Gun safe in child's room - Rob Pincus


New member
One of our members has managed to tick off the anti's with a suggestion again. Congratulations Rob. :)

The specific piece of advice that's a problem seems to be that a gun safe in your children's room is a good tactic. This seems utterly sensible to me.

As it looks like within the next few months I will be taking in my daughter and grandchild I'd like to hear if any of you have tried this and how you've installed the safe itself.
I dont see the problem with it. The safe keeping of guns is very important.....where the safe is located is not that important as long as its locked.

Accountability and responsibility is what we need more of by every American.
I would have two issues. The first would be if a potential intruder were knowledgeable about the safe's location he could go to my kid's room first. Secondly kids talk a lot and he might tell people at school or wherever where the safe is. This could create unintended problems.
Agree with AS. If an intruder enters my home during the middle of the night, I want my gun safe to be where I am: in my bedroom.
If you read the article he says..."If I have an extra gun and extra safe why not put it in their closet"

Or something reallly close to that.....
The theory behind the idea is that if someone breaks in, the first place you will want to go is to get your kids to make sure they are safe.

Instead of having to rush to get a gun then to the kids room, and then take the kids to your safe room, or grab the kids first without a gun and take them to your safe room.

Why not make the kids room your safe room, have a defensive gun secured in a wall safe high in their closet.

If someone breaks in you rush to their room, grab the gun and keep your kids safe.

Tactically there is some logic to the idea.
If someone breaks into my house, I will not have to rush to get my gun because it's right next to me while I sleep. Where it should be, whether it is in a safe or not. There are no small children in my house so I keep mine on the bedside table. For kid-proof solutions, they have biometric or coded safes.

Alabama Shooter brings up some good points as well.

If someone breaks into my house, I will not have to rush to get my gun because it's right next to me while I sleep. Where it should be, whether it is in a safe or not.

Mine too, but what if you have to go to the bathroom?

Again this isn't about having your only gun stored there.

But if you keep a handgun by your bed, you could keep a shotgun in a safe in the kids room. That way you avoid the risks of moving through the home with a long gun, be still have a major boost to your firepower once you reach your Alamo.
I knew an FBI agent that kept a gun everywhere in the house he could sit,in the shower and even in the kitchen drawers and cabinet.

He was always three steps from a loaded gun.

He didn't have kids though
I knew an FBI agent that kept a gun everywhere in the house he could sit,in the shower and even in the kitchen drawers and cabinet.

This is poor strategy. Better to have a gun on your hip at all times than scattered around your house in random locations. This makes you "0" steps from a loaded gun and you only need one gun.
I'm at the age with teenagers. Between them (no one told me they turn into vampires and never actually seem to sleep at night) banging around, their friends banging around, and the dogs banging around in turn, I'm not worried about being surprised by neighbors. I'm way more worried about getting any actual sleep. :eek:
I guess having a gun on your hip while in the shower or in your underwear would be difficult.

Having a gun on your hip would work great if in reality you could/would actually keep the gun on your hip.

The 2nd best thing would be to have guns everywhere like he did I suppose.

I dont know because personallly I'm not going to live like that but then again I'm not an FBI agent who worked against organized crime.
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My gun is always on me. When I'm in the shower it sits on the toilet seat, working on the car it's at 4:00, etc etc. you get it. I have all my other guns locked away at all times if they're not in my direct supervision.

I agree with Alabama Shooter though. Can't trust a kid to not yap away at school or his friends when they come over. You know they make and break friendships like changing underwear.

I wouldn't like that idea. But I understand the people that do. I say it's up to you, do what you'd like.
Mine too, but what if you have to go to the bathroom?

My gun comes with me. :D And usually my flashlight too.

I do agree that it is a good idea to have a few guns placed in strategic locations about the house, but I think they should be in spots known only to yourself and those who you deem responsible, and out of reach or accidental discovery by children.

My relative's house was broken into while she was asleep about a year ago, and the thieves went through the kitchen drawers and started on the living room before they noticed that someone was sleeping in the house and bolted. So any guns should be in unusual locations, places not likely to be stumbled upon.

Guns are popular targets for crooks, I would not put them in the same room with children. Let the thief target your basement or den or someplace else in search of loot.
If he's in your kids' room, then engaging him will be complicated as he will have human shields or hostages readily available and the likelihood of accidentally injuring one of your family members, be it by over-penetration, or simply the deafening and trauma of seeing you kill someone in front of them, will be much increased.

So my opinion is, don't give him any reason to be near your kids! Put your valuables in a location where no-one will be at night, and any sound from that area is cause for investigation. If you do have a gun in your kids' room, it should be secret from them and located where they cannot accidentally stumble upon it. Don't rely on them telling you if they do, kids like secrets. They also like to share secrets with their friends. Who like to share them too. :)

I have to say I agree with Rob on this one. If you're going to have an extra safe I think the kids room is the most tactically strategic place to have it.

Guns don't go off all by themselves in a locked safe. So safety concerns are mitigated.

I keep a pistol and shotgun by my bed at night. But I realize some don't and keep it secured in a safe.

You cant protect your kids if you're fumbling in a safe in your room. Personally I'd rather be with the kids and trying to get into a safe rather than halfway across the house.
I'm with Rob on this one.

My gun comes with me. :D And usually my flashlight too.

I do agree that it is a good idea to have a few guns placed in strategic locations about the house, but I think they should be in spots known only to yourself and those who you deem responsible, and out of reach or accidental discovery by children.

My relative's house was broken into while she was asleep about a year ago, and the thieves went through the kitchen drawers and started on the living room before they noticed that someone was sleeping in the house and bolted. So any guns should be in unusual locations, places not likely to be stumbled upon.

Guns are popular targets for crooks, I would not put them in the same room with children. Let the thief target your basement or den or someplace else in search of loot.
If he's in your kids' room, then engaging him will be complicated as he will have human shields or hostages readily available and the likelihood of accidentally injuring one of your family members, be it by over-penetration, or simply the deafening and trauma of seeing you kill someone in front of them, will be much increased.

So my opinion is, don't give him any reason to be near your kids! Put your valuables in a location where no-one will be at night, and any sound from that area is cause for investigation. If you do have a gun in your kids' room, it should be secret from them and located where they cannot accidentally stumble upon it. Don't rely on them telling you if they do, kids like secrets. They also like to share secrets with their friends. Who like to share them too. :)


How would the intruder know that the safe was in your kids closet?

BigTex308 said:
How would the intruder know that the safe was in your kids closet?
Because he read on the Internet that some expert was promoting that it would be a good idea to keep your gun safe in your kid's bedroom closet. He might not really know, but he'd have reason to take a look.
I don't know about you folks, but I have fairly limited closet space in my house. If I get an extra safe, that means I have to get rid of someone's stuff. Wife's stuff????? Kid's stuff????? Dog's stuff???? Yeah, like any of that's going to fly. It may be tactically savoy to put a gun safe in your kids room - it just ain't ever gonna happen. That's like asking "What if you could travel back in time and......?"