gun publications(magazines)

Rifle is my favorite (and I borrow one from my two brothers or my Dad, go figure). American Guardian or Rifleman ain't bad. Finally got one brother to join the NRA, I'll get to see what the American Hunter is like. SOF ain't too bad. OLD issues about machine guns you could buy and when certain places were still fighting hot wars against Ivan are quite interesting.

BAB--Really there kind of the same no vast differences IMO. But AG seems more geared to novices, police, and CC. AR seems more for the non-novice who already knows there way around firearms. I prefer AR to AG.

[This message has been edited by Prichard (edited July 28, 1999).]
The Gun Tests argument has been around a while. My feeling is that sure they only test one sample, but how many are you going to buy? I don't subscribe to the idea that a gun company should be allowed a certain number of lemons. Their lemon might get me killed. But that means no customer complaint, right?

SOF is the best of the bunch. It has much to offer in choice invective and a comedy of opinions against our crazy government. Also, it's about $12.00 a year for a subscription subscribed over their internet site.
Tactical Shooter is a favorite. Also enjoy Wolfe Publishing's Rifle. American Rifleman is getting better now. I get Muzzle Blasts and am thinking of subscribing to another blackpowder magazine. Precision Shooter is also good, but I don't subscribe to it.

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