Gun Owners For Ron Paul

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That site needs some serious cleaning up. First of all, tiled background images are lame. Images need to be resized before being uploaded, not by the browser. Information is all over the place, a little organization would be do wonders. Also, playing music in a browser is just rude, especially if someone has to install quicktime to do it. :barf:

Sorry but I don't think this thread is going to last long (there's no actual information or topic here to discuss) so I figured I'd give you some pointers. Clean up your code a little. :p
Yep, Ron Paul may not have such slick websites as the lobbyist moneybags' owned and bought and paid for whores - the Dragon Lady from Hell, Giuliani, Romney, Baraka, and the rest - but that ain't what counts, partner!!!
Actually he does have a slick website. It doesn't take large amounts of money to pay a decent coder.

That being said, in this case it is what counts. Ron Paul's best hope for success is Generations X and Y. Young people that spend more time on the internet than their parents spent at the local skating rink or hamburger joint in their youth are the ones he's trying to court. Kids on college campuses and those that just graduated and realize how screwed up the current system is.

People like that care about well-made sites because it speaks directly to ones ability to hire a competent person to perform a simple task. Fortunately that site doesn't represent the campaign, but I'm saying if you want people to visit your site on a frequent basis and pay attention to your message you're going to have to step up your game.
OK, thanks, good constructive criticism. It's not my site, though. Someone just sent it to me and I just spread it around. I'm no computer expert. I can't really comment on website construction, but the images look OK to me and I don't hear any music. Maybe it comes in different on different browsers. I'm using Firefox.
Yep, Ron Paul may not have such slick websites as the lobbyist moneybags' owned and bought and paid for whores - the Dragon Lady from Hell, Giuliani, Romney, Baraka, and the rest - but that ain't what counts, partner!!!

So his supporters are absolutely incompetent and lack 21st century job skills like creating attractive, functional websites?

Not surprised! :D

(smoking pot tends to dull one's technical abilities and limit memory, after all!)
I happen to know the guy who put that website together. He's not a pothead and I resent your insinuation. Considering the fact that he's not a member of the campaign, put it up on his own dime, and programmed it himself I think you guys should cut him a little slack.
The website serves it's purpose well enough.
So his supporters are absolutely incompetent and lack 21st century job skills
He's a gunsmith.
OK, thanks, good constructive criticism. It's not my site, though. Someone just sent it to me and I just spread it around. I'm no computer expert. I can't really comment on website construction, but the images look OK to me and I don't hear any music. Maybe it comes in different on different browsers. I'm using Firefox.
:cool: yeah, I'm not very good at coding websites either which is why if I need something nice put together I hire someone else to do it for me :p

and go Firefox!
and programmed it himself I think you guys should cut him a little slack.
The website serves it's purpose well enough.
If he's never had any experiencing in building websites he didn't go a bad job of putting it together. But I recommend he poke through some other candidate sites and polish it up a bit. :)
"Every time a misrepresentation or slander is made against him by opponents or their supporters they are ACKNOWLEDGING his relevance and that he threatens them."- Overheard on TFL

That's the truth!
"Every time a misrepresentation or slander is made against him by opponents or their supporters they are ACKNOWLEDGING his relevance and that he threatens them."- Overheard on TFL

Wow, that sounds...almost like a religion.

Paulians really are becoming a cult.

back off for a while, okay? Your "Paulian" bashing is getting a bit tiresome.

Don't like the guy? Don't vote for him. Simple enough.

back off for a while, okay? Your "Paulian" bashing is getting a bit tiresome.

Don't like the guy? Don't vote for him. Simple enough.

I apologize, it's just that if you lived where I lived, (NH, right in the middle of primary campaigning ground in the Merrimack valley, right where all the candidates are hanging out all the time), you might be a little fed up with them as well. :(

Anytime I happen to be anywhere where there's any political goings-on, which might even be my favorite diner, considered "iconic" enough to be a campaign stop for many, there's a bunch of the more wild-eyed ones prostelyzing, even adding the "9/11 was an inside job" stuff, and, well...ever been approached by those colorful wild-eyed street preachers endemic to some larger cities? It's a lot like that, and it's gotten really tiresome over the past few months, so I harbor a bit of resentment.

But I understand, I'll leave off them.
Wow, that sounds...almost like a religion.

Paulians really are becoming a cult.

Manedwolf its OK if you like the party of RINO' should be very happy with the party in the last ten years.

Give your current party enough time.....they will "compromise" on something that you too care about. Then maybe you will give a sh&*.
So his supporters are absolutely incompetent and lack 21st century job skills

He's a gunsmith.

Oh that's classic - Pwned you, Manedwolf! :D Or does MW think that gunsmithing skills are outdated skills - maybe if you're not a techno-nerd, you have no place in society, eh MW? Hint: you're way out of line, and you look extremely silly and desperate when you grasp at straws like that to bash Ron Paul and his campaign.
Hint: you're way out of line, and you look extremely silly and desperate when you grasp at straws like that to bash Ron Paul and his campaign.

With all due respect, after watching Paul's performance in the last debate, "extremely silly and desparate" is not words I'd use to describe his detractors. I'd apply that to him, actually, based on his rising voice and utter loss of composure in the face of the other candidates and moderator questions.

Did you watch the debate? It was downright painful to see that performance on a Republican stage. He was increasingly shrill and out of control, definitely not the gravitas or composure expected of a President, a Commander in Chief or any other title he'd have to wear. He fell for every baiting question meant to make him lose his composure...and did so.

Please watch the debate again. Hillary would bait him in the one-on-one debates as well, then just stand back smugly as he got higher and higher in pitch...and how would that look?
Wow, that sounds...almost like a religion.
The funny part is I lifted that quote from a "FredHead". :D
I swiped it because nobody ever spent all their time claiming F D T was irrelavant.
Sorry you're so annoyed with Paul's massive grassroots in NH (live free or die, dontcha know). At least you can personally attest to the size and scope of his following, so if anybody claims that the polls are being hacked or whatever you know it to be false.
And you also know that a buncha stoned hippies with no marketable skills can't generate the kind of money he's getting, so obviously they're not alone in financially supporting the campaign.

Don't feel too bad. You're not alone. This thing is nationwide.
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