I want a part-time job working in a gun shop,,,
I think that would be too cool for words.
I have worked a lot of retail management positions,,,
I have quite a bit of experience working with unknowledgeable customers.
So what would I do when Joe/Josephine Blow is looking for that first handgun?
Would I automatically point them towards a DA revolver?
This topic has been batted around at least a dozen times in my memory,,,
Guys who anger women by assuming they can't learn pistols,,,
Automatically sending them towards J-Frame revolvers,,,
They miss the opportunity to develop a customer.
Or the opposite where they see a clueless individual of either gender,,,
And sell them a high level 1911 because of the bigger profit,,,
They miss the opportunity to develop a loyal customer.
I would hope that I could talk to the people and educate them a little bit,,,
Give them the information they need to make an informed decision,,,
But I also know that's not likely in a lot of situations.
Some folk simply can't learn or don't want to have to learn anything,,,
Those folk I would steer towards the revolver section.
Maybe that's what that guy was doing,,,
But doing in a clumsy manner.
Or he could easily have been one of those opinionated know-it-alls,,,
Not caring about anything but listening to his own preaching
One problem we gun nuts have is that we are extremely opinionated,,,
And our opinions often take on the level of "
holy gospel",,,
We've all read posts that are "
Statements of Fact",,,
That's not the attitude for retail sales people.
A local gun store recently sold my
(clueless) lady friend a Taurus .380 Pistol,,,
She came to me asking me to show her how to use it,,,
I was embarrassed when I really couldn't,,,
I'm a dyed in the wool revolver guy.
I didn't know if it was DA/SA, DAO, SAO, AWOL, or SHTF,,,
The Taurus manual wasn't a lot of help either.
So I took the pistol to the store where she got it and asked Bob how to work it,,,
He was acting really strange after he found out she was a friend of mine,,,
I asked him why he recommended this particular pistol to her,,,
He sheepishly said, "I had three of them I needed to move".
In a way, the situation was actually quite funny,,,
He acted like a kid who got caught stealing cookies,,,
I shamed him into "gifting" her with a box of practice ammo for it.
She and I eventually figured it out and we both learned some things,,,
One of the things she learned was that she loved my S&W Model 36 snubbie.
Go figure,,,
She still has the Taurus and keeps it loaded by her nightstand,,,
But she bought a Charter Arms snubbie for purse carry.