gun publications(magazines)

I'm not real impressed with the new format of good ole Guns and Ammo, lately. Only good part is Cooper's Commentaries, and I tend to either get those on the web or read the back page at the supermarket.

Shooting Times is quite good, lately, but I've known one of their writers, Jim Wilson, all my life, so I may be biased. His knowlege is deep, and he picks a pretty decent guitar, to boot.

There's another that I've been meaning to check out... Gun List? something like that, that is by subscription, that takes no advertising, kind of like Consumer Reports.

One of my main beefs with G&A, which was either sold by Peterson, or Peterson Publishing was sold to someone else, is not only the look, but the fact that they've just put in a Ruger-sponsored Ruger Page, which advises how to shoot long range (buy a new heavy barreled M-77), how to go pistol-hunting (buy a Super Redhawk), and how to shoot in small-bore matches (buy a 10/.22 or a Mark IV). Real objective....
The only ones that I even look at are American Handgunner, Guns, Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement, and Combat Handguns.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
"Gun Test" is the publication you are looking for, I believe. "Gun List" is like "Shotgun News". I subscribed to Gun Test the first couple years they were printed. The idea of testing products without the influence of advertisers is appealing.
Early on they used some very unscientific methods during their testing that negated the results IMHO. I still read it 'cause a buddy gets it. It's much better now, although they are making critical decisions that can affect consumer buying habits on a single sample. Everyone makes a lemon now and then.
Over the years I think I've subscribed to just about every gun rag in existence. I've dropped all but three. American Handgunner (John Taffin), Shooting Times (Mike Venturino), and of course American Rifleman.

Although its not strictly a gun magazine, I've always enjoyed "Soldier of Fortune". Its format reminds me allot of GOA's no compromise stratedgy. Their pieces about various firearms are always precise and tested through field and military use. Along with a no nonsense commentary of the world sit-rep, they take you behind the scenes of international and domestic conflicts, and tell the truth regardless of what you think may be happening.
I've tried most all of them. I usually subscribe to one or two of the major publications each year. Then switch to another the next year. This year it's been G&A. I've not been overly impressed. Keep thinking of going back to American Handgunner but still would want something for longarms. Will probably try American Handgunner and Shooting Times this next time.
Also get Small Arms Review Excellent magazine, deals more in class three and military small arms, accessories and weapon systems, also has a review of small arms weapons etc. happennings around the world, and a class three legal section.
At one time or another I've also subscribed to most of the major gun magazines. Either to save money or from loss of interest, I eventually allowed all the subscriptions to lapse except "Gun Tests" and "Man at Arms," both of which, to me, are keepers. Of course, I also receive the "American Rifleman" and think highly of it as well.

As my name might imply, my favorite mags. are "Shotgun Sports", and of course the American Rifleman. My wife gets the American Hunter.
For shotgunning, Shotgun Sports can't be beat.
Re gun publications, anyone tried Handloader and or Rifle magazines? They are published by Wolfe Publishing, Prescott, AZ.
Most of the Harris pubs (COMBAT HANDGUNS, etc.) are pretty good. AMERICAN HANDGUNNER is interesting too. TACTICAL SHOOTER, PRECISION SHOOTING, RIFLE, and HANDLOADER are very good within their disciplines.

GUN TESTS is a good example of a fine idea, badly executed. Don't waste your money.

Even the mainstays like SHOOTING TIMES, G&A, and so forth have something decent from time to time. ALL of the gun mags should be read in "BS Detector ON" mode. Sometimes the authors are being shills. Other times they're just wrong. Don't think of gun mags as an unimpeachable source of infallible information. Think of the articles as "opinion" pieces and you'll be okay.

As Claire Rees once said when addressing the Outdoor Writers of America, "Hello, mine name is Claire Rees, I write about guns for money". That about somes it up.

Only one I still get is Handloader. If I see something interesting on the newstand, I'll grab it.
Let's see. How do I rate the gun magazines?
In this order, from best to the worst of the bunch.
* Really a special category. I bought a .22 rifle they recommended. They tested with target ammo. Mine outshot theirs by about .004 inch with cheap loss leader ammo. Go figure. Groups of .25 inch average at 50 yds. ain't nothin' to sneeze at, especially when I shoot them. LOL.

I believe Peterson sold out to some British (?)outfit. Remember, the gun rags first loyalty is to their advertisers, not you the reader. Don't you dare say anything bad about the Remchester .292 Tornado or we'll drop our ad account. Look at the price of a GUNTESTS subscription, and you'll see the difference. Years ago, the RIFLEMAN would be honest about a gun test. Even they have caved in on that issue in my opinion. About the only honesty they still have is in the groups fired. (It's either that or the other writers in the other rags are better shots, and I seriously doubt that.) I can say that about the AR because I have every issue from mid 1936 to the present. What more can I say?
Paul B.
I recently started getting "American Handgunner", and my basic observations are:

Plus side: They are telling the truth when they say they don't mince words and tell it like it is with respect to product evals, etc.

Negative: I'm quite unimpressed with the overall content - not a lot of substance; articles are too short w/lack of depth; writing is often awkward, incomplete, or redundant. I had just expected a better-than-average rag, but got average.

Just sent off for "GUN TESTS", which sounds excellent - So Roscoe, what do you mean by good idea, badly executed? Thanks.
1:American Handgunner
3:Guns&Weapons for LE
4:Shooting Times
6:Combat Handguns

Handguns is going through some changes that might prove to be interesting. Gun World really sucks IMO. Don't know if it's still around but Handgunning sucked too. G&A is ok for a beginner, but after a while it's about useless. American Rifleman and Gaurdian are just political reports, but I favor Gaurdian. That's all I can remember reading.
1- American Handgunner
2- Front Sight
3- American Rifleman
Sometimes SOF, I can't stand the rest, especially G&A with that pompous jerk on the last page.
I guess I gave up on the "commercial" gunzines, anymore its Precision Shooting, Tactical Shooter, Shooter's News, and Handloader. I keep meaning to add Rifle but the rifles they're most interested in were made long ago by unwashed curmudgeons, and there MUST be less than six in existence at this time. ;) Welll, maybe a slight exaggeration... :)

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
Well, since we're on this topic...

I need thoughts/opinions on American Rifleman vs. American Guardian. How do they compare? What type of content will I find in each? What are the similarities and the differences? Etc, etc.

Thanks all.