Gun reviewers I take seriously... and not.

I think the Judge gets a bad rap. I tried some 3 pellet .410 000 Buck today and couldn't believe how low the recoil was in the Public Defender compared to Federal 4 pellet load. Even with 1 less pellet, I wouldn't want to be standing in front of the Judge less than 12 yards away.

The Shockwaves are a different matter. For the purported smaller size, they're no smaller than a KSG that you can actually put on your shoulder, aim, and fire. Oh, and the KS7 holds 2 more rounds than the Shockwave.

The Shockwave is the dumbest thing I've seen and it's appealing to the same market the Judge was 10+ years ago.

"Der her her, look at me with this legal short barrel shotgun that's not a shotgun but shoots like a shotgun. Suck on it ATF!"
Hickok, Jeff Quinn, Mrgunsngear, Colin Noir, 22plinkster are among my favorites, I just like those guys. The most obnoxious, hot air spewing Youtuber imo is YankeeMarshal, I won’t click on his crap.
Hickok, Jeff Quinn, Mrgunsngear, Colin Noir, 22plinkster are among my favorites, I just like those guys. The most obnoxious, hot air spewing Youtuber imo is YankeeMarshal, I won’t click on his crap.
You think Yankee Marshall spews hot air. That is ignorant. Just watch all the other fudds on youtube and Yankee makes more sense than all of them. He is VERY pro 2nd amendment, unlike hiccup45.
No need to get upset, since my opinion means that much to you I will start liking the guy....Is that better?
Ruga Booga said:
You think Yankee Marshall spews hot air. That is ignorant. Just watch all the other fudds on youtube
Rep Maxine Waters has her fan base too, but that doesn't mean she is right.
Yankee is just low-brow entertainment - he'll never be convicted of being a wise old sage. I'm sure he emits a few nuggets of truth now and then, but I refuse to strain the effluent to find them.
I don't know if he qualifies as a reviewer, but the fledermaus guy should have his account shut down. He's out there eating tide pods and I don't know how he has avoided injury in all of this time on the net. I don't know if he has ever had any sort of catastrophic screwup, but it's just a matter of time, with the stupid things that he does, and with the mental condition that many of our children and adults are in he's just encouraging people to do whatever stupid stuff that they can dream up. You may get some McDonald county boys all likkered up and playing in their garage with things that they shouldn't even have in their possession. Tannerite and a lawn mower, for example

Just over the state line from here.

Two Arkansas men face charges after allegedly shooting each other during a night of drinking while each man tried on a bulletproof vest, according to the Benton County Sheriff’s Office.
Beretta9mmUSA & Beretta9mmUSA JR

they always try to promote DPM Systems recoil spring assemblies and try to review a new gun with a DPM Systems recoil reduction recoil spring assy

they usually shoot at steel plate to test a new gun, they never do any precision testing or try to shoot groups, maybe once in a while at very close range 5 - 7 yards

but most of the shooting shows Beretta9mm JR firing as fast as he can pull the trigger at a close range steel plate target

When they do a magazine test they waste expensive SIG SAUER .308 factory ammo that was supplied by SIG, BERETTA9mmUSA SR, blasts away just to make sure the magazines work, and he doesnt even shoot a group, he just blasts all the ammo away to show the magazines are reliable, what a waste of ammo, they dont even show what he's shooting, just emptying mag after mag to impress his sponsers.

they do terrible reviews

JUSTIN OPINION is a lot better gun reviewer, he always shoots groups to show the accuracy, and also does detailed disassembly and discussions on the design and technical info
Like Harrel for the subjects he presents, although fast forward through every single velocity reading he announces. Also like Hickock, but fast forward through the continual handling of the gun and same comments about accuracy.
Ultimate reloader does a good job of reviewing equipment, mostly reloading equipment. For knowledge information (educational) snipers hide is hard to be beat. Not really a reviewer. But a good watch. Panhandle precision has some reviews and educational videos as well. I like harrel and hickok is ok but they can be verbose. 8541tactical is also pretty good but wordy. I like clay martin as well.
I don't take Hickok45 seriously. I like him, I'd like to spend an afternoon shooting with him, but to me he's not a reviewer and to me he's never really presented himself as such. But then that begs the question of what you expect out of a review.

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YankeeMarshall used to be an active poster on this forum and went by the name of Playboy Penguin.

YouTube isn't something I use often or enjoy much. I like it as a resource for digging up something specific (such as a particular older music video, detailed teardown/reassembly of a firearm, or a video clip of a crime scene, etc) but for broadcasts, shows, and especially gun reviews, I have nearly no use for it whatsoever.

It helps that I have seemingly very little interest in new/current guns, I much prefer to live in the (recent) past.

In my opinion, the most helpful review of any product that I might consider buying is when a reviewer can detail for me absolutely every little bit of it that possibly disappoints or might be construed as a negative. Because it just seems to me that if I can gather up all the possible negatives, I can sift through them and see how relevant those negatives might be to me personally. I have never expected perfection in any product that I might purchase, but I feel like I have a leg-up when I can get an idea of the possible strikes against it, to consider how much those items might matter to me.

It's not that glowing reports of features are useless to me, it's more that I have no idea whatsoever of the reviewer's level of experience is in such matters. If I see, hear or read about one more shooter telling me that this particular pistol is "more accurate than I am", I'm going to vomit. Because in the real world, that nugget is wholly irrelevant and also brings your ability very much in to question. And your credibility withers.

If you are a YouTube gun reviewer and doing that generates an income for you and/or gets free stuff shipped to your door, then I raise my beer to you, that's a helluva gig and while I have less than zero desire to do that myself, I give you a nod that you've been able to pull that off. At the same time, if YouTube and every similar site ceased to exist, I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it.

Like the out of production guns that I much prefer, I also get far more enjoyment from a gun discussion forum where folks use their words and leave the video camera out of it. I don't care to watch you handle a firearm poorly or recklessly, I don't want to grit my teeth through your dumb excuses, your "expert commentary", your inaccurate capsules of history related to the manufacturer, your resume and list of qualifying experiences, I don't want to watch you fumble over putting a slide stop back in to a pistol, I don't want to hear your dehumidifier whirring in the background...

I don't care to watch your YouTube channel and I am not interested in your gun review.

But yes, as you might surmise if you have read this far... I actually am interested in your gun forum written discussion on this subject! :D
Oh I didn't know YankeeMarshall was Playboy Penguin. I remember reading his story where he almost shot his fridge at night. You see, he was already getting practice with clickbait titles :)
I like LuckyGunner. They make a video but they also post a transcript I can read instead of sitting through the uhs and ahs.
Gun magazines, youtube, and similar media are entertainment.

If you've been involved with shooting sports for a couple years, you already know what works.

Marketing is social science meshed with artistic expression. The idea is to separate people from their money, like fishing tackle is made to catch fishermen.

The short magnum and mega-magnum craze was induced-desire marketing. Once hunters figured out that a short magnum and mega-magnum will not do anything the '06 has been doing for over a century, they've faded away. Put a .30-30 Win bullet in the boiler room of the biggest elk that has ever walked Earth, and it'll hit dirt within seconds. The .300 Win Mag is an excellent cartridge, but it doesn't kill big game any deader than the '06.

I'd be in tall cotton were I hunting high ridges of the Rockies with a lightweight .308 Win carbine.

There's a reason the Model 1911-A1 remains one of our most popular handguns. The .45 ACP doesn't need high-tech bullets to work. 230 grain ball has worked for better than a century.

If you know sizzle from steak, you're good-to-go.
There's a reason the Model 1911-A1 remains one of our most popular handguns. The .45 ACP doesn't need high-tech bullets to work. 230 grain ball has worked for better than a century.

If you know sizzle from steak, you're good-to-go.

And 9mm has worked for even longer than that!

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I don’t mind gun reviewers being paid or sponsored. If there’s something wrong with a new gun, y’all old internet forum geezers would be griping about it before the first NDA gets breached. #truestory