out a form, and do so legally. It was a private deal, not out his shop's collection, but out of his personal stock. This has been an above-board common practice in the past, and is rarely abused. If they really, really, really want to stop abuse of such a policy, I guess they could dictate that an FFL holder either owns a gun "officially," or not at all.

I've seen some youngsters told not to even think about asking when they were looking at a table.

For the most part, all I see is a bunch of people interested in guns, who have nothing to hide (though they value their privacy), so nothing illegal goes on. This, of course, is in the N. TX area-- dunno how it is elsewhere.


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

The Gunshow this weekend was good.
One thing I am not fond of is the fact that Guns were the minority there. Y2K stuff flooded most of the tables... there were the normal survivalist gear there and thats fine. But there was SO MUCH. There were several knife makers there and knives were in FORCE... not too bad either. The hotsauces there was pretty good. Made my whole face numb the stuff was so hot! Bought a medium size bottle. Bought a Bottle of MPRO-7 oil. Very nice oil - very slick. Maybe the slickest I have ever used. REM-OIL, what I have been using, cant hold a candle to it.
There was a guy selling machined muzzel breaks there. They were stainless and brushed chrome looking... They look very effective. But Buck Rogers would have said they looked too spacy. Bought a Houge rubber grip for the Bushmaster - And to go along with it I bought another Lower Reciver.
My wife was not pleased. This one will be made into a long barrel target rifle. I have done the 16 inchers to death. But after that, the A2 upper and other small purchases All the springs and pins etc... I was tapped out and couldnt get a Barrel at this time. There will be another gunshow in NOVEMBER - so I may get some more parts at that time. (like a stock too) There was a nice little 8 inch barrel for sale that was at a nice price and I was sorly tempted - but then again I dont want to go to JAIL so I passed it up. There was one guy who was doing some nice things to those cheap China made knives you alwasy see - He was rebuilding them and coating the blades with a black bake on finish that looked good. They were certainly better than the normal knives - but still... I will stick to Spydercos.
All in all a most satisfying show. I was going for a Glock 36 (YES I KNOW, the Anti-Glock caving in... Leave it alone - I got no Glock) but the urge to build another AR was TOO Great.

Gunshows are great. This show had it set up for the instant checks and everything was above board and beyond reproach. Private Citizens made there own transactions... as legally acceptable. But everyone I saw was trading Drivers Liscense information too...

Great day pissing off Sarah Brady. :D

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Here in the midwest, our local gun shows just became even more strict. They actually announced over the intercom that anyone who entered the show with a firearm for sale, could not sell it to anyone except a FFL dealer. That little announcement basically ended any private to private sales for the entire show. That looks like the direction our shows are heading, keeping all sales going through the national registration system (NICS).
Paul: But there were plenty of (long) guns for sale at the Armada flea market, the big one in my area. Ranging from seriously beat up old hunks of junk to a REALLY nice shotgun with extra barrels. Would have looked closer, but my next gun purchase has got to be a safe, so says my wife minus four days. Sigh. Guess she's got a point, although, blast it, you can't SHOOT a safe!

So go looking for big, well established flea markets in your area. You won't find the concentration of guns you'd find at a gun show, but you've got a good shot at running into somebody who doesn't have a CLUE what they're selling is really worth!

Sic semper tyranus!
Same thing with Pawn Shops Brett... Thats how I got one of my guns - was getting out of my car the same time another fellow was getting out of his - he had a pistol case with a familiar logo and I had to ask... he was selling it. I told him I would buy it for more than the PS would give him. Done Deal - and I got the gun for a steal. About 1/5 its actual value.

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac