Gun Owners For Ron Paul

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Here at RedState, we were 100% honest and straightforward about our new policy regarding Ron Paul spammers. It's our site, it's private property, and it's a user-driven community, which means that its functionality is largely dependent on our users playing well with others (which is a large part of why we have the Posting Rules linked at the top of the page, and why we reserve the right to ban folks who come here for the sole purpose of spamming or causing trouble).

I think that says a lot.

Me, I just can't wait till the primary is OVER, so they'll go away. BTW, the "grassroots" support in NH is almost entirely carpetbaggers. Not natives, not longtime residents.
Maned: with all the jockeying with primary dates, maybe NH won't be subject to the limelight every 4 years? Too bad, it was a quaint tradition (posted by someone born and raised in NH:o As a kid I remember shaking Jimmy Carter's hand in a diner before anyone knew who he was. My mother met Clinton at a church bingo game - she said he had nice hair.)

All: Who said a message can't be entertaining? click on hi-fi :)
Ron Paul support from the gun community will add to the negative image of the gun community. Ron Paul'c close association with the American Free Press, a publication that has close ties to white supremacist, neo-Nazi, anit-Semetic wierdos, should cause any freedom loving American to have pause in their support for this man. Ron Paul has not repudiated this publication or those wackos who are supported by the owners of the publication, and that gives a reasonable person the idea that he must agree with them. There are many Americans who do not own guns but who could be reasonably educated on the 2nd Amendment, but when they are convinced that gun owners are a bunch of dim-witted rednecks they are not inclined to even listen to us. If we ever hope to return America to a place where the 2nd Amendment is given the same respect and reverance as the 1st Amendment, we need to make sure that gun supporters are not seen as clones of the Ron Paul loony camp. Finally, if you are a Ron Paul supporter, how do you feel about his associates who run the Cross and Crescent organization, a group that says Muslims and Christians are being mislead by, you guessed it, the Jews and that it is the Jews that run the world, cause all the wars, and are the real problem, not Islamic-fascist terrorists who attacked us (of course they believe that the World Trade Center attack was by the Jews (who else?) and not Islamic terrorists. Ron Paul supports the 2nd Amendment, but that is not nearly enough to even consider him as a viable candidate and not the fringe fanatic that he really is.
Ron Paul has not repudiated this publication or those wackos who are supported by the owners of the publication, and that gives a reasonable person the idea that he must agree with them.

I don't think he agrees with them, I just think he's disconnected and naive. His babbling about going back to 19th century gold standards that would not work in a global, instant-electronic-transaction economy proves that. His babbling encouraging a "hide under the bed" foreign policy that would bring terrorists here to try to bring about their new caliphate of oppression shows that as well.

He just has no idea how the world works. And that includes not realizing that when you promote an anarchist, isolationist policy...groups like hate groups, neo-nazis and others will immediately latch onto it, as that perfectly suits their paranoid perception of reality.

He just really has no clue how the world works, or how bad some people out there can be.
He just really has no clue how the world works, or how bad some people out there can be

I agree with Manedwolf. When the two of us agree on something, perhaps once or twice a year, you can take it to the bank.
Maned: with all the jockeying with primary dates, maybe NH won't be subject to the limelight every 4 years?

Oh, I like the primaries! I can see candidates in person, right in my town! I just hate THIS one, because, well...look what they're planning to do, now:

The aim of this effort is to gather over one thousand of Ron Paul's most enthusiastic, dedicated supporters from around the country and have them converge on New Hampshire in the days and weeks leading up to the State's primary.

I've also spoken to folks in the Free State Project and many of them have generously offered to house volunteers who're travelling to New Hampshire. It may have a bit of a frat-house feel to it, but I think it will be a tremondously fun experience to camp out with other enthusiastic Ron Paul supporters, and travel around New Hampshire spreading a message we all believe is important.


The "9-11 Truthers" like the ones who just shouted at Bill Maher and Clinton, who adamantly support him, are planning similar. I am definitely going to be carrying and backup carrying any time I go downtown as a result...these people are scary. They're the ones who supported and gave weapons to the Browns, the violent tax evaders. I fully expect them to do something violent one of these days to get their deluded "point" across. :(

Poor cops are going to be working overtime. They're not used to dealing with the "noncooperative going limp when they deliberately get themselves arrested" and other garbage these people pull. One just did that in Milford, little town, insisting that they didn't need a license and registration to drive after being pulled over going 72 in a 55. The poor cops had to risk a hernia carrying her to the cruiser, while another of their people videotaped and shouted at the "oppressors". I don't want thousands more doing that, tying up traffic, tying up the police and fire departments that are not equipped to deal with it.
The "9-11 Truthers" like the ones who just shouted at Bill Maher and Clinton, who adamantly support him, are planning similar.

I don't think that they are RP supporters, are they? I think they are mainly comprised of the wacko left-wing libs like Rosie O'Donnel. Regardless, it would stink to have them in your town for a couple of weeks. I'd suggest walking up to them, stating that you are an IRS agent and that the IRS is watching, and then walking away with a smug look on your face. :D

The good folks in Iowa and NH will let us know who the probable candidate will be for each party. I like those primaries because the voters often completely befuddle the media pollsters. Weeks before the last Demo primary in Iowa, everyone in the media was screaming about how Howard Dean couldn't lose. The good folks in Iowa disagreed, despite the Deaniacs (with their weird hats) who converged en mass there a week or so before the primary.
Yeah, that Fox, and the Freemasons, and Skull and Bones, too! They're the real enemy! And the landlines! And the Gallup/Zogby organizations! A huge conspiracy against Ron Paul! Don't worry about terrorists!


Just kidding! :D Ya never know how the primaries will work out. Maybe Paul will win in Iowa.
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Yeah, that's it- if MY candidate didn't win, it MUST be a conspiracy.

Mitt buys his support
Rudy is the Clinton of the GOP
Fred is boring no fire

who else has the conservative track record?
For me its Paul.
I like my guns. (but in this election, I'm fighting dem voters as well as other GOP voters)

the bill of rights/individual liberty is very unpopluar right now. (who else talks about this other than Paul?)
Ron Paul is the only viable option. He's a Libertarian at heart. I really wish he was running under that ticket though and not the Republican one.
I'll agree with that. I'll even add that he's more of a player than the media would admit. Unfortunately, he's been too vocally supportive of Bush and the Iraq war. That's exactly what the electorate is voting against in '08.
He's also not going to pull any support from under the Dems as Paul has been doing.
Huckabee's not terrible, but he doesn't have the support, funding, or chance to win the general election that Paul does.
And he's not very smart. The american people are tired of having someone in charge who isn't as smart as the average citizen. The next president will have to be seen as at least smarter than a fifth grader.
Huckabee's not terrible, but he doesn't have the support, funding, or chance to win the general election that Paul does.

And I guess a candidate who is polling about 2% nationally does? I have a better chance at winning the lotto than Ron Paul does of getting the Republican nomination.
His babbling about going back to 19th century gold standards that would not work in a global, instant-electronic-transaction economy proves that.

I'll take that bait.
So you're saying that our present system of currency where your dollar represents what the government says it represents and that can be just a binary code that represents a dollar is worth more or more valuable than some binary code that represents an ounce of gold is preferable?

You can have a gold standard of currency (so long as the government has gold to back it) and still have your paycheck delivered by electrons rather than in a sack full of gold. You simply have to know that what a bill used to represent when we got paid in cash or check is now represented by electronic transfer of digits from one bank to the next.

All the Government needs to do is tell us to bring your printed electronic notes (dollars) to us and we will give you that much in gold.

It can work if you're a bit less creative than the ones who gave us the floating dollar.
Gun owners may be for Ron Paul, but Ron Paul is not for gun manufacturers. Ron Paul voted against the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. He didn't care that the gun manufacturers were being sued out of business. :(
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