To expand on the post:
When our country was founded, we didn't have gun control laws (like we have now, I know that some towns had a leave your guns at the sheriffs office deal) until around 1934. We've been going down the road of more and more gun controls laws and quite frankly, they aren't working.
So why not go down the other road? If you're not getting anywhere on the road that you are on, do you keep on going? Or do you turn around and see if the opposite direction will get you to where you need to be?
I could never quite grasp this concept, that if it's not working then keep on going down the same road and hope that you will get to where you wish to be. I've driven this United States of America three times and when I find myself not getting to where I should be, I turn around or take different routes until I find and get where I want to be.
The anti's yell and scream about blood in the streets, but according to them right now, there is already blood in the streets and gun control has been going on for many, many decades. This, to a normal, mentally sane, person would show that it's just not working.
So turn around, if there is already blood in the streets then the flow won't stop if we try something new, like freedom. But why are they so afraid to try all aspects and "roads" and then see what works and what doesn't? We already know that gun control doesn't work, so therefore, maybe everyone with guns will work.
It's really time to put out all this PC'ness and get back to living our lives free of fear. We shouldn't fear the DA's, or the judges, or the person walking down the street that turns out to be arrested 26 times and then ends up attacking and killing a little girl. With the right tools, and the right attitudes, we should be able to go about our business knowing that we have all the tools, and the law, necessary to pursuit our Life and Liberty.
And forth and foremost, we owe it to those that can't protect themselves, our children and others, to take the responsibility to do so. I would rather see the news headline that the shooter was taken down before any more carnage could happen. The person that took him/her down, a citizen that carried a gun because in America, this is a Right.
For those that think that gun bans are the right thing to do and to ensure that our children and older people are helpless, then please move to England or anyother of the countries that disarm their people. Just please have enough money so you can pay for "protection".