Gun or Glasses?


New member
This may seem like a silly question, but if you heard something in the middle of the night and deemed it serious enough to get your gun, would you put on your glasses first?

I’ve had a night stand .357 for the last 8 years and have gone to it on two occasions – false alarms, thank God.

When I replay these incidents in my head, I do remember that I’ve put on my glasses before getting the gun from my drawer. I’m not sure if this was the right move. I’m blind as a bat without glasses or contacts, so I want to see what I’m shooting at, but at the same time maybe it’s best to be armed first, then worry about the glasses.

Depends on your eyes . For me I'd put on ear protection [kept next to the gun] as that muzzle blast may have great effect on me .
Glasses first. If you can't see, you can't aim. As far as ears, I keep amplified shooter's muffs handy (right next to where I put my glasses at night). If the dog wakes me, I put on in order: glasses, muffs, robe, pistol. I let the dog go first by opening the bedroom door. If I hear the sounds of dog in contact with somebody, the pistol comes up as I prepare the next set of things to do. Luckily, it has never gone that far.
glasses always. if you cant see whats in front of you, you will have legal issues. years of perusing those "tactical selfdefense legal" columns in gun magazines has shown that impairment to vision has caused a high ratio of cases get tossed, or homeowners go to jail simply because they had no ability to identify an intruder.

meaning i once read a case were a homeowner shot their own kid because the homeowner couldnt identify the silhoute of a stranger in the house because they refused to speak when confronted.

its why police LOVE those tritium night sights. its the old adage from the companies, if ya cant see it, ya cant identify it, and ya aim at it.
I keep my glasses about 4 feet from my bed, while by gun is less than 1. The plan for me would be gun THEN glasses while leaving my bedroom. The good news is I only have one other person in my home (wife to be) who is short and blonde. My eyes are more than good enough to tell if someone is blonde and short at 25 yards, considering the ranges we are talking about are in the 1-5 yard range then glasses would not really be an issue one way or another.
If you're blind as a bat without glasses, it makes no sense to even think about getting your gun before your glasses. How can you identify your target or distinguish friend from foe?

My nightstand gun sits on a rack beside the bed. In addition to the gun, the rack has a place for my tactical flashlight and an area to put my glasses, all conveniently located in one nice stand. Although the stand has no place for extra mags, they are near by.

Check out:
Illinois(thankfully) does NOT have a retreat clause. I would have no qualms about confronting an intruder in my home. I am not the type to just "wait" and hope the guy doesn't come charging in to assault me or my wife to be.
I wear glasses, but can see well enough that I would go for the gun first.
I think it is unwise to try to clear your house unless kids or others would be exposed to danger if you did not attempt to locate an intruder.

The one who is moving is at a disadvantage, and so wisdom dictates that staying put and calling the police is the safest course of action.

Posted by Patriot86: I would have no qualms about confronting an intruder in my home. I am not the type to just "wait" and hope the guy doesn't come charging in to assault me or my wife to be.
I don't know about "qualms", but your chances of getting through it alive and uninjured are far higher if the intruder does come to you. See this; listen, and learn.
Glass's first for me, because I can't see clearly after 6 inch's from my face. So I need to know what I am shooting, weather it is friend or foe.
This may seem like a silly question, but if you heard something in the middle of the night and deemed it serious enough to get your gun, would you put on your glasses first?

Only the dynamics of the situation could answer that question.

I have a set of Peltor electronic muffs nearby that I'd like to put on if something's going on in the night---doesn't mean I'd have time to get to them or my glasses. Gun is the first priority, but you'd need your glasses to use your phone.

Certain situations develop real fast. Others give you more warning.
Glasses if you can [and have the time]..

be operational [glasses & firearm or simply firearm] is best.

Had a situation on drive across Montana, pulled into state campground about 11;30, did recon to and from restroom. rolled out the sleeping bag and grab some shut-eye. about 4:30 heard an engine turn-over. sat-up and looked around, about 100 yds up road headlights came on and a pick-up turned -around. Its' headlight illuminating my vehicle, watched it slowly pull next to me.

I reached around the driver seat and put the parking lights on, for a low-leve
360 degree and slowly did an observation sweep, my SS6 was in my hand.

Due to tinted windows the pick-up was limited on the interior view and decided to vacate. I waited an half-hour and followed.

Only put glasses on for driving.
You must be able to identify a threat. If you need glasses to do so; then glasses before gun.

Being able to identify a threat is a good reason to have a tactical flashlight and know how to use it correctly. If you can't identify a threat positively because it is too dark; what do you do?

Amplified hearing protection is great for me. I have hearing loss and can't tell which direction a sound comes from any more. But with amplified stereo hearing protection I can tell direction.
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"...I’m blind as a bat without glasses..." That answers your question.
"...Get a dog to buy you some time..." Yep, but it's more about early warning. Fido can hear stuff long before you will.
Everyone here pretty much has it right. You have to see threat to disengage threat. That said, I'm another one who loves yard dogs for help. We live I'n the country, town has around 3000 population. I have about 1 1/2 acres fenced for my German shepherd and my kids lab. We only see about 2 cars a day come down dirt road but a dog can tell you 1/4 mile way someone is coming. Just my two cents
If you're blind as a bat without glasses, it makes no sense to even think about getting your gun before your glasses. How can you identify your target or distinguish friend from foe?

Neither does taking the seconds to put on the glasses only to have the badguy on you before you get the gun.

Well I guess you could see it coming (meaning death) better LOL.

I vote gun then glasses and both should be side by side.